Perform solo, duo or group dances that convey personal vision or social commentary.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Perform movement or dance composition to convey personal experience.
(b) Perform movement or dance composition that has a focus on social justice (e.g., reconciliation) and cultural diversity in a Canadian context.
(c) Perform dances inspired by the work of recognized Canadian dance makers.
(d) Collaborate, problem solve and communicate clearly during rehearsal and dance performance (e.g., making adjustments in the moment, dealing with unforeseen technical difficulties).
(e) Rehearse and refine composition to convey the dance maker’s vision.
(f) Perform a choreographed dance composition.
(g) Demonstrate one’s optimal level of physical and artistic abilities when dancing.
(h) Create criteria for evaluating performance
(i) Apply peer and teacher feedback during rehearsal process to improve performance.
Beginning Hip-Hop Dance
This book contains seven chapters including an introduction to hip-hop, preparation for class, safety and health considerations, technique, steps, history and dance forms. The resource includes pictures, diagrams, chapter summaries, a glossary of terms and a free supplemental web resource with video clips of hip-hop dance techniques, learning activities, assignments and interactive quizzes.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $50.95
Record posted/updated: February 1, 2022