Identify and examine a dance expression and dance artist(s) inspired by a historical and/or cultural event.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Identify and explore historical and/or cultural events expressed through dance types andstyles.
(b) Research the origins and development of particular dance artists.
(c) Identify exemplary artists representing particular dance types and styles(e.g., Afro – Caribbean as a type of dance including calypso, merengue or mambo styles; ballet as a type of dance including classical or contemporary styles; powwow as a type of dance including grass or fancy styles; modern as a type of dance including Graham or contact improvisation styles; hip hop as a type of dance including B-boying, funk, or up rock styles).
(d) Research interdisciplinary collaborators with prominent dance artists.
(e) Investigate historical contexts in the making of dances (e.g., raked stages, technology, film).
(f) Explore cultural and historical contexts and their influence in the making of dances (e.g., depression era, women’s movement, industrial revolution).
(g) Interpret cultural and/or historical events and how they impacted dance types and styles.
Beginning Hip-Hop Dance
This book contains seven chapters including an introduction to hip-hop, preparation for class, safety and health considerations, technique, steps, history and dance forms. The resource includes pictures, diagrams, chapter summaries, a glossary of terms and a free supplemental web resource with video clips of hip-hop dance techniques, learning activities, assignments and interactive quizzes.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $50.95
Record posted/updated: February 1, 2022