Create and carry out a plan to explore one or more topics of personal interest relevant to Biology 30 in depth. (DM, SI, TPS)
Explore how scientific understandings of life and its characteristics change in light of new evidence. (CP, DM)
Examine the significance of evolution as a key unifying theme in biology through the principles, processes and patterns of biological evolution. (SI, DM)
Investigate cell structure and processes, including energy transfer and transport of materials, in unicellular and multicellular organisms which are representative of each kingdom. (SI, TPS)
Compare the anatomies, physiologies and behaviours of multicellular organisms including protists, fungi, plants and animals. (SI)
Explore how the dynamic nature of biological classification reflects advances in scientific understanding of relationships among organisms. (SI, CP)
Explore classical (i.e. Mendelian) and current (i.e. chromosomal) understandings of biological inheritance. (SI)
Investigate how genetic information is stored, transmitted and expressed at the molecular level. (SI, CP)
Explore the impacts of historical, current and emerging biotechnologies on self, society and the environment.