Examine the issues, questions and concerns of appropriation of voice in dance and the arts.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Conduct an inquiry into the boundaries of cultural appropriation (e.g., what dances and/or elements of dances are appropriate?).
(b) Generate questions concerning appropriation of voice in dance and the arts
(c) Research examples of controversy in dance and the arts regarding appropriation.
(d) Survey students, community members and artists regarding their perspectives on the issues.
(e) Debate and/or discuss questions surrounding appropriation (e.g., When does portrayal cross the line into perpetuating stereotypes? Who can participate in culture-specific dances? When does borrowing become cultural appropriation in dance? When can culturally specific elements such as regalia designs be incorporated in dance? Is hip hop dancing cultural appropriation?).
This DVD highlights the innovative expression of youth power and the ability to motivate positive social change through dance and theatre. Set in Oakland, California, this video is the story of five inner city teens whose lives are transformed through the power of collaborative art.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: February 29, 2024