English Language Arts 30

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Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
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Truth and Reconciliation
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A30 Comprehend and Respond
CR A30.1
CR A30.2
CR A30.3
CR A30.4
A30 Compose and Create
CC A30.1
CC A30.2
CC A30.3
CC A30.4
A30 Assess and Reflect
AR A30.1
AR A30.2
B30 Comprehend and Respond
CR B30.1
CR B30.2
CR B30.3
CR B30.4
B30 Compose and Create
CC B30.1
CC B30.2
CC B30.3
CC B30.4
B30 Assess and Reflect
AR B30.1
AR B30.2
Canadian Landscapes: Diverse and Dynamic
Canadian Perspectives: Distinct and Rich
The Search for Self
The Social Experience
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What is a core resource?
Core Resources
A core resource is a foundational or key resource that complements a curriculum in an especially effective way. It may be a comprehensive resource that broadly addresses several of the student learning outcomes (e.g., a major integrated resource, series, textbook), an in-depth student resource that addresses at least one student learning outcome or a professional resource for educators.

Academic Conversations: Classroom Talk That Fosters Critical Thinking and Content Understandings
This professional resource will assist teachers as they develop conversation skills with their students. The authors identify five core communication skills: elaborating and clarifying, supporting ideas with evidence, building on and/or challenging ideas, paraphrasing and synthesizing.
Students learn to evaluate facts and use them for meaningful problem solving. It enables students to develop a variety of critical thinking skills to build complex ideas and solve problems with others. The book describes how to build academic vocabulary and grammar, critical thinking and literacy skills, and abstract essential understandings. It includes suggestions to guide conversation skills, to craft conversation-worthy tasks and to use conversations to teach and assess.
The book includes a table of contents, an appendix, references and an index.
Students learn to evaluate facts and use them for meaningful problem solving. It enables students to develop a variety of critical thinking skills to build complex ideas and solve problems with others. The book describes how to build academic vocabulary and grammar, critical thinking and literacy skills, and abstract essential understandings. It includes suggestions to guide conversation skills, to craft conversation-worthy tasks and to use conversations to teach and assess.
The book includes a table of contents, an appendix, references and an index.
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Adolescent Literacy: Turning Promise Into Practice
Adolescent Literacy provides opportunities for educators to engage in conversations about literacy practices. The book offers a collection of essays that address issues such as English as an additional language learners, technology in the classroom, writing instruction and young adult literature. Each chapter builds on the previous to create a unified storyline for administrators and educators to envision literacy instruction for adolescents.
The resource contains a table of contents, references, trade resources, appendices and an index.
The resource contains a table of contents, references, trade resources, appendices and an index.
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An Anthology of Canadian Literature in English(4th ed.)
This anthology showcases Canadian short fiction, poetry and settler narratives from the eighteenth century to the present. Some of the authors in the anthology include: David Thompson, Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake), Archibald Lampman, Earle Birney, Dorothy Livesay, Anne Wilkinson, Jay Macpherson, Marilyn Dumont, Leonard Cohen and Michael Ondaatje.

Best Practices in Adolescent Literacy Instruction(2nd ed.)
This collection of articles addresses literacy instruction and provides research-based recommendations for practice. Educators will be equipped with tools to scaffold young adults' development of self-regulated reading, writing and other communication methods.
The resource is divided into four parts: valuing adolescence, developing literacy strategies, developing disciplinary literacies and addressing program and policy issues.
Digital literacies, using multiple texts to enhance content areas, interventions for older youth struggling with reading and English as an additional language learners are a few of the topics addressed in the text. Each article can be read on its own or in sequential order.
The resource includes a table of contents and an index.
The resource is divided into four parts: valuing adolescence, developing literacy strategies, developing disciplinary literacies and addressing program and policy issues.
Digital literacies, using multiple texts to enhance content areas, interventions for older youth struggling with reading and English as an additional language learners are a few of the topics addressed in the text. Each article can be read on its own or in sequential order.
The resource includes a table of contents and an index.
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Caring Hearts & Critical Minds: Literature, Inquiry, and Social Responsibility
This resource will assist teachers to incorporate inquiry learning, contemporary literature and teaching social responsibility. Good texts may act as a catalyst for youth to explore topics, create their identity, engage in meaningful discussions with others, learn to critique and inspire them to create a better world. The author invites educators to consider using texts as anchor texts for inquiry learning, rather than overall novel studies. The text includes five inquiry learning units that can be adapted for use in Saskatchewan classrooms.
This resource includes a table of contents, an index and appendices.
This resource includes a table of contents, an index and appendices.
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Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning(4th ed.)
Doug Buehl provides a variety of literacy development strategies that stress effective learning across the curriculum. There are 41 user-friendly literacy skill-building strategies that may be unfamiliar to those outside the reading field. Each can be easily adapted to a variety of student ability levels. The strategies can be used at the middle level and at the secondary level.

Comprehension and Collaboration: Inquiry Circles for Curiosity, Engagement, and Understanding(Revised ed.)
Inquiry circles provide a structure that supports students in building knowledge that matters in their lives. The authors suggest fundamental classroom conditions that are needed for active, small-group learning. Lessons in comprehension, collaboration and research are provided. The authors provide how-to instructions for four models of small-group inquiries: mini-inquiries, curricular inquiries, literature circle inquiries and open inquiries. Assessment and evaluation strategies are also provided.
The book includes a table of contents, references and an index.
The book includes a table of contents, references and an index.
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Content Area Reading and Literacy: Succeeding in Today's Diverse Classrooms(8th ed.)
Using a student-centred approach to teaching literacy, this resource explores methods of understanding and teaching content reading to middle and secondary level students. Inclusive of students from diverse cultural and language backgrounds, the resource details effective reading strategies, assessment and evaluation techniques, the role of prior knowledge, literate thinking and creating a favourable learning climate. It includes methods for integrating technology and writing strategies and presents a holistic perspective regarding literacy instruction.
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Deeper Reading: Comprehending Challenging Texts, 4-12
This resource is for teachers who want to move students beyond surface-level comprehension of challenging texts. Some of the strategies that Gallagher employs are: accepting the challenge of reading difficult texts, monitoring student comprehension as they read, using meaningful collaboration to achieve deeper comprehension and using critical thinking skills to analyze real-world issues.
Gallagher has structured the resource to examine key reading issues and to present effective strategies that teachers can use to move their students to deeper comprehension levels.
The resource includes a table of contents and an index.
Gallagher has structured the resource to examine key reading issues and to present effective strategies that teachers can use to move their students to deeper comprehension levels.
The resource includes a table of contents and an index.
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Do I Really Have to Teach Reading?: Content Comprehension, Grades 6-12
This book is for teachers who want to improve their students' reading comprehension in the content areas for Grades 6-12. Tovani demonstrates in detail several strategies that can effectively increase student comprehension. This resource provides support to teachers who do not feel comfortable teaching the reading strand. Do I Really Have to Teach Reading? is a useful book that gives examples of teaching reading in the content areas and offers advice on how to balance instruction and content. This book has the potential to help students become better readers and lifelong learners.
Included are a table of contents and an appendix of sample activities.
Included are a table of contents and an appendix of sample activities.
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Engaging Readers & Writers with Inquiry: Promoting Deep Understandings in Language Arts and Content Areas with Guiding Questions
Through the use of research and classroom experience, Wilhelm demonstrates that inquiry is easy to teach. He shares practical ideas for turning goals and outcomes into engaging authentic questions that propel students toward deep understandings.
Included in the book are examples of guiding questions for every content area, sample lessons and activities that deepen thinking about topics and prepare students for more meaningful reading and writing experiences.
Included are a table of contents and an index.
Included in the book are examples of guiding questions for every content area, sample lessons and activities that deepen thinking about topics and prepare students for more meaningful reading and writing experiences.
Included are a table of contents and an index.
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English Language Arts 30. Additional Learning Resources (2014) Updated 2015
This list of learning resources identifies high-quality resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to support the curriculum, English Language Arts 30. This list will be updated as new resources are recommended and older ones are no longer available. A collection of core learning resources can be found on the Ministry of Education website.
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Record posted/updated:
January 30, 2019

English Language Arts 30. Core Learning Resources (2013)
This list of learning resources identifies high-quality resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to support the curriculum, English Language Arts 30. This list will be updated as new resources are recommended and older ones are no longer available. A list of additional learning resources can be found on the Ministry of Education website.
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Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2019

Essay Essentials with Readings(7th ed.)
This teacher resource focuses on essay writing techniques and essay development. The text includes essays that illustrate the MLA and APA formatting and documentation styles. The text is divided into seven parts that outlines planning, drafting, revising and the research paper. The final three parts focus on patterns of development, selected readings, and basic language study.
The text includes a table of contents, appendices, an index and correction abbreviations and symbols.
The text includes a table of contents, appendices, an index and correction abbreviations and symbols.

