Listen and retell (with support from the text) the key literal and inferential ideas (messages) and important details heard in small- and large-group activities, and follow oral directions and demonstrations.
Indicators for this outcome

Listen and demonstrate comprehension by retelling key points (who, what, where, when, and why) in grade-appropriate literary and informational texts including First Nations and Métis resources.


Select and use task-relevant before, during, and after strategies to construct meaning when listening.


Understand and apply the appropriate cues and conventions (pragmatic, textual, syntactical, semantic/lexical/morphological, graphophonic, and other) to construct and confirm meaning when listening.


Listen to and follow independently a series of related directions or instructions related to class activities.


Paraphrase information that has been shared by others (e.g., a visitor such as a grandparent, an Elder, or a Knowledge Keeper).


Ask for clarification and explanation of oral stories and information (including stories and information from contemporary and traditional First Nations and Métis resources).


Follow and retell the important steps in demonstrations.


Listen courteously during discussions and while working in pairs and small groups to share ideas, obtain information, solve problems, and ask and respond to relevant questions.


Recall several ideas about a topic presented or discussed in class.
