Examine the fullness of God's covenant through Jesus and how it applies to one's life. ([SH, KG, SSM])
Examine the Christian conviction of Jesus as Lord. ([SH, KG, CH])
Assess how living the Beatitudes of Christ affects individuals and society. ([SH, DHP, SSM])
Examine how the Paschal Mystery, as the foundation of the Catholic faith, shapes views on suffering, death and resurrection. ([SH, KG, DHP, SSM])
Investigate how Tradition complements Scripture as a form of Revelation in the Catholic church. ([SH, KG, CH, SSM])
Examine the Church's mission and its actualization. ([CH])
Contrast Catholic teachings with secular views regarding human sexual morality and reproductive ethics. ([DHP, CH])
Examine how Catholic social teachings influence personal views regarding issues of labour and the environment. ([SH, DHP, CH, SSM])
Assess the value and examine challenges of a life of service in the model of Jesus. ([KG, DHP, SSM])
Explain the implications of choosing to live as a "disciple of Christ". ([SH, KG, CH, SSM])
Investigate effects of infusion, suppression and rejection of Christian values and teachings on society. ([CH, SSM])
Examine the benefits and challenges of ecumenical dialogue. ([CH, SSM])
Analyze the personal and societal effects of an imperfect Church institution and imperfect individuals responding to the call for holiness. ([CH, DHP, SSM])
Describe how one's experience in a Christian Action Project, rally and/or retreat affects one's life and understanding of Catholic identity. ([DHP, SSM])