Gage Canadian Dictionary(Revised and expanded)
This edition includes clear definitions for each relevant part of speech, pronunciation, etymology, synonyms, homonyms, idioms, several illustrations, cross-references to variants, usage notes and sentences when relevant, regional meanings, as well as suffixes and verb endings.
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Record posted/updated:
June 7, 2017

Imprints 11
This integrated resource offers a variety of text selections from diverse Canadian and international writers. Genres include short stories, poetry, essays and media study.
The anthologies cross grade levels, themes and issues at the secondary level. Educators should carefully consider each selection for course fit and for application to specific topics and/or themes.
The teacher's guide provides background information and instructional and assessment ideas that may be selectively used to address specific learning outcome.
The anthologies cross grade levels, themes and issues at the secondary level. Educators should carefully consider each selection for course fit and for application to specific topics and/or themes.
The teacher's guide provides background information and instructional and assessment ideas that may be selectively used to address specific learning outcome.
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Imprints 11. Anthology Volume 1
Imprints 11. Anthology Volume 1 and 2 (set)
Imprints 11. Anthology Volume 2
Imprints 11. Teacher's Guide West

InfoTrac Literature Resource Center Database
This database contains full-text journal articles, literary criticism, reviews, biographical information and overviews on over 130,000 writers from all disciplines and time periods.
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Record posted/updated:
July 18, 2019

International Federation for the Teaching of English (IFTE)
IFTE's mission is to promote the work and voices of English and literacy teachers through its member associations and in the world of English teaching generally. It works through conferences, links with associations with similar aims, electronic and other forms of publication and both formal and informal networks of English and literary professionals.
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Record posted/updated:
April 2, 2019

Is It Still Cheating If I Don't Get Caught?
Young people face challenging choices every day. Whether it is Internet usage (downloading music for free), use of steroids in sports, family relationships, school responsibilities or being in love - teens may question themselves about what is the right thing to do.
Dr. Weinstein provides five life principles that serve as tools to help students make the best decisions possible. Real-life dilemmas are included in the text and students are presented with questions to consider about the situations. Using one of the five principles to demonstrate its use in action, Weinstein offers a possible answer for students to consider.
The resource includes a table of contents and an index of dilemmas.
Dr. Weinstein provides five life principles that serve as tools to help students make the best decisions possible. Real-life dilemmas are included in the text and students are presented with questions to consider about the situations. Using one of the five principles to demonstrate its use in action, Weinstein offers a possible answer for students to consider.
The resource includes a table of contents and an index of dilemmas.
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Listening. Attitudes, Principles, and Skills(5th ed.)
This is a well-organized overview of theoretical and practical information about listening as an important component in communication. The book provides suggestions for understanding and improving the strategies necessary for comprehension, interpretation, evaluation and response to the spoken word.
In this revised edition, Brownell continues to explore the impact of culture, technology and globalization. Ethical questions are raised to promote the consideration of the responsibilities associated with listening behaviours.
Included are a table of contents and an index.
In this revised edition, Brownell continues to explore the impact of culture, technology and globalization. Ethical questions are raised to promote the consideration of the responsibilities associated with listening behaviours.
Included are a table of contents and an index.
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Literacy Instruction for Adolescents: Research-Based Practice
As an introduction and to set the context for the articles in the text, the editors have included three dimensions for reflection: health literacy to influence students' development of personal health and well-being; multiliteracy experiences where a student is engaged in learning through the activation, coordination, and utilization of multimodal processes and commercial literacy where commercial programs are used in the classroom and the energy required by educators to shape the programs to meet the instructional needs of students.
The first section of the text provides articles on literacy and the adolescent learner. The second half of the text contains articles about teaching the adolescent learner through research-based instructional practices. Using picture books with older learners, considering adolescent boys' and girls' literacy needs, using popular culture and assessing adolescent literacy are a few of the topics of the articles.
The resource includes a table of contents and an index.
The first section of the text provides articles on literacy and the adolescent learner. The second half of the text contains articles about teaching the adolescent learner through research-based instructional practices. Using picture books with older learners, considering adolescent boys' and girls' literacy needs, using popular culture and assessing adolescent literacy are a few of the topics of the articles.
The resource includes a table of contents and an index.
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Literature. Craft & Voice(2nd ed.)
This anthology introduces students to great works of literature, while helping them to learn to read and to write analytically. Accompanied by online access to video interviews of dozens of living authors featured in the book, this text provides a focus on writing, featuring sections on poetry, fiction and drama, including 2 Shakespearean plays.

Nelson Language and Writing 11. Student Book
This handbook provides models of a variety of written forms. Chapters include topics on dramatic monologues, short stories, cause-and-effect essays, classification essays, news stories, persuasive essays, film reviews, problem-solution essays, print advertisements, memos and emails, proposals and websites. After analyzing a model, students embark on the writing process, giving consideration to elements of the writer's craft such as style, design and conventions.
This book is suitable as a source for writing models and ideas that may be selectively used in addressing specific learning outcomes.
The book includes a table of contents, a reference handbook and an index.
This book is suitable as a source for writing models and ideas that may be selectively used in addressing specific learning outcomes.
The book includes a table of contents, a reference handbook and an index.
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Planning for Inquiry: It's Not an Oxymoron!
Diane Parker provides an up-close look at the underlying structure of an inquiry-based approach, what such an approach might look like in practice and how it can happen in the classroom. Supported by stories and examples, Parker shares a practical yet non-prescriptive framework for developing lessons from learners' questions and authentic classroom events. The strategies can be adapted for both short- and long-term planning with students. Included are a table of contents, an index and appendices that offer assessment tools, sample planning forms, sample advocacy efforts and more.
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Readicide: How Schools Are Killing Reading and What You Can Do About It
Readicide is defined as the systematic killing of the love of reading. Gallagher argues that schools are actively (though unknowingly) furthering the decline of reading. He contends that instructional practices used in most schools are killing reading by: valuing the development of test-takers over the development of lifelong learners, requiring students to read difficult texts without proper instructional supports and scaffolds, insisting that students focus on academic texts and ignoring the importance of developing recreational reading.
Gallagher provides educators with the necessary tools to reverse the loss of another generation of readers.
The book includes a table of contents, appendices, references and an index.
Gallagher provides educators with the necessary tools to reverse the loss of another generation of readers.
The book includes a table of contents, appendices, references and an index.
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Reading Canada: Teaching Canadian Fiction in Secondary Schools
This resource provides an overview of recently published, critically acclaimed Canadian fiction for young adults, covering a wide array of writing styles, diverse student interests and literary genres. Plot summaries and analyses of the texts featured are included, as well as practical advice on creating and implementing lesson plans.

Saskatchewan Writers' Guild (SWG)
SWG is an organization that promotes Saskatchewan writers. The Guild's mission is to improve the status of the writer in Saskatchewan. The Guild offers conferences and writers' retreats and publishes the members' newsletter, entitled Freelance and a publication of literature written by Saskatchewan high school students, entitled Windscript.
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Record posted/updated:
July 18, 2019

Student's Oxford Canadian Dictionary(2nd ed.)
This dictionary contains over 2,000 Canadian words and meanings. The inside front cover has a chronology of the English language and the back inside cover has definitions of literary terms. A guide at the beginning of the dictionary describes how to use the reference book and includes words borrowed from other languages that have not been fully integrated into English. Phrases in the entries help clarify the meanings. Examples are provided for words that have ambiguous meanings. The appendices have a section on irregular verbs, punctuation and capitalization.
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Record posted/updated:
July 18, 2019
Teaching English by Design: How to Create and Carry Out Instructional Units
This publication teaches educators the complexities of designing and using instructional units that support the curriculum and engage students. The beginning of the book includes information on how students learn and take responsibility for their learning, and provides alternatives to teacher-led discussions. The author includes a chapter on planning an entire course in order to have coherence and continuity throughout the year.
Included are a table of contents and an index.
Included are a table of contents and an index.

Teaching Grammar and Punctuation in the Twenty-First Century
This teacher resource uses students' own writing as the context for developing students' grammar and punctuation skills. The Canadian resource provides useful tools and strategies to help students progress from writing complete sentences to understanding concepts such as tense, number and structure. Highlights include: a skill development approach that encourages students in each phase of learning; examples of student reading and writing provide practical ideas and exercises; and additional online resources, such as student reading passages and activities and extra teaching suggestions.
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The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language(3rd ed.)
This updated edition continues to provide a comprehensive exploration of the history, structure and variety of English in its oral and written forms. Two areas have been added to the text: the rise of electronic communication in all its current forms from email to texting and the crisis affecting the world's languages.
In light of recent developments, the language statistics and topics involving technology have been updated. Revision of the maps includes new countries or country names. The author provides information on language teaching and learning.
The book contains: a table of contents; a glossary; special symbols and abbreviations; a table of the world's languages; suggestions for further reading; an index of languages, families, dialects, and scripts; an index of authors and personalities and an index of topics.
In light of recent developments, the language statistics and topics involving technology have been updated. Revision of the maps includes new countries or country names. The author provides information on language teaching and learning.
The book contains: a table of contents; a glossary; special symbols and abbreviations; a table of the world's languages; suggestions for further reading; an index of languages, families, dialects, and scripts; an index of authors and personalities and an index of topics.
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The Grammar Plan Book: A Guide to Smart Teaching
The best method of teaching language conventions is to integrate them into units and lessons. This book explains how to teach language conventions this way. Through examples of innovative educators teaching language, teachers are presented with concepts to use in the classroom. Although this publication is not a language handbook, it includes most of the language concepts that students need to know. The book is useful in planning focused lessons and it includes a sample scope-and-sequence chart.
Included are a table of contents and an index.
Included are a table of contents and an index.
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The iLit collections offers flexibility for classroom use. Each title contains contemporary Canadian content in a variety of media (e.g., Twitter fiction, rap lyrics). Each selection includes an author biography and photography, before-during-after questions, suggested activities, and prompts to focus student engagement. Visual elements accompany each selection and provide opportunities for visual literacy.
The teacher's resource to accompany the text selections is available online through the iLit digital collection. Differentiated instruction, suggested lessons focusing on one big idea related to a study of the text, assessment strategies, and exemplars are included.
iLit is available in either print or digital versions. Teachers can customize their online collection for minimal cost. Selections are added to the digital site continuously. A digital license must be purchased yearly to access the digital content. A number of Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis selections are available only on the digital site (www.iLit.ca).
The teacher's resource to accompany the text selections is available online through the iLit digital collection. Differentiated instruction, suggested lessons focusing on one big idea related to a study of the text, assessment strategies, and exemplars are included.
iLit is available in either print or digital versions. Teachers can customize their online collection for minimal cost. Selections are added to the digital site continuously. A digital license must be purchased yearly to access the digital content. A number of Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis selections are available only on the digital site (www.iLit.ca).
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From Discord to Discourse. Teacher's Resource: A Collection of Contemporary Canadian Essays
From Discord to Discourse: A Collection of Contemporary Canadian Essays
Modern Morsels. Selections of Canadian Poetry and Short Fiction
Modern Morsels. Teacher's Resource: Selections of Canadian Poetry and Short Fiction
Moving Forward. Teacher's Resource: A Collection About Truth and Reconciliation
Moving Forward: A Collection About Truth and Reconciliation
Rattling the Stage. Teacher's Resource: A Collection of Canadian Monologues, Spoken Word, and Short Plays
Rattling the Stage: A Collection of Canadian Monologues, Spoken Word, and Short Plays
Reality Imagined. Teacher's Resource: Stories of Identity and Change
Reality Imagined: Stories of Identity and Change
Remix. A Revolution in Text Forms
Remix. Teacher's Resource: A Revolution in Text Forms
Strength and Struggle. Teacher's Resource: Perspectives from First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples in Canada
Strength and Struggle: Perspectives from First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples in Canada
Truth Perceived. Teacher's Resource: Perspectives Through Canadian Nonfiction
Truth Perceived: Perspectives Through Canadian Nonfiction
Voices in the Hall. Teacher's Resource: Echoes of Students Past and Present
Voices in the Hall: Echoes of Students Past and Present

The iSkills collection focuses on specific areas of English language arts skills: comprehension, communication and language conventions. Each lesson includes questions and explorations designed to help the student develop a deep understanding of the language skills.
Each text contains a table of contents and a glossary. Each text has an accompanying teacher's resource.
Each text contains a table of contents and a glossary. Each text has an accompanying teacher's resource.
Beyond Five Paragraphs. Teacher's Resource: Advanced Essay Writing Skills
Beyond Five Paragraphs: Advanced Essay Writing Skills
Constructing Meaning. Teacher's Resource: Skills for Understanding Contemporary Texts
Constructing Meaning: Skills for Understanding Contemporary Texts
From Txt to Talk. Teacher's Resource: Communication Skills for Today and Tomorrow
From Txt to Talk: Communication Skills for Today and Tomorrow
Start with the Sentence. Teacher's Resource: Create Correct, Concise, Connected Sentences
Start with the Sentence: Create, Correct, Concise, Connected Sentences
What are additional resources?
Additional Resources
Additional resources also complement the curriculum in an effective way and are of the same variety as core resources. However, where funds are limited, educators are advised to start by purchasing core resources.

