This storybook about wisdom is part of the Seven Teachings Stories. The series would be suitable for a classroom library, leveled reading or a classroom discussion on values. For the names that are in Anishinaabe, there is a pronunciation guide at the end of the book.
Record posted/updated:
February 9, 2023
Be Safe! (formerly called the c.a.r.e. kit) is a personal safety program for children, focusing on preventing child sexual abuse. This resource introduces young students to the concepts of children's rights, safe and supportive friendships, adults' responsibility to protect children from harm and safe/unsafe touching. The kit includes lesson cards, a mascot puppet, a CD of songs, a resource guide for educators and information for parents.
Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Record posted/updated:
February 8, 2019
Tiny, bird-like Eliza feels scared and powerless to help the new girl Lainey when her schoolmates taunt her because of her tattered, mismatched clothing and wild yellow hair. She watches shamefully as the sunlight and birds fade from Lainey's once-cheerful drawings. Eliza tells her mother about Lainey and her sad pictures. After this discussion, Eliza "finds her wings" and she is able to defend and befriend Eliza with confidence. The poetic language is complemented beautifully with hazy, surrealistic-style images.
Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2020
This website provides information relating to Canada's Food Guide, including: food choices, eating habits, recipes and tips.
Record posted/updated:
April 27, 2019
With realistic-style, softly coloured illustrations and expressive text, Rosenthal explains character traits in a non-didactic way that young children can easily understand - through cookies. For example, "respect" means offering the first cookie to your grandmother and "greedy" means that one person hoards all the cookies.
This book was nominated for the 2009 Grand Canyon Reader Award.
Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024
This website provides information on how to make healthy choices by learning to read nutrition labels found on prepackaged food and drink.
Record posted/updated:
August 29, 2019
This picture book tells the story of Jenneli, a young girl who feels she is not special until her grandmother teaches her the Métis Red River Jig. Jenneli has fun dancing with her grandmother until the day that Grandma Lucee enters her in a jig contest. Jenneli is terrified, but with encouragement from her grandmother, she manages to participate in the contest and to feel good about her accomplishment. Colourful, cartoon-style illustrations complement the text. Jenneli's Dance includes an information section on the Red River Jig.
Record posted/updated:
January 16, 2025
The mission of Kids Help Phone is to improve the well-being of Canadian children and youth by providing them with anonymous and confidential professional counselling, referrals and information through technologically based communications media. Children can phone a counsellor directly at 1-800-668-6868 or communicate with a counsellor online. The service is available in French and English 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2019
This storybook about respect is part of the Seven Teachings Stories series. The series would be suitable for a classroom library, leveled reading or a classroom discussion on values. For the names that are in Anishinaabe, there is a pronunciation guide at the end of the book.
Record posted/updated:
February 9, 2023
At first, a young girl named Lily is afraid of a gruff homeless man who sells papers on the street. Later, as Lily snuggles down in her warm bed on a cold wintry night, she worries about the homeless man whose toes stick through his shoes. Lily discusses her concern with her doll and comes up with an action plan. This is a heart-warming story that carries valuable messages about caring for others and how a young child can make a positive difference in someone's life. The realistic-style paintings capture the various emotions felt by the characters in this touching story.
Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2020
In this appealing picture book, a wise, chocolate-dappled dachshund explains how humans can safely meet him and his canine friends. Cartoon-style, watercolour illustrations complement the easy-to-read text.
Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2020
This storybook about honesty is part of the Seven Teachings Stories. The series would be suitable for a classroom library, leveled reading or a classroom discussion on values. For the names that are in Anishinaabe, there is a pronunciation guide at the end of the book.
Record posted/updated:
February 9, 2023
This series of easy-to-read books provides valuable suggestions regarding hygiene, exercise, anatomy and healthy habits. The series offers numerous colour photographs, diagrams, questions and activities. Each book includes a table of contents, a glossary, notes for parents and teachers and an index.
Please see the related resources below.
Record posted/updated:
November 13, 2019
Designed for educators, administrators and parents, this book helps readers to recognize bullying problems and offers strategies to help rectify the problems. No Room for Bullies offers ways to measure the social climate of a school; a 12-point checklist on preventing problems in hallways, classrooms and common areas; advice for establishing and reinforcing classroom rules; a safe Internet-surfing contract for students and more. Included are a table of contents, lists of resources and an index.
