Saskatchewan's grades 10 to 12 science courses incorporate core ideas from the Pan-Canadian Protocol for Collaboration on School Curriculum Common Framework of Science Learning Outcomes K to 12 (CMEC, 1997). Saskatchewan has developed science courses at Grade 11 that provide students with opportunities to learn core biology, chemistry and physics disciplinary ideas within interdisciplinary contexts. Students should select courses based on their interests and what they believe will best fit their needs after high school.
The chart below visually illustrates the courses in each pathway and their relationship to each other.

Each course in each pathway is to be taught and learned to the same level of rigour. No pathway or course is considered "easy science"; rather, all pathways and courses present "different sciences" for different purposes.
Students may take courses from more than one pathway for credit. The current credit requirements for graduation from Grade 12 are one 10-level credit and one 20-level credit in science.