"Reading Don't Fix No Chevys": Literacy in the Lives of Young Men
The authors interviewed 49 middle and secondary level male students from a wide range of backgrounds in order to determine how the young men use literacy and what conditions promote it. Several factors under consideration include socioeconomic background, race, performance and type of school. The research shows that boys favour literacy activities outside of school that provide an escape from the stresses in their lives. The authors explain how progressive curricula and instruction can help boys become more engaged with literacy. The authors note that the same principles apply to female students in the classroom.
Teachers will find this book useful to help them identify situations that promote literacy and consider the implications for classroom practices.
Teachers will find this book useful to help them identify situations that promote literacy and consider the implications for classroom practices.
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50 Essays: A Portable Anthology(5th ed.)
50 Essays: A Portable Anthology is a collection of classic essays and contemporary readings relevant to students. The essays address topics such as diversity, identity and making ethical choices. Authors include Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, David Sedaris, Plato and Virginia Woolf. At the beginning of each essay, a brief biography of the author is provided. The anthology includes a table of contents, an alternate table of contents, a glossary of writing terms and an index of authors and titles.

75 Readings Plus(10th ed.)
This anthology of classic and contemporary essays includes a variety of authors, disciplines, issues and themes. Each chapter highlights a particular rhetorical strategy, such as narration, analogy and persuasion, and ends with questions for discussion plus suggestions for writing and further reading.

8th Fire
8th Fire takes a journey through Aboriginal country, highlighting the urgent need to fix Canada's 500-year-old relationship with its Indigenous peoples - a relationship marked by colonialism, conflict and denial. Hosted by CBC journalist Wab Kinew, the four-part series offers us all the way forward - and a second chance at getting the relationship right.
At the Crossroads
Indigenous in the City
It's Time
Whose Land is It Anyway?
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Record posted/updated:
August 18, 2021

A Broken Flute: The Native Experience in Books for Children
A Broken Flute is a collection of reviews that critically evaluate children's books about Native Americans written between the early 1900s and 2003. Stories, essays and poems accompany each review. The authors reviewed over 600 books and arranged the reviews alphabetically by title. The selected titles cover preschool, K-12 levels and adult and teacher materials.

A Forest for Calum
Roddie Gillies lives in the coal-mining town of Shean, Cape Breton, with his grandfather, Calum Gillies. Calum is a Gaelic speaker and carpenter. The author follows Roddie through his schooling, his emerging artistic talents, his adventures in adolescence and his time spent at the race track.
Calum's story intertwines with Roddie's account. Calum and his friends shed light on the changing world. They discuss losing the mines, striking, a disappearing language and religious narrow-mindedness. To honour miners who have passed away, one of Calum's friends writes a Gaelic poem. Roddie and his friends assist the elderly men to plant the Gaelic poem, using 18 trees to correspond with the 18 letters of the Gaelic alphabet.
Calum's story intertwines with Roddie's account. Calum and his friends shed light on the changing world. They discuss losing the mines, striking, a disappearing language and religious narrow-mindedness. To honour miners who have passed away, one of Calum's friends writes a Gaelic poem. Roddie and his friends assist the elderly men to plant the Gaelic poem, using 18 trees to correspond with the 18 letters of the Gaelic alphabet.
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A Thousand Splendid Suns
The text focuses on the relationships between two women and the value placed on females in Afghanistan. Mariam's and Laila's lives intersect when Laila requires care after she is wounded when her home is bombed in Kabul.
Mariam is physically abused by her husband, Rasheed, and is unable to carry a child to full term. Believing her lover Tariq is dead, Laila is alone and agrees to marry Rasheed. This arrangement is not welcomed by Mariam. After giving birth to two children, Laila is abused by Rasheed, just as he mistreats Mariam. The two women slowly establish a friendship while living under the strict rules of the Taliban.
Several themes run throughout the text: Afghan politics, women's rights, oppression, war and the importance of family.
Mariam is physically abused by her husband, Rasheed, and is unable to carry a child to full term. Believing her lover Tariq is dead, Laila is alone and agrees to marry Rasheed. This arrangement is not welcomed by Mariam. After giving birth to two children, Laila is abused by Rasheed, just as he mistreats Mariam. The two women slowly establish a friendship while living under the strict rules of the Taliban.
Several themes run throughout the text: Afghan politics, women's rights, oppression, war and the importance of family.
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Aboriginality re-imagines the strength and spirit of First Nations culture through narrative mediums that connect urban First Nations youth to their rural ancestral histories. Dallas Arcand, world champion hoop dancer and hip-hop artist, is inspired by both new and traditional elements of First Nations culture. He plays dual roles in being both a positive First Nations presence in mainstream urban media and a touchstone to traditional First Nations roots and culture.
A teacher's guide is available.
A teacher's guide is available.
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Afrika, Solo
The three plays in this collection examine the themes of home, identity and race. In the first play, "Afrika Solo," Sears follows her roots back 400 years to Africa. In her journey, she explores home, heritage and identity. Set in the 1970s, "Come Good Rain" revisits the night when Seremba meets the Ugandan President, Milton Obote. Written in part in reaction to Jacques Parizeau's remarks about "ethnics" following the 1995 Quebec referendum, Gale questions the rules of identity and place in Canada in "Je me souviens."
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All the Light We Cannot See
In occupied France during World War II, Marie-Laure, a blind girl from Paris, and Werner, an orphan from Germany, take refuge in the walled citadel of Saint-Malo. Marie-Laure and her father are working for the French Resistance and hiding a valuable jewel from the Paris Museum of Natural History; Werner has been trained as a Hitler Youth and is an expert at building and fixing radios. As the young people's paths converge, Werner discovers the radio of Marie-Laure's Uncle Etienne and he is drawn to her. When Saint-Malo is bombed, Werner finds Marie-Laure and helps her escape.
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An Anthology of Indigenous Literatures in English: Voices From Canada(5th ed.)
This anthology includes poetry, short stories, plays, excerpts from novels, historical letters and origin stories by Indigenous writers and storytellers. It also contains a timeline of Indigenous literature and a table of contents organized by genre.

Annie Mae's Movement
In 1975, Anna Mae Pictou Aquash dies under mysterious circumstances. Nolan examines what it must have been like to be Anna Mae, a Canadian activist who became a member of the American Indian Movement (AIM). Anna Mae is a women who lives by her convictions. Nolan does not revisit old facts; she looks for the truth by examining the life and death of Anna Mae.

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
ASCD is "dedicated to quality teaching, learning, and leadership." The organization publishes resources on all aspects of education including English language arts. The Language, Literacy and Literature Network provides teachers with a forum to share information. The periodical Educational Leadership includes articles for English language arts teachers.
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Record posted/updated:
July 18, 2019

Blind Spot: What Happened to Canada's Aboriginal Fathers?
This video program explores the issue of First Nations children who grow up without their fathers - the "blind spot." Two central themes in the program can lead to classroom discussion. First, the decimation of the buffalo stripped males of their role as providers and protectors. Moving First Nations people to reserves created a culture of dependency. The residential school system further eroded the First Nations family structure. The second theme is the lack of support or recognition by Canadian governments and the public on the issue of absent fathers. President Barack Obama is bringing the issue of fatherlessness to the forefront in the United States.
Filmed in North Central Regina, three men discuss fatherhood. Sixteen-year-old Tyson Kakaway is preparing for the birth of his first child. Only knowing his father through Facebook, Tyson vows he will do his best to be a father to his daughter. Andrew Kinniewisse is from the Yellowquill First Nation. Andrew is in the courts trying to prove that he can provide a stable home so that his two older children can return to live with him. Jeff Crowe spent 13 years in and out of jail; he now runs a parenting program at the Regina Correctional Centre.
Filmed in North Central Regina, three men discuss fatherhood. Sixteen-year-old Tyson Kakaway is preparing for the birth of his first child. Only knowing his father through Facebook, Tyson vows he will do his best to be a father to his daughter. Andrew Kinniewisse is from the Yellowquill First Nation. Andrew is in the courts trying to prove that he can provide a stable home so that his two older children can return to live with him. Jeff Crowe spent 13 years in and out of jail; he now runs a parenting program at the Regina Correctional Centre.
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Borrow a Stereotype
Started in Europe, the Living Library is introduced in California. The project's main idea is to "check out" a person instead of a book. The process allows the borrower to face those individuals who make them uncomfortable or have never fully understood. The "lending time" promotes dialogue to get past one's own stereotypes. The Living Library has expanded to Canada.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Boxed In
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers on the subject of nationhood. In this short film, a young woman of mixed ancestry struggles with an Equal Opportunity Form that requires her to respond to the dilemma: Ethnicity - Choose One.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

In 1898 China, Little Bao decides he can no longer stand by while foreign soldiers and missionaries harass and rob local peasants. Summoning the power of the ancient Chinese gods, Little Bao and his army train and fight back to free China from foreign oppression, thus beginning the Chinese Boxer Rebellion. Bao is faced with the harsh realities of war: who will live and die and at what cost?

