Investigate how Indigenous perspectives and ways of knowing, including local cultural knowledge, impact the creation of traditional and contemporary dance.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Engage, digitally or in-person, with Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Keepers, community leaders and/or dancers to understand the impact of Indigenous practices and perspectives related to dance making.
(b) Examine Indigenous perspectives on traditional and contemporary dance, drawing where possible/appropriate on the experience of students and expertise community members.
(c) Discuss the ways of knowing and learning (e.g., dances passed down/gifted) that are applied to learning traditional and contemporary First Nations and Métis dances.
(d) Analyze how the work of contemporary and traditional First Nations dances and dance makers (e.g., Michael Greyeyes, Floyd Favel Starr) and Métis dances and dance makers (e.g., Scott Dance 10, 20, 3049Duffee, Krystle Pederson) are influenced by relationships to land, tradition, community and impacts of colonization (e.g., Truth, Dance and Reconciliationdocumentary, treaty education outcome SI12 -investigate the values and beliefs of self, family, community, and society in relation to the importance of honouring the Spirit and Intent of treaties).
(e) Examine how dance and dance makers influence and respond to social, political and cultural contexts.
(f) Conduct an inquiry into how Saskatchewan and other Canadian Indigenous peoples’ experiences and worldviews are expressed through dance.
(g) Examine protocols related to the teaching, learning and presenting of dances of Saskatchewan and other Canadian Indigenous peoples.
(h) Examine topics related to gender and sexual diversity (e.g., two-spirit individuals) in dance.
(i) Conduct research (e.g., digital, live, interview) on a contemporary First Nation, Inuit or Métis dancer or dance maker in Canada and report on such things as: philosophy or focus, subject or themes presented, discipline specific or interdisciplinary work, and the potential influence of traditional practices (e.g., ask questions such as Do traditional practices and/or Elders influence the work you create? Does your culture influence the subject matter or themes of your work?).