Record posted/updated:
April 27, 2019
Richly illustrated with colourful collages, this picture book tells the story of a little pebble that wants more from life than just sitting on the beach. One day, in spite of discouragement from its fellow rocks, the pebble finds purpose in the palm of a young boy who claims it as his own and comes to understand that different does not mean better or worse.
Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018
Tailored for adults, this resource clearly defines various types of abuse, neglect and harassment. It outlines indications of problems and their effects on children and youth. Readers will learn of the barriers and benefits to preventing violence and methods for proactively building safer relationships within schools and communities. Included are a table of contents and a bibliography of related resources.
Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018
PHAC has health information for children, youth, adults, seniors and First Nations and Métis people, including the following: Comprehensive School Health; What is HIV/AIDS?; Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education and a Hepatitis B Fact Sheet.
Record posted/updated:
September 6, 2019
Sandy loves to visit her grandpa's house by the beach where she and her dog, Pepper, play in the sand. One day, Sandy's walk to the beach is ruined because the sand is littered with garbage. Sandy wonders who would do this to a beautiful place. She then meets the Garbage Lady who keeps the beach clean by recycling materials that she has found. The Garbage Lady teaches Sandy that by recycling and reusing items, she is shrinking her footprint. At the back of the book are 12 suggestions for shrinking our footprints.
Record posted/updated:
August 16, 2020
Health information from periodicals and other sources is available from the InfoTrac database, Health and Wellness Resource Centre. The following e-books also provide health information: Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol, Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine and Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health.
Record posted/updated:
August 29, 2019
The ministry has a wealth of health-related information within a Saskatchewan context.
Record posted/updated:
September 6, 2019
With a focus on transforming viewers into bully detectives, this program addresses how to recognize various types of bullies, appreciate how bullies make others feel and understand what kids really think about bullies. This program encourages kids to consider the consequences of their own behaviour and understand the behaviour of others.
A teacher's guide is available.
Record posted/updated:
January 16, 2025
In four days, Shi-shi-etko leaves for residential school. Before she leaves, Shi-shi-etko's mother, father and Yayah share teachings they want her to remember. Shi-shi-etko learns to treasure the world that surrounds her. Yaya gives Shi-shi-etko a small bag made from deer hide and sinew. She tells Shi-shi-etko that the bag is to store memories. Shi-shi-etko carefully collects berries, roots and flowers for her bag of memories. When the truck arrives to pick up Shi-shi-etko, she goes to a giant fir tree, offers tobacco and tucks the memory bag inside its roots.
Teachers will need to provide a historical context about residential schools and the impact on First Nations people.
This video is a dramatization of the picture book by Nicola I. Campbell and illustrated by Kim LaFave. The book was selected as co-winner for the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Book of the Year, Ânskohk Aboriginal Literary Festival. The video won the 2009 Best Short Drama, Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festival and the Best Canadian Short Drama, ImagineNATIVE 2009.
Truth and Reconciliation
Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024
In four days, Shi-shi-etko leaves for residential school. Before she leaves, Shi-shi-etko's mother, father and Yayah share teachings they want her to remember. Shi-shi-etko learns to treasure the world that surrounds her. Yaya gives Shi-shi-etko a small bag made from deer hide and sinew. She tells Shi-shi-etko that the bag is to store memories. Shi-shi-etko carefully collects berries, roots and flowers for her bag of memories. When the truck arrives to pick up Shi-shi-etko, she goes to a giant fir tree, offers tobacco and tucks the memory bag inside its roots.
The book was selected as co-winner for the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Book of the Year, Ânskohk Aboriginal Literary Festival.
Truth and Reconciliation
Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024
Arriving at school, Shi-shi-etko reminds Shin-chi that they can only use their English names and cannot speak to each other. Shin-chi's life becomes an endless cycle of church, mass, school, work and skimpy meals. His father sends him a gift - a cedar canoe. The river provides solace for Shin-chi as he dreams of the day when the sock-eye salmon return to the river and he can go back home. Campbell provides young children the opportunity to explore the issue of First Nations children sent to residential schools.