Breaking Night: A Memoir of Forgiveness, Survival, and My Journey from Homeless to Harvard
Born to drug-addicted parents in the Bronx, Liz often "supports" her parents rather than attends school. She digs through the garbage with her father to collect items to sell for drugs or she keeps an eye out for the arrival of the postal carrier bringing the welfare check and watches the money disappear for drugs rather than food.
Liz attends school dirty and has lice-infested hair, resulting in her classmates taunting her. She skips so many classes that she is put into a girls' home. At 15, Liz's mother dies of AIDS and Liz becomes homeless. In spite of the odds, she completes her high school diploma and wins a scholarship to an Ivy League school.
Liz attends school dirty and has lice-infested hair, resulting in her classmates taunting her. She skips so many classes that she is put into a girls' home. At 15, Liz's mother dies of AIDS and Liz becomes homeless. In spite of the odds, she completes her high school diploma and wins a scholarship to an Ivy League school.
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Broken Circle: The Dark Legacy of Indian Residential Schools. A Memoir
After his seventh birthday, Theodore (Ted) is removed from his family and sent to an Indian residential school. He resides at the Fort Alexander Indian Residential School and the Assiniboia Indian Residential School for the next 12 years. Ted speaks from the heart about his experiences and the impact the Indian residential school system had on his life.
Starting his healing journey, Ted overcomes abandonment issues, alcoholism and self-hate. Through Ted's narrative, the reader will appreciate why generations of First Nations children and adults still suffer from this period of Canada's history.
Starting his healing journey, Ted overcomes abandonment issues, alcoholism and self-hate. Through Ted's narrative, the reader will appreciate why generations of First Nations children and adults still suffer from this period of Canada's history.
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Building Adolescent Readers
Building Adolescent Readers is a series of four video programs designed to assist educators in helping students to make sense of difficult text. Kelly Gallagher introduces a number of teaching and learning strategies, including whole class, small group and individual instruction. Gallagher models how to engage students with a variety of texts in the program. Students will develop the skills and behaviours of life-long learners.
There are four programs in the video series: The Six Building Blocks, First Draft Reading, Second Draft Reading and One Question, One Comment. The resource is designed for use in workshops or professional learning communities. It is flexible and can be tailored to meet group needs.
There are four programs in the video series: The Six Building Blocks, First Draft Reading, Second Draft Reading and One Question, One Comment. The resource is designed for use in workshops or professional learning communities. It is flexible and can be tailored to meet group needs.
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First Draft Reading
One Question, One Comment
Second Draft Reading
The Six Building Blocks
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$150.00/year (Includes whole series)
Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Burning in This Midnight Dream
This collection of poems by Louise Bernice Halfe was written in response to the emotions, memories and nightmares that arose in her as the Truth and Reconciliation process unfolded. Halfe describes the lasting impacts of residential schools on survivors, and how the effects pass from one generation to the next.

Button Blanket
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers, on the subject of nationhood. This short impressionist documentary looks at the creation of a Button Blanket by integrating the performance of a traditional dance with the art of the West coast Heiltsuk people.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

C-Train and Thirteen Mexicans
In this collection of poetry, Baca examines a young man, Dream Boy, and his addiction to cocaine. Divided into two sections, the first section, C-Train (Dream Boy's Story), describes Dream Boy's slide from being a dealer to using drugs. In section two, Thirteen Mexicans, Baca describes the Chicano community and the gulf that exists between the American dream and reality.

Cambridge School Shakespeare. Hamlet
This Shakespearean tragedy explores the themes of revenge, retribution, deception, ambition, loyalty and fate. Hamlet mourns the death of his father. His mother, Queen Gertrude, marries Claudius. Old Hamlet's ghost reveals to Hamlet that Claudius poisoned him to steal the crown and Gertrude. Hamlet promises to avenge his father's death.
The Cambridge School Shakespeare series continues to make Shakespeare's plays accessible to students. This edition of the play includes information on characters, performances, history and language. The book includes a table of contents.
The Cambridge School Shakespeare series continues to make Shakespeare's plays accessible to students. This edition of the play includes information on characters, performances, history and language. The book includes a table of contents.
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Cambridge School Shakespeare. King Lear
Lear decides to step down from the throne and divide the kingdom among his three daughters. Goneril and Regan offer flattering answers to Lear's question: How much do you love me? Cordelia has no answer to describe the depth of her love for Lear and is banished from the kingdom. Goneril and Regan undermine Lear's authority, and he loses his grasp on reality. The deaths of the major players result in Edgar ruling the kingdom.
The Cambridge School Shakespeare series continues to make Shakespeare's plays accessible to students. This updated edition of the play includes revised learning opportunities and an enlarged section of notes including information on characters, performances, history and language. The book includes a table of contents.
The Cambridge School Shakespeare series continues to make Shakespeare's plays accessible to students. This updated edition of the play includes revised learning opportunities and an enlarged section of notes including information on characters, performances, history and language. The book includes a table of contents.
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Cambridge School Shakespeare. Much Ado About Nothing
In this comedy, two pairs of lovers, Benedick and Beatrice, and Claudio and Hero, are at opposite ends of the spectrum for love. Claudio and Hero are madly in love with each other; Benedick and Beatrice have a love-hate relationship. Each couple overcomes barriers that allow them to discover love.
The Cambridge School Shakespeare series continues to make Shakespeare's plays accessible to students. This edition of the play includes learning opportunities and a selection of notes including information on the characters, performances, history and language. The book includes a table of contents.
The Cambridge School Shakespeare series continues to make Shakespeare's plays accessible to students. This edition of the play includes learning opportunities and a selection of notes including information on the characters, performances, history and language. The book includes a table of contents.
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Cambridge School Shakespeare. Othello
In this tragedy, Othello is a highly respected general in Venice. Iago is ambitious and resentful when Othello promotes Cassio to the position of personal assistant. Iago starts a spiteful campaign against Othello. After Othello elopes with Desdemona, Iago plots against both. Othello, suspicious of Desdemona, suffocates her. Upon hearing the truth of Iago, Othello stabs himself with a concealed knife.
The Cambridge School Shakespeare series continues to make Shakespeare's plays accessible to students. This edition of the play includes learning opportunities and a selection of notes including information on the characters, performances, history and language. The book includes a table of contents.
The Cambridge School Shakespeare series continues to make Shakespeare's plays accessible to students. This edition of the play includes learning opportunities and a selection of notes including information on the characters, performances, history and language. The book includes a table of contents.
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Carrying Fire
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers on the subject of nationhood. Carrying Fire weaves together animation and live action to show how the fire of our spirit is passed from one camp and one generation to the next.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Claire Sullivan and her family move to northern Manitoba where Claire meets Jeff, who lives next door. The two teens are drawn together by the dysfunction and tragedy in their own lives, and together they face the darkness in their family relationships.

Come Back
Hal Wiens is a retired professor who is mourning the recent loss of his wife. While sitting in a coffee shop in Edmonton one day with his friend, Owl, Hal sees a figure on the street who he is sure is his son Gabriel, even though Gabriel died 25 years ago. This event throws Hal's life into upheaval and causes him to uncover the reasons behind his son's death and to finally deal with his grief.

Consecrated Ground(Rev. 2nd ed.)
Africville is bulldozed in 1965. Halifax politicians are glad to see that the eyesore has vanished. To the people who reside in Africville, a way of life is gone. Africville's roots date back to 1830 when it was settled by people who fled slavery in America. After years of paying city taxes and being denied many modern conveniences, the once vibrant agricultural community is in decline. A municipal dump seals Africville's fate as it becomes rat-infested and the environment is slum-like.
Boyd's play is a fictionalized account of people trying to save their homes. Africville residents are evicted without compensation. The play could be taught in conjunction with "The Book of Negroes."
Boyd's play is a fictionalized account of people trying to save their homes. Africville residents are evicted without compensation. The play could be taught in conjunction with "The Book of Negroes."
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It has been 80 years since North America was ravaged by wars and natural disasters. In this dystopian world, George Taylor and Lenore Hanson are lawyers who rarely interact with those outside their thriving city of La Ronge, Saskatchewan. When George crashes his vehicle near a mountain-sheltered First Nations community, he discovers new ways of thinking that impact his sense of self and identity.

Crossing the Line
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers on the subject of nationhood. Crossing the Line turns the politics and conflicts of a playground sandbox into an allegory for the way nations treat one another and the borders seem to do more harm than good.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Dancers of the Grass
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers, on the subject of nationhood. A stunning display of a stop-motion animation, Dancers of the Grass vividly depicts the majesty of the hoop dance, a tradition symbolizing the unity of all nations.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Escape to Gold Mountain: A Graphic History of the Chinese in North America
The history of the Chinese experience in North America over the last 150 year is told in graphic novel format through the eyes of the Wong family. The fictional story begins when the family immigrates to North America, or "Gold Mountain." The experiences of the immigrants, such as being used for cheap labour, incidents of racial discrimination and the impact of the Chinese head tax, are recounted.

Nobel prize-winning physicist Richard P. Feynman is the subject of this biography in graphic novel form. The book explores key events in Feynman's career, such as his work on the Manhattan Project and his role in uncovering the cause of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, but also describes his exploits as a musician, adventurer and safecracker.

Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence
The Australian government established two institutions for half-caste children. Half-caste children were believed to be more intelligent than their darker peers and should be isolated and trained as domestic servants. These children became known as the "Stolen Generation."
In June 1930, police officers remove Molly, her sister, Daisy, and her cousin, Gracie, from Jigalong and transport the children 1,600 kilometres to the Moore River Native Settlement. Upon arrival, Molly does not like the settlement and vows to escape. The three girls escape and decide to walk back to Jigalong by foot. The text describes their experiences in the wilderness, the lack of food and their doubts about their decision. Once they locate the rabbit-proof fence, Molly realizes that the return to Jigalong will be easy. After nine weeks of walking, Molly and Daisy are reunited with their families.
The text is based on Molly's escape from the Moore River Native Settlement. Molly is the author's mother. The text includes a table of contents and a glossary of Mardujara words.
In June 1930, police officers remove Molly, her sister, Daisy, and her cousin, Gracie, from Jigalong and transport the children 1,600 kilometres to the Moore River Native Settlement. Upon arrival, Molly does not like the settlement and vows to escape. The three girls escape and decide to walk back to Jigalong by foot. The text describes their experiences in the wilderness, the lack of food and their doubts about their decision. Once they locate the rabbit-proof fence, Molly realizes that the return to Jigalong will be easy. After nine weeks of walking, Molly and Daisy are reunited with their families.
The text is based on Molly's escape from the Moore River Native Settlement. Molly is the author's mother. The text includes a table of contents and a glossary of Mardujara words.
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From Oral to Written: A Celebration of Indigenous Literature in Canada, 1980-2010
This book is a collection of 1 to 2-page summaries of Indigenous literature. The resource may act as a guide for selecting engaging literature based on genre, title, cultural group or author.

