Analyze and explore ways that skills and competencies learned from dance apply to careers one is interested in pursuing.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Investigate and identify careers that would suit one’s strengths, beliefs and interests.
(b) Discuss transferable skills learned from dance to the career students are interested in pursuing.
(c) Explore a dance/movement opportunity one might pursue in one’s own life.
(d) Establish a plan for lifelong participation in dance or movement.
Beginning Hip-Hop Dance
This book contains seven chapters including an introduction to hip-hop, preparation for class, safety and health considerations, technique, steps, history and dance forms. The resource includes pictures, diagrams, chapter summaries, a glossary of terms and a free supplemental web resource with video clips of hip-hop dance techniques, learning activities, assignments and interactive quizzes.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $50.95
Record posted/updated: February 1, 2022