Appendix C: Contexts and Big Ideas Continuum

Salvation History (SH)

Big Ideas for Inquiry
Grade 9 Catholic Studies 10 Catholic Studies 20 Catholic Studies 30
  • entering the covenant
  • Adam and Eve
  • Noah and the Flood
  • Abraham and Sarah
  • growing in the covenant
  • Moses and the Law
  • David
  • Old Testament prophets and books of wisdom
  • commitment to the covenant
  • daily discipleship and living the Beatitudes
  • the Eucharist
  • God's grace, joy of salvation and eternal life
  • living the covenant
  • Evangelical Christians
  • First Nations and Métis spirituality
  • Eastern religions and spirituality
  • Catholic Christians

Knowing God (KG)

Big Ideas for Inquiry
Grade 9 Catholic Studies 10 Catholic Studies 20 Catholic Studies 30
  • Creator, Father, Trinity
  • image of God
  • relationship with God
  • Jesus as Messiah
  • History of the Gospels
  • the Messiah and the Gospels
  • Jesus as Lord
  • teachings in the Gospels
  • Pascal Mystery
  • Resurrection
  • Holy Spirit
  • Pentacost and birth of the Church
  • the Commissioning

Dignity of the Human Person (DHP)

Big Ideas for Inquiry
Grade 9 Catholic Studies 10 Catholic Studies 20 Catholic Studies 30
  • free will and conscience
  • grace, virtue and sin
  • choices and actions
  • dignity of life
  • morality and sin
  • social justice
  • reverence for life
  • the marginalized
  • social sin
  • social teachings
  • labour and environmental issues
  • sexual morality and reproductive ethics
  • free will and conscience
  • morality and ethics
  • value of human life
  • peace and unity

Church (CH)

Big Ideas for Inquiry
Grade 9 Catholic Studies 10 Catholic Studies 20 Catholic Studies 30
  • mission and purpose
  • rites and models
  • ecumenical and interfaith dialogue
  • evangelization
  • miracles
  • church members as engaged citizens
  • interfaith dialogue among Judaism, Christianity and Islam
  • actualizing the mission
  • the Living Church
  • Tradition and tradition
  • Mary as Mother of the Church
  • ecumenical dialogue
  • the place of self, Church and Christ in society
  • past, present and future
  • interfaith dialogue
  • transforming society

Seeking Spiritual Meaning (SSM)

Big Ideas for Inquiry
Grade 9 Catholic Studies 10 Catholic Studies 20 Catholic Studies 30
  • faithful obedience, peace, love, hope and truth
  • science, arts spirituality and religion
  • prayer
  • forgiveness, mercy, generosity, justice and joy
  • prayer
  • life after death
  • life of service
  • call to holiness
  • suffering and hope
  • death and the joy of resurrection
  • Catholic identity
  • relationships
  • prayer, grace and miracles
  • vocations and discernment
  • living and expressing one's faith