Gandhi: My Life is My Message
This graphic novel and fictionalized memoir tells the story of Gandhi's life, from his childhood in India through to his assassination in 1948. The biography includes historical background that highlights the political, cultural and personal events that helped shape Gandhi's beliefs and his commitment to peace and nonviolence.

Growing Up Among Strangers
Growing Up Among Strangers examines the duality of growing up in Canada's cultural mosaic. Several young Canadians from diverse cultural backgrounds talk about their struggles to balance two worlds: the traditional values of home and the westernized culture. The individual stories are combined with comments from Canadians of earlier generations who understand this dilemma. The combination of current anecdotes and memories shed light on the difficulties and benefits of living in two different cultures.
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I Read It, But I Don't Get It: Comprehension Strategies for Adolescent Readers
Many useful ideas for improving adolescents' comprehension are included in this slim, highly readable volume. I Read It, But I Don't Get It is organized into three parts. Parts 1 and 2 contain chapters that pertain to topics such as Fake Reading, Connecting the New to the Known and What's the Plan?
Each chapter begins with a student quotation and an anecdote involving a problem in reading encountered by the author in an actual classroom of adolescent students. The strategies presented in the book are based on research that defines the thinking strategies used by proficient readers. The roles of purpose in reading, motivation and use of prior experiences constitute the basis for many of the strategies. The book aligns with current research regarding effective reading instruction. The notion that meaning in reading is constructed as readers interact with text is at the root of the strategies presented.
Part 3 consists of three short appendices that contain forms to be used to facilitate implementation of the strategies presented in the preceding chapters.
Each chapter begins with a student quotation and an anecdote involving a problem in reading encountered by the author in an actual classroom of adolescent students. The strategies presented in the book are based on research that defines the thinking strategies used by proficient readers. The roles of purpose in reading, motivation and use of prior experiences constitute the basis for many of the strategies. The book aligns with current research regarding effective reading instruction. The notion that meaning in reading is constructed as readers interact with text is at the root of the strategies presented.
Part 3 consists of three short appendices that contain forms to be used to facilitate implementation of the strategies presented in the preceding chapters.
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Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers on the subject of nationhood. This computer-generated, animated film evokes the experience of driving alone on an unlit rural road at night. Darkness is broken by the beam of headlights, creating dancing shadows that obscure what lies beyond the road.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Improving Adolescent Writers
In this series, Kelly Gallagher invites the viewer into his classroom as he demonstrates a number of strategies to teach students to write with clarity, passion and purpose. Gallagher uses a variety of methods (modeling, mid-process assessment, small-group conferencing, language study, revision techniques and identifying real-world purposes for writing) so that adolescents internalize the habits and skills of good writers. The students learn that writing is messy and as they become betters writers, they become better thinkers.
The video series features three programs: The Importance of Modeling, Writing with Purpose and Assessment That Drives Better Student Writing. This resource is designed for use in workshops or professional learning communities. It is flexible and can be tailored to meet group needs.
The video series features three programs: The Importance of Modeling, Writing with Purpose and Assessment That Drives Better Student Writing. This resource is designed for use in workshops or professional learning communities. It is flexible and can be tailored to meet group needs.
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Assessment That Drives Better Student Writing
The Importance of Modeling
Writing with Purpose
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Price :
$150.00/year (Includes whole series)
Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Indian Horse
From rehab, Saul Indian Horse reflects on the pivotal incidents in his life in order to better understand the person he has become. He examines his upbringing, his experiences in residential school, his love of hockey and how these and other factors have shaped his identity. The text challenges students to explore their own personal values and issues that affect them as Canadians.

This integrated resource supports the English language arts curriculum at the Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 levels. The variety of text selections allow for student engagement in the six strands.
Students will develop their critical inquiry skills. Using the six strands, students will become "knowledge builders" rather than recipients of other points of view. Suggested activities will foster collaboration and assist students to become active participants in the 21st century.
The teacher resource contains strategies to engage the adolescent learner. Suggestions are included to differentiate instruction, how to plan with the end in mind and how to create an inquiry classroom. Assessment ideas are also included. Additional materials are available online.
Students will develop their critical inquiry skills. Using the six strands, students will become "knowledge builders" rather than recipients of other points of view. Suggested activities will foster collaboration and assist students to become active participants in the 21st century.
The teacher resource contains strategies to engage the adolescent learner. Suggestions are included to differentiate instruction, how to plan with the end in mind and how to create an inquiry classroom. Assessment ideas are also included. Additional materials are available online.
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Interface V2.1. Student Text
Interface V2.1. Teacher's Resource CD-ROM
Interface V2.2. Student Text
Interface V2.2. Teacher's Resource CD-ROM
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Record posted/updated:
January 16, 2025

International Literacy Association (ILA)
The International Literacy Association (ILA), formerly known as the International Reading Association or IRA, is an association of professionals who are committed to literacy. It publishes the journals The Reading Teacher, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy and Reading Research Quarterly.
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Record posted/updated:
July 18, 2019

Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers, on the subject of nationhood. Filmmaker Jobie Weetaluktuk mixes archival and new footage to make a statement about the appropriation of Inuit culture throughout history.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

King Lear
One of Shakespeare's tragedies, this play is about the time in a father's life when his children acquire power over him and he has no choice but to submit or leave. King Lear will never become dated because the exchange of power between parent and child is repeated in every generation and in every home. And if this transfer of power takes place without empathy and love, the tragedy of Lear will be repeated as well. This video is an abridged version of the original play. Focusing on key scenes from the play, the narrator assists students to gain an understanding of the character of King Lear and the central theme of the play.
A teacher's guide is available.
A teacher's guide is available.
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King Lear
This graphic novel adaptation of King Lear provides another perspective on Shakespeare's play. Exploring the themes of truth, loyalty, anger, madness, ambition, justice and rebellion, Hinds remains true to this tragedy. The author incorporates excerpts from Shakespeare's original language.
Notes provided at the end of the text explain the alterations to the narrative and passages.
Notes provided at the end of the text explain the alterations to the narrative and passages.

Kitoskâyiminawak Pîkiskwêwak: Our Young People Speak. The Healing Edition
This collection of written and visual texts examines the residential school experience, the intergenerational impact, healing and healthy living. High school students interview Elders, community members, and role models about their residential school experiences and how the individuals use their experience to help others heal, to appreciate life and to share their wisdom.
A teacher's resource is available.
The text includes a table of contents.
A teacher's resource is available.
The text includes a table of contents.

Lateral Violence
In this program, lateral violence is examined. Tantoo Cardinal is told she does nothing for her people. An Elder laments that gossip is the biggest killer of the human spirit. Bullying, backstabbing, put downs, internal racism and gossiping are all examples of lateral violence. A short role-play within the video demonstrates how easily a rumour can start and destroy a person's credibility.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Life After Life
In 1910 England, a baby is born and dies before taking her first breath. The same baby girl is born and survives in 1910. Ursula Todd is the baby girl.
Throughout the text, Ursula has the opportunity to experience life, death, and rebirth over and over again. Each time Ursula is born, she has the chance to alter her future. Students will have the opportunity to explore what it would be like to have an infinite number of chances to live your life over and over again.
Throughout the text, Ursula has the opportunity to experience life, death, and rebirth over and over again. Each time Ursula is born, she has the chance to alter her future. Students will have the opportunity to explore what it would be like to have an infinite number of chances to live your life over and over again.
Life of Pi
After the sinking of a cargo ship claims the lives of his family, Pi is cast adrift on a lifeboat with a hyena, an orangutan, a zebra and a tiger as his sole companions. Keenly aware of the food chain, Pi cantilevers between hope and despair as he acknowledges that he too may be devoured if the tiger's voracious appetite is not fed. At the mercy of the sea, the two remaining seafarers face fierce storms, starvation and illness. Throughout the struggle for survival, Pi examines the resilience of human beings with his philosophical and theological beliefs. A Governor General Award for Literature finalist, this fantastical 227-day journey is a masterful weaving of the unbelievable and an examination of human nature.
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Little Thunder
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers, on the subject of nationhood. This animated short, inspired by the Mi'kmaq legend The Stone Canoe, explores Aboriginal humour. We follow Little Thunder as he reluctantly leaves his family and sets out on a cross-country canoe trip to become a man.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Regan has always know her brother Liam is different. Liam cannot stand the person he is during the day. It is only at night that Liam reveals his true self. He takes on his female persona, Luna. Liam transforms himself into the beautiful girl he longs to be. He wears his sister's clothing and make-up.
Like the butterfly, Luna makes the decision to come out of her cocoon and reveal her true self to family and friends. The question is: Will they accept Luna for who she is?
The novel describes a transgender teen's struggle for acceptance and self-identity.
Like the butterfly, Luna makes the decision to come out of her cocoon and reveal her true self to family and friends. The question is: Will they accept Luna for who she is?
The novel describes a transgender teen's struggle for acceptance and self-identity.
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Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners
Beginning as Harvard's Project Zero, the authors provide a research-based approach to teaching thinking. The authors provide suggested strategies to develop students' thinking dispositions and at the same time, deepen their understanding of the topics they study. The text includes a DVD of video clips of visible thinking in practice in classrooms.
The text also includes a table of contents and an index.
The text also includes a table of contents and an index.

Masham Means Evening
This poetry collection, written by a female soldier who was deployed in Afghanistan, explores Canada's role in war and in peacekeeping. The complex nature of an armed conflict in a distant country is contrasted with the human side of war. Educators are advised to choose selections from the text that connect to the ELA A30 contexts and units.

