Examine how dance deepens one’s insight into self and expands relationship with community.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Reflect on how dance has impacted one’s life (e.g., growth, perspective, agency, relationship to world, cultural identity, personal experience).
(b) Establish mindful and/or contemplative exercises (e.g., written reflection, video, blog) as a daily dance practice.
(c) Reflect on and articulate how dance impacts student voice in relation to the world.
(d) Demonstrate leadership (e.g., lead dance class for lower grade level, plan seniors’ centre movement class) in developing and sharing dance work.
(e) Identify and research (e.g., interview) Canadians whose lives and work inspires own dance expressions, interpretations and/or dance making.
(f) Connect and apply training methods and practices (e.g., medicine wheel, wellness wheel, sports medicine, somatic practices/Pilates) to promote mental and physical health and well-being.
(g) Use dance to promote compassion and empathy for the human experience.
(h) Provide evidence of active and critical engagement in community through dance.
(i) Reflect on how dance has created a sense of community in the classroom, school, local and national community (e.g., powwow, hip hop, Ukrainian communities).
(j) Analyze how own dance can address larger questions of human existence and perspectives (e.g., identity-related inquiry questions such as Who built me? Where am I from? Where am I going? What is my purpose? What is my self-worth?).
(k) Take personal risks in developing and sharing dance work.
This DVD highlights the innovative expression of youth power and the ability to motivate positive social change through dance and theatre. Set in Oakland, California, this video is the story of five inner city teens whose lives are transformed through the power of collaborative art.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: February 29, 2024