Investigate Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis dances.
Develop a personal dance expression in response to a cultural and/or historical event.
Identify and examine a dance expression and dance artist(s) inspired by a historical and/or cultural event.
Investigate career paths related to various aspects of dance.
Beginning Hip-Hop Dance
This book contains seven chapters including an introduction to hip-hop, preparation for class, safety and health considerations, technique, steps, history and dance forms. The resource includes pictures, diagrams, chapter summaries, a glossary of terms and a free supplemental web resource with video clips of hip-hop dance techniques, learning activities, assignments and interactive quizzes.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $50.95
Record posted/updated: February 1, 2022
Choreography and Dance in Theater
This book provides a concise overview of methods and techniques used to choreograph dance in theatre. It explores ballet as a building block, the benefits of starting dance young, working as a team, the steps of putting on a show, dancer etiquette and promoting lifelong movers. This resource also includes references to websites and videos, a glossary and an index.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $42.79 USD
Record posted/updated: July 12, 2021