Measures of Astonishment: Poets on Poetry
This is a compilation of essays written by Canadian poets on the meaning and influence of poetry, offering a glimpse into the perspectives of poets. Contributors include: Margaret Atwood, Robert Currie, Anne Simpson and Glen Sorestad. This resource could be used both as a professional resource to inform the study of poetry or selected essays could be studied in the classroom.

Medicine Walk
Sixteen-year-old Franklin Starlight is called to visit his father, Eldon, who abandoned him as a child and whose health is deteriorating from years of alcoholism. Franklin learns about Eldon's past and begins to understand the reasons for the choices his father has made in his life.

Mennonites Don't Dance
This collection of short stories examines Mennonite families and the conflict between tradition and change. The short stories focus on relationships, patriarchal rule and the push-pull of urban life vs. rural life. Food is an underlying theme in some of the short stories; it is more than nutrition to feed the body, it is a community event.
The text contains a table of contents.
The text contains a table of contents.

Mighty Jerome
Filmed in black-and-white, this video program is about Harry Jerome. Harry was born in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan in 1940. In 1951, his family moved to Vancouver, British Columbia. Harry started to focus on track and field events in 1959. Harry's speed provided him with opportunities on the track and the ability to further his education. Harry represented Canada at various international competitions, including three Olympic Games. Family members provide insight into Harry's life, his achievements and his struggles during his professional career.
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Record posted/updated:
December 29, 2018

Much Ado About Nothing
This version of William Shakespeare's play, Much Ado About Nothing, is adapted and relocated to the present day. When the bickering between broadcasters Beatrice and Benedick gets too much to take, their colleagues at South West TV come up with a plan to shut the pair up. Meanwhile, weathergirl Hero and reporter Claude are a match made in heaven - but does everyone want to see them so happy?

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
NCTE promotes teaching, research and student achievement in English language arts. It publishes the journals Language Arts and English Journal.
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Record posted/updated:
July 18, 2019

NoveList Plus and NoveList K-8 Plus Databases
NoveList Plus and NoveList K-8 Plus are located on the Biographies, Books and Literature page of the Online Magazines, Journals, and Newspapers. These databases are fiction guides for all ages and level of readers. They include titles in series, subject access to fiction, full-text book reviews, recommended lists, annotations and summaries.
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Record posted/updated:
June 13, 2017

Othello is a tragedy of hurt pride, humiliation, jealousy and revenge. Iago is determined to make Othello pay for not selecting him as his lieutenant. Cassio, the man who was promoted, must also pay. Using everyone's best qualities against them, Iago takes pleasure in ruining lives. The themes of racism, love, jealousy and betrayal continue to be relevant to today's students. This video is an abridged version of the original play. Focusing on key scenes from the play, the narrator assists students to gain an understanding of the character of Iago and the central theme of the play.
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Out in the Cold
Thomas is dumped on the outskirts of the city. There he meets two men, Soft as Snow and Cold as Ice. When Thomas suggests the two men should walk back to the city with him, Cold as Ice and Soft as Snow persuade him to stay the night. Cold as Ice wants Thomas to die and join them; Soft as Snow wants Thomas to survive the night so he can return to the city and tell people their story. Filmed in black and white, the program is inspired by the freezing deaths of several First Nations men in Saskatoon. The police practice of taking individuals to an isolated edge of the city where they would be beaten or abandoned earns Canada a place on the 2001 Amnesty International report of human rights abuses. This film will stimulate discussion about the state of disregard and oppression faced by Indigenous people in Canada and around the world.
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Record posted/updated:
July 1, 2020
Petra's Poem
Petra Tolley, a woman with Down syndrome, is surrounded by her peers as she explores what it feels like to be "in the middle." This poem, written and narrated by Petra, shares her personal experiences and supports student discussion of life's opportunities and obstacles.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Piece by Piece: Stories About Fitting into Canada
This anthology examines the human need to belong. Leaving a country because a person is under threat or they are seeking adventure, immigrants struggle with memories of things left behind - relatives, colours, smells - the familiar. The selections explore themes such as first impressions of Canada, dating, becoming Canadian, and language. Students will have the opportunity to experience what it feels like to belong.
The text includes a table of contents and brief biographies of the contributors. A teacher's resource is available.
The text includes a table of contents and brief biographies of the contributors. A teacher's resource is available.
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Plagiarism. What Do You Value?
Little positive learning is achieved when students fall into the plagiarism trap. In this program, plagiarism is defined in all its modern and common forms. Opportunities are provided for students and educators to discuss why some people copy. Students will learn quoting and referencing skills that should enable them to steer clear of plagiarism, whether it is intentional or unintentional.
A teacher's guide is available.
A teacher's guide is available.
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$129.95 USD (3-year streaming license)
Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Queen of the Godforsaken
Lydia Buckingham and her little sister Victoria are forced to adapt when their parents uproot the family and move from Vancouver to a rundown farmhouse in Saskatchewan. The move only serves to magnify the dysfunction of their depressed mother and drug-abusing father, so the girls decide they must escape their toxic home life and set out into the brutal Saskatchewan winter.

Racial Folly: A Twentieth-Century Aboriginal Family
Briscoe guides the reader through one family's experience as Aborigines in Australia. He uses oral and documentary source materials to tell his story. Prior to 1972, Aborigine peoples were wards of the state or federal governments and subject to government race laws; therefore, records were kept of their movements. Briscoe interweaves what it is like to be a half-caste person who gains liberty from the race laws with a glimpse into Aboriginal political and social history.
The text is available for download at: http://epress.anu.edu.au/titles/aboriginal-history-monographs/racial_citation
The text is available for download at: http://epress.anu.edu.au/titles/aboriginal-history-monographs/racial_citation
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Racial Stereotypes in the Media
This program examines the relationship between mass media and the social constructs of race from political and economic perspectives and looks at the effects media has on the viewing audience.
Demeaning and offensive racial stereotypes were pervasive in popular media in the 20th century. Today, representations of race are much more sensitive. By examining race in media, a new racism is starting to emerge.
There is the disparity of the treatment of stories involving whites and people of colour in the news. The creation of thousands of television stations has created an isolationism and narrow casting of cultures.
Demeaning and offensive racial stereotypes were pervasive in popular media in the 20th century. Today, representations of race are much more sensitive. By examining race in media, a new racism is starting to emerge.
There is the disparity of the treatment of stories involving whites and people of colour in the news. The creation of thousands of television stations has created an isolationism and narrow casting of cultures.
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$149.95 USD
Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024
Rebuilding a Brick Wall
Evan is a bright, mischievous, "Saskatchewan small-town guy" whose life changes irrevocably after a car accident leaves him with a traumatic brain injury. Having to relearn how to talk, eat and walk, Evan no longer feels like the strong “Brick Wall” of his high school football days. With his coordination and speech permanently damaged, he must also deal with the new phenomenon of ableism and living in a world designed for able-bodied persons. Evan's sense of humour and perseverance hold strong as he reinvents himself and sets new goals for his future.
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Red Ochre
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers on the subject of nationhood. Combining archival photos with new and found footage, Red Ochre is a personal, impressionistic rendering of what it's like growing up Mi'kmaq in Newfoundland, while living in a culture of denial.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Reel Injun: On the Trail of the Hollywood Indian
Neil Diamond examines the portrayal of First Nations people in cinema. Diamond travels through the U.S. and shows how the myth of the "Injun" has influenced the world's understanding and misunderstanding of First Nations people. Diamond interviews individuals such as Adam Beach, Graham Greene, Robby Robertson, Sancheen Cruz Littlefeather and Clint Eastwood for their input.
The program is divided into sections and takes the viewer on a journey, starting with the silent film era, where many First Nations people acted in, starred in and directed films. During the 1930s, the stagecoach films changed public perception by the depiction of the "brutal savage" and "Tonto speak." These subsequent films damaged First Nations people for decades.
Little Big Man is one of the first movies to present First Nations as individuals and not as stereotypes. As cinema enters the 21st century, contemporary stories are coming to the forefront. First Nations actors, writers, songwriters and directors take lead roles in the film industry.
Due to the length of the program, educators are encouraged to select portions of the program for classroom use.
The program is divided into sections and takes the viewer on a journey, starting with the silent film era, where many First Nations people acted in, starred in and directed films. During the 1930s, the stagecoach films changed public perception by the depiction of the "brutal savage" and "Tonto speak." These subsequent films damaged First Nations people for decades.
Little Big Man is one of the first movies to present First Nations as individuals and not as stereotypes. As cinema enters the 21st century, contemporary stories are coming to the forefront. First Nations actors, writers, songwriters and directors take lead roles in the film industry.
Due to the length of the program, educators are encouraged to select portions of the program for classroom use.
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Reservation Soldiers
Reservation Soldiers examines the relationship between the Canadian Forces and First Nations youth. The Canadian military program, Bold Eagle, offers Aboriginal youth adventure, discipline, and cash. It is no cakewalk for the ones who get into the six-week boot camp. This is the biggest challenge many of the young men and women will face. Not only are they going through arduous training and the challenge of adapting to military culture very different from their own, they are on the verge of entering the Canadian Forces at one of the most dangerous times in recent history.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Response Journals Revisited: Maximizing Learning Through Reading, Writing, Viewing, Discussing, and Thinking
Response Journals Revisited is an updated, expanded and revised version of Response Journals. It explains what response journals are, why and how they are used, skills that they help students to develop and ways to evaluate journals, both formatively and summatively.
The book offers guidelines, rubrics, samples of student responses and extensive background information. It includes a table of contents, a glossary and an index.
The book offers guidelines, rubrics, samples of student responses and extensive background information. It includes a table of contents, a glossary and an index.

