Perform solo, duo or group dances to reflect aspects of daily life.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Perform movement or dance composition to convey aspects of daily life.
(b) Perform movement or dance compositions of various dance types and styles.
(c) Perform popular dances from various eras.
(d) Collaborate, problem solve and communicate clearly during rehearsal and dance performance (e.g., making adjustments in the moment, dealing with unforeseen technical difficulties).
(e) Rehearse and refine composition to convey the dance maker’s vision.
(f) Perform a choreographed dance composition.
(g) Demonstrate one’s optimal level of ability when dancing.
(h) Co-construct, with guidance, criteria for evaluating performance.
(i) Apply peer and teacher feedback during rehearsal process to improve performance.
Dance Anatomy (2nd ed.)
This resource provides over 100 dance, movement, and performance exercises, each designed to promote correct alignment, improved placement, proper breathing, and prevention of common injuries related to dance. The chapters are organized by parts of the body to promote flexibility and strength in those areas. The images highlight the active muscles associated with each movement.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $32.95
Record posted/updated: August 19, 2021