Core Curriculum

Core Curriculum is intended to provide all Saskatchewan students with an education that will serve them well regardless of their choices after leaving school. Through its various components and initiatives, Core Curriculum supports student achievement of the Goals of Education for Saskatchewan. For current information regarding Core Curriculum, please refer to Core Curriculum: Principles, Time Allocations, and Credit Policy on the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education website.

For additional information related to some of the components and initiatives of Core Curriculum, please refer to the following policy and foundation documents (also available on the Ministry website):

  • Understanding the Common Essential Learnings: A Handbook for Teachers(1988) Objectives for the Common Essential Learnings (CELs) (1998)
  • Renewed Objectives for the Common Essential Learnings of Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT ) and Personal and Social Development (PSD) (2008)
  • The Adaptive Dimension in Core Curriculum (1992)
  • The Adaptive Dimension in Core Curriculum (1992)
  • Policy and Procedures for Locally-developed Courses of Study (2010)
  • Connections: Policy and Guidelines for School Libraries in Saskatchewan (2008)
  • Diverse Voices: Selecting Equitable Resources for Indian and Métis Education (2005)
  • Gender Equity: Policies and Guidelines for Implementation (1991)
  • Instructional Approaches: A Framework for Professional Practice (1991)
  • Multicultural Education and Heritage Language Education Policies (1994)
  • Classroom Curriculum Connections: A Teacher's Handbook for Personal-Professional Growth (2001).