Singing Home the Bones: A Poet Becomes Himself
Métis poet Gregory Scofield searches for his identity in this documentary. On the day he was born, his father was sentenced to jail. His mother is an alcoholic and often enters into abusive relationships. His childhood is chaotic with separations from his mother, her alcohol and an abusive step-father.
While attending Back to Batoche days, Gregory discovers that the Métis culture is alive and vibrant. He also figures out his sexuality and that it is okay to be in love with another male. Gregory's journey of self-discovery leads him to want to find out about his birth father.
The program is interspersed with Gregory chanting, singing and reciting his poetry.
While attending Back to Batoche days, Gregory discovers that the Métis culture is alive and vibrant. He also figures out his sexuality and that it is okay to be in love with another male. Gregory's journey of self-discovery leads him to want to find out about his birth father.
The program is interspersed with Gregory chanting, singing and reciting his poetry.
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Socratic Circles: Fostering Critical and Creative Thinking in Middle and High School
The author has written a book about student-led discussions based on real-life examples. The book begins by outlining the benefits of Socratic circles and how these circles develop students' academic and social skills in reading, listening, speaking, and conflict resolution. Step-by-step guidance is provided on establishing Socratic circles, and this book benefits teachers who are new to literature circles and teachers who want to improve their knowledge of this strategy. Ideas are presented on aligning Socratic circles with curricula. Assessment and follow-up activities are also provided.
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Something to Hang On To
In this collection of short stories, Brenna examines life issues that affect teens. The protagonists deal with loss, family violence, autism, Down syndrome and marginalization. Students meet individuals such as Janine, who learns to speaks out for her best friend, Samantha, and Rodney, who finds community in the surfer culture. And, getting a toe jammed inside an Electrolux vacuum cleaner results in a humourous tale.

Stories of Our People = Lii zistwayr di la naasyoon de Michif: A Métis Graphic Novel Anthology
This graphic novel anthology includes the storyteller's original transcript, a prose rendition of the transcript and five illustrated texts. Included in the anthology are stories about the three Métis tricksters (Wiisakaychak, Nanabush, and Chi-Jean), werewolves (Roogaroos), cannibal spirits (Whiitigos), flying skeletons (Paakuks) and the Devil (li Jiyaab).
The five stories are enriched by the combination of French Canadian and First Nations folklore. A different artistic approach is used for each story. Included in the text is an introduction to Métis stories and end notes. Additional material and interviews with Elders can be located online at www.metismuseum.ca
Educators may consider inviting an Elder or traditional knowledge keeper into the classroom to retell the narratives.
The five stories are enriched by the combination of French Canadian and First Nations folklore. A different artistic approach is used for each story. Included in the text is an introduction to Métis stories and end notes. Additional material and interviews with Elders can be located online at www.metismuseum.ca
Educators may consider inviting an Elder or traditional knowledge keeper into the classroom to retell the narratives.
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$25.00 (now available as a series of 5 comics)

Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Stories of the Road Allowance People (Rev. ed.)
This book is an illustrated anthology of traditional Métis stories as told to Maria Campbell by Michif Elders. The text captures the distinct Michif accents of the storytellers and a range of emotions that emerge from these retellings. The book comes with a CD featuring the retelling of two of the stories as well as music from Métis artists John Arcand and Gilbert Anderson.

Taking Aim: Power and Pain, Teens and Guns
This collection of short stories explores the impact of guns and gun violence on teens. Celebrated authors such as Chris Crutcher, Walter Dean Myers, Joyce Carol Oates and Tim Wynne-Jones contribute stories that represent the viewpoints of both the perpetrators and the victims, with insights designed to spark debate about the issues.

Tears in the Grass
This novel tells the story of the relationship between three generations of women: 90-year-old Elinor, a Saskatchewan Cree artist; her daughter, Louise, a lawyer; and granddaughter, Alice, a teacher. As a young girl at residential school, Elinor was raped, became pregnant and her baby was taken from her. After finally sharing this secret with her family, Elinor is determined to find the daughter who was taken from her so long ago.

The Attawapiskat First Nations Reserve
The Attawapiskat First Nation reserve is far removed from the rest of society, and in trouble. Contaminated fish and mouldy buildings add to the hardships experienced daily by the people of the remote community. In this three-part series, we visit the reserve and meet some of the residents. We hear the story of Shannen Koostachin. Shannen had a dream - safe and comfy schools and culturally based education for First Nations children and youth. She worked tirelessly to try to convince the federal government to give First Nations children a proper education before tragically passing away at the age of 15 years old in 2010. Her dream lives on. Other people are also trying to make a difference. Canada AM follows 12-year-old Wesley Prankard to Attawapiskat to see him make an important announcement. He explains why he is building the children a playground.
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Record posted/updated:
October 4, 2020

The Bang You Feel
This video follows three women as they attempt to rebuild their lives after stays in correctional institutions. Challenges that the women must overcome include gaps in their work history, resuming past behaviours (such as drinking), and having a support system in place to meet the challenges each individual will face on the outside.
This resource should be juxtaposed with another resource so that stereotypes are not reinforced.
A discussion guide (which has not been evaluated for classroom use) can be found at: http://www.bearpaweducation.ca/sites/default/files/The_bang_interior_web.pdf
This resource should be juxtaposed with another resource so that stereotypes are not reinforced.
A discussion guide (which has not been evaluated for classroom use) can be found at: http://www.bearpaweducation.ca/sites/default/files/The_bang_interior_web.pdf
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

The Book of My Lives
In this collection of previously published texts, Hemon describes living in two cities, Sarajevo and Chicago. Growing up in Sarajevo, Aleksandar examines what life was like before the siege of Sarajevo: playing soccer on the street, tormenting his baby sister and travelling with his father.
His parents and his sister immigrate to Hamilton prior to the siege and Aleksandar receives a scholarship for a one-month visit to America; he elects to stay in America.
His parents and his sister immigrate to Hamilton prior to the siege and Aleksandar receives a scholarship for a one-month visit to America; he elects to stay in America.

The Book of Negroes
Aminata Diallo is abducted from her West African village and is sent to live as a slave in South Carolina. As an adult, she forges her way to freedom, serves the British in the Revolutionary War, and registers her name in the "Book of Negroes." Aminata requests permission to leave the United States and settle in Nova Scotia, where she suffers oppression in Nova Scotia. She eventually makes her way back to Sierra Leone.
The novel is based on the historical document called the Book of Negroes.
A teacher's support guide (which has not been evaluated for classroom use) is available at http://files.harpercollins.com/PDF/ReadingGuides/1554681561.pdf. The text is also available in French.
The novel is based on the historical document called the Book of Negroes.
A teacher's support guide (which has not been evaluated for classroom use) is available at http://files.harpercollins.com/PDF/ReadingGuides/1554681561.pdf. The text is also available in French.
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The Book of Negroes
Based on the award-winning novel by Lawrence Hill, The Book of Negroes depicts the extraordinary life journey of Aminata Diallo, an indomitable African woman who cuts a swath through a world that is predisposed to underestimate her. Kidnapped by slave traders in West Africa and subsequently enslaved in South Carolina, Aminata must navigate her way through the American Revolution in New York, the isolated refuge given to Black Loyalists in Nova Scotia and the treacherous jungles of Sierra Leone, before ultimately securing her freedom in England at the dawn of the 19th century.
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The Book of Negroes, Episode 1
The Book of Negroes, Episode 2
The Book of Negroes, Episode 3
The Book of Negroes, Episode 4
The Book of Negroes, Episode 5
The Book of Negroes, Episode 6
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Record posted/updated:
March 23, 2021
The Dark Years 1929-1939. Episode 1
Episode 1 of The Dark Years begins at the end of the Roaring '20s in the newsrooms of the Toronto Daily Star, a big city newspaper whose popularity comes from its appeal to "the little guy." Reporters at the newspaper shed light on "The Dark Years" by collecting stories and anecdotes from the ordinary people who lived through the daily hardships, humiliations and hungers that defined the Great Depression. Events commented on in this episode include: Prime Minister Mackenzie King and his friendship with Joseph E. Atkinson, the call for unemployment insurance, Prime Minister R.B. Bennett's tenure as prime minister, Gordon Sinclair's interview with Hitler, relief and unemployed camps, the emergence of the Communist party in Canada and the riot at the Kingston Penitentiary. The series gives excellent background material for literature set in the Depression because it effectively illustrates the political issues and social life of the day.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018
The Dark Years 1929-1939. Episode 2
Episode 2 of The Dark Years 1929-1939 examines the years 1932-1935, a period when the Toronto Daily Star sees its subscriptions rise by following popular stories with wide appeal. Some of the stories featured in this episode include: the Ted and Rose Bates story and trial for the alleged murder of their son which highlights the difficult times in the West during the Depression, the birth of the Dionne Quintuplets, the conditions of the labour camps, the On-to-Ottawa Trek and the Regina riot, the Red Ryan story and R.B. Bennett's policies and defeat in the 1935 election. The Dark Years series provides good background material for literature set in the Depression.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018
The Dark Years 1929-1939. Episode 3
In Episode 3 of The Dark Years 1929-1939, human interest stories in The Toronto Daily Star continue to focus on the Dionne Quintuplets and how they became big business. Other key stories covered in the final years of the decade include: the General Motors of Canada strike, the Civil War in Spain and the rise of fascism and the visit to Canada of King George VI in 1939 who brought with him fifty tons of gold to finance the inevitable war. The series ends with the Great Depression suddenly over, "simply on account of the war." The political and social life of the day that are featured in this series provide good background material for literature set in the Depression.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

The Day the Leader Was Killed
In 1981, Anwar al-Sadat is president and his open-door economic policy wreaks havoc on Egyptian lives. Elwan is engaged to Randa, however, her father will not permit the marriage. Elwan does not earn enough money to purchase and furnish an apartment. Their engagement is called off and Randa becomes engaged to her boss. On the same date that Sadat is assassinated, Elwan kills his boss.
The text alternates between Elwan's voice and his grandfather, Muhtashimi Zayed. Grandfather reflects on the generation gap in Egypt.
The text alternates between Elwan's voice and his grandfather, Muhtashimi Zayed. Grandfather reflects on the generation gap in Egypt.
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The Education of Augie Merasty: A Residential School Memoir
Augie Merasty was five years old when he began attending St.Therese Residential School from 1935-1944.
This courageous and intimate memoir is the story of a child who faced the dark heart of humanity, let loose by the cruel policies of a bigoted nation. As Augie recounts, these schools did more than attempt to mould children in the ways of white society. They were taught to be ashamed of their heritage and, as he experienced, often suffered physical and sexual abuse. This resource discusses topics such as homelessness, residential schools, racism, faith, and traditional ways.
This courageous and intimate memoir is the story of a child who faced the dark heart of humanity, let loose by the cruel policies of a bigoted nation. As Augie recounts, these schools did more than attempt to mould children in the ways of white society. They were taught to be ashamed of their heritage and, as he experienced, often suffered physical and sexual abuse. This resource discusses topics such as homelessness, residential schools, racism, faith, and traditional ways.
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The Emergency in Attawapiskat
The First Nations community of Attawapiskat declares a state of emergency. Many residents of the isolated Northern Ontario reserve are living in tents, trailers and temporary shelters, even as winter approaches. This video looks at the desperate state of that community and why it needs help.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