The book was a finalist for the 2008 Governor-General's Literary award for Children's Literature - illustration.
Truth and Reconciliation
Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024
This storybook about humility is part of the Seven Teachings Stories. The series would be suitable for a classroom library, leveled reading or a classroom discussion on values. For the names that are in Anishinaabe, there is a pronunciation guide at the end of the book.
Record posted/updated:
February 9, 2023
This book from the Looking after Me Series is about a young boy named Jimmy who tries to heal his sick teddy bear by giving him various medicines that he finds in his home. When Jimmy's mother discovers what he is doing, she helps Jimmy to realize that medicines are not magic potions and that they can be harmful if not taken properly. When Jimmy develops a cough and earache, he visits the doctor who prescribes antibiotics. Through Jimmy's experiences, he learns about various types of medicines and how to take them safely. Colourful, cartoon-style illustrations enhance the easy-to-read text. The book includes notes for parents and teachers, a brief bibliography of books for further learning, an activity that can be done individually or as a class and an index.
Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018
This storybook about courage is part of the Seven Teachings Stories. The series would be suitable for a classroom library, leveled reading or a classroom discussion on values. For the names that are in Anishinaabe, there is a pronunciation guide at the end of the book.
Record posted/updated:
February 9, 2023
Developed in both Michif and English, this book and compact disc focus on the memories of Moushoom as he recalls the experience of finding the giving tree with his parents. This retelling of a traditional story highlights Métis core values and beliefs including strength, kindness, courage, tolerance, honesty, respect, love, sharing, caring, balance, patience and most of all - a meaningful connection with the Creator and Mother Earth.
Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018
This storybook about love is part of the Seven Teachings Stories. The series would be suitable for a classroom library, leveled reading or a classroom discussion on values. For the names that are in Anishinaabe, there is a pronunciation guide at the end of the book.
Record posted/updated:
February 9, 2023
Told in the first person by Maria, a young girl from Suriname, South America, this picture book tells her story about growing up and facing problems that she did not understand at the time. Orphaned at a young age, Maria helps look after her little sister, Willie. When Maria faces rejection at school because her parents died from AIDS, she feels sad, but she soon comes to realize that she is a remarkable girl. Although not directly mentioned, this gentle narrative serves as a basis for discussing how the HI virus is not spread and it leads to the broader topic of demonstrating compassion for people who are ill. The children from Suriname were instrumental in the development of the colourful illustrations.
Record posted/updated:
November 7, 2019
At the beginning of this video, an adult host defines "considerate" as caring about how another person feels. Through two age-appropriate scenarios, the resource demonstrates to young viewers ways to show consideration and how consideration not only benefits others but improves one's self-esteem. A lively song enhances the program.
Record posted/updated:
July 2, 2020
This storybook is about a little girl who was taught by her grandmother to tell her troubles to a rock. She followed this teaching when she had a fight with her brother and after a few days, she felt better. Later in life, Trudy became a knowledge keeper and she was able pass her grandmother’s teaching to her grandchildren.
Record posted/updated:
February 9, 2023
A young girl named Violet is upset because all of her classmates have red, yellow or blue skin, but hers is purple! Following a heartfelt discussion with her mother, Violet realizes that she should not worry about being like other people and that people should appreciate her for who she is - not the colour of her skin. Through this story, students learn to examine how communities benefit from the diversity of their individual community members. Digital images with a hand-drawn feel bring this touching story to life.
Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018
This storybook about truth is part of the Seven Teachings Stories. The series would be suitable for a classroom library, leveled reading or a classroom discussion on values. For the names that are in Anishinaabe, there is a pronunciation guide at the end of the book.
Record posted/updated:
February 9, 2023
This true story is written from the perspective of two young boys as they cope with their mother's cancer and medical treatments. The book takes readers on a journey with a family as they go through the various steps of fighting cancer, including hosting a hair-cutting party. With gentle humour and tact, Where's Mom's Hair? addresses the types of questions that children typically ask when a loved one is diagnosed with cancer. Numerous black-and-white photographs aptly reflect the emotions felt by this family during a very challenging experience.
Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018