The Experimental Eskimos
A social engineering experiment involving three Inuit boys takes place in the 1960s. The three boys are taken from their homes in the Arctic, placed with white families, and attend school in Ottawa. All three become successful in early adulthood. Peter Ittinuar becomes the first Inuk Member of Parliament, Zebedee Nungak becomes president of a major economic and political organization, and Eric Tagoona became president of the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada. However, the experiment robs the three of their parents, their language, and their culture and results in ongoing personal and societal challenges for each man. This program examines the assimilation experiment and its continuing impact on the men.
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The King's Speech
This program highlights King George VI's rise to the throne. In 1936, King Edward VIII abdicates the throne and Albert reluctantly assumes the role of king and takes the more regal name George.
Britain is on the brink of war and desperately needs a leader. Albert suffers from a speech impediment. Elizabeth arranges for a speech therapist, Lionel Logue, to assist King George to overcome his impediment. Supported by Lionel, Elizabeth, the government, and Winston Churchill, King George VI delivers a radio address prior to the outbreak of war in 1939.
Britain is on the brink of war and desperately needs a leader. Albert suffers from a speech impediment. Elizabeth arranges for a speech therapist, Lionel Logue, to assist King George to overcome his impediment. Supported by Lionel, Elizabeth, the government, and Winston Churchill, King George VI delivers a radio address prior to the outbreak of war in 1939.
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The Life and Work of the Woodland Artists
During the 1970s, Daphne Odjig, a Potawatomi painter, brought together a small group of Aboriginal artists to collaborate with and to support one another. These artists included Daphne Odjig, Norval Morrisseau, Jackson Beardy, Carl Ray, Joseph Sanchez, Eddy Cobines and Alex Janvier, who were eventually referred to as the "Indian Group of Seven." Their work quickly gained attention as it provided a visual interpretation to the First Nations oral tradition and challenged the view that Aboriginal art was craft. Their work ranged from being very spiritual to slyly humourous, to deeply personal or fiercely political. Surviving members, Odjig and Janvier, are interviewed as well as family members of the group, art critics and commentary from Métis artists Duke Redbird and Bob Boyer.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

The Life of Helen Betty Osborne: A Graphic Novel
Helen Betty Osborne wanted to be a teacher. Her dream was not realized. In 1969, Helen leaves Norway House to attend Guy Hill Residential School. Two years later, she enters Margaret Barbour Collegiate in The Pas. On November 13, 1971, Betty is murdered by four young white men. Justice would take 16 years before any of the men were tried for the crime, resulting in one conviction.
This graphic novel is based on the true events of Betty's life up to November 13, 1971.
A teacher's guide is available for download on the Portage & Main Press website.
This graphic novel is based on the true events of Betty's life up to November 13, 1971.
A teacher's guide is available for download on the Portage & Main Press website.
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

The List
This play, written in poetic style, invites the audience into the life of a woman consumed with raising her children, keeping up with her housework and maintaining order in her life through her lists. Nothing goes unchecked until she forgets a favour for her neighbour, who suddenly dies. Was the death preventable if the woman had completed the task? The List won the Governor General's Literacy Award for Drama.

The Political Playwright
This video is a documentary about the life and work of George Ryga, who blazed a trail for Canadian playwrights. Ryga cut a wide swath through what had been a small and inconsequential Canadian theatre scene, taking daring risks with his work but also achieving critical and public success. His most celebrated work, The Ecstasy of Rita Joe, was first staged in Canada's centennial year and opened the nation's eyes to the plight of Aboriginal Canadians. It remains the top-grossing play ever at the Vancouver Playhouse and was chosen as the first ever production at Canada's new National Arts Centre in Ottawa in 1969. The Ecstasy of Rita Joe, Grass and Wild Strawberries, and Captives of the Fearless Drummer are excerpted and discussed in the video. It also highlights Ryga's contribution to CBC radio and television, illustrating his political awareness and his ability to show the reality of Canadian life.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

The Real Story of the King's Speech
The British movie, The King's Speech, is the big winner at the Academy Awards ceremony. It tells the story of King George VI's struggle to overcome a speech impediment. This video examines how much of the film is history, and how much is Hollywood.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

The Red Files
This poetry collection from Lisa Bird-Wilson reflects on the legacy of the residential school system: the fragmentation of families and histories, and the repercussions that resonate through the generations. Inspired by family and archival sources, Bird-Wilson assembles scraps of a history torn apart by colonial violence. The collection also explores the larger political context driving the mechanisms that tore apart families and cultures, including the Sixties Scoop.

The Swallows of Kabul
Set in Kabul under the rule of the Taliban, the novel follows two couples from different social backgrounds. Mohsen comes from a family of wealthy shopkeepers who the Taliban destroyed. His wife, Zunaira, was a teacher, but now she cannot leave her home without an escort or without covering her face.
The other couple involved in the novel is Atiq and Musarrat. Atiq is a prison keeper who adopts the Taliban ideology and struggles to keep his faith. Musarrat rescues Atiq, who is dying of sickness and despair.
A crowd of people about to stone an adulterous woman surrounds Mohsen. Mohsen is caught up in the atmosphere and starts to throw stones at the face of the women who is buried up to her waist. All four individuals struggle to hold onto their humanity during a time when pleasure is a sin and death is routine.
The other couple involved in the novel is Atiq and Musarrat. Atiq is a prison keeper who adopts the Taliban ideology and struggles to keep his faith. Musarrat rescues Atiq, who is dying of sickness and despair.
A crowd of people about to stone an adulterous woman surrounds Mohsen. Mohsen is caught up in the atmosphere and starts to throw stones at the face of the women who is buried up to her waist. All four individuals struggle to hold onto their humanity during a time when pleasure is a sin and death is routine.
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The Trouble with Beauty
This poetry collection is a series of observations and narratives on central themes such as beauty, family, relationships, landscapes and identity. The author, who has spent most of his life in Saskatchewan, also includes First Nations, Métis and Inuit and prairie perspectives on the land and its inhabitants. Black-and-white photos complement the poetry.

The Truth About Stories: A Native Narrative
In 2003, Thomas King delivered the 42nd annual series of Massey Lectures. This series consists of five lectures that examine the First Nations experience and imagination.
The five lectures are as follows: "You'll Never Believe What Happened" is Always a Great Way to Start, You're Not the Indian I Had in Mind, Let Me Entertain You, A Million Porcupines Crying in the Dark and What Is It About Us That You Don't Like.
Teachers are advised to select clips from the lectures that directly relate to the secondary English language arts curricula.
The five lectures are as follows: "You'll Never Believe What Happened" is Always a Great Way to Start, You're Not the Indian I Had in Mind, Let Me Entertain You, A Million Porcupines Crying in the Dark and What Is It About Us That You Don't Like.
Teachers are advised to select clips from the lectures that directly relate to the secondary English language arts curricula.
(More information)
"You'll Never Believe What Happened" is Always a Great Way to Start
A Million Porcupines Crying in the Dark
Let Me Entertain You
What is It About Us That You Don't Like?
You're Not the Indian I Had in Mind
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

The Unfinished Child
This novel shifts between the stories of Marie, Elizabeth and Margaret. Marie, who is a mother of two, discovers she is unexpectedly pregnant at 39, followed by genetic testing that confirms her unborn child has Down syndrome. Marie's best friend, Elizabeth, has struggled for years with infertility. Margaret's story is one of a woman in 1947 who gave birth to a daughter with Down syndrome. The novel weaves together the stories of motherhood, friendship and how lives are affected by Down syndrome.
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The Visit
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers, on the subject of nationhood. The Visit tells the true story of a Cree family's strange encounter one winter night, which results in a conversation beyond words.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group
In 1866, six men from Pulaski, Tennessee decide to "get up a club or society" and the Ku Klux Klan (K.K.K.) is formed. The men dress in white robes and cover their faces with pointed hats and masks. Initially, they ride about town pretending to be the ghosts of the Confederate dead and play pranks. But once the young men understand the power of anonymity to bring fear to former slaves, the K.K.K. becomes much more sinister.
In the ensuing decades, the K.K.K. attempts to restore white supremacy using threats and violence against African-Americans and the American federal government.
The text includes a table of contents, a civil rights timeline, quote attributions, a bibliography, source notes and an index.
In the ensuing decades, the K.K.K. attempts to restore white supremacy using threats and violence against African-Americans and the American federal government.
The text includes a table of contents, a civil rights timeline, quote attributions, a bibliography, source notes and an index.
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This is an Honour Song: Twenty Years Since the Blockades
This is an Honour Song is a collection of essays, narratives and poetry that explores the 1990 Kanehsatkà:ke resistance. In 1990, the Oka crisis was the first time that many Canadians encountered Indigenous anger, resistance and standoff. While the media focused on the "warriors" and the town of Oka, the Haudenosaunee brought attention to their vision of reclamation, revitalization, and restoration of lands, treaties, political traditions and responsibilities.
The text includes a variety of voices from community activists, traditional people, academics, poets and visual artists. Educators are encouraged to use selections that apply to the topics in secondary English language arts.
The text contains a table of contents and an index.
The text includes a variety of voices from community activists, traditional people, academics, poets and visual artists. Educators are encouraged to use selections that apply to the topics in secondary English language arts.
The text contains a table of contents and an index.
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Tim Wise. On White Privilege
Tim Wise provides students with an explanation of white privilege and the damage it does to people of colour and to white people. He challenges people to think about racial profiling by law enforcement, the lack of media coverage on the deaths of over one million black people due to insufficient healthcare or why is there no "white history month."
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

To Everything a Season
This collection of 12 short stories depicts the lives of men and women, young and old, but all bound to rural Saskatchewan, either through the past or the present. The author explores the themes of hardship and loss, while also highlighting the bonds that hold families and communities together.

Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers on the subject of nationhood. Trapper is a beautiful short film without words that captures the quiet dignity of a day in the life of a Northern trapper. It is part of a collection of 13 short films on the theme of "nationhood."
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Trinity: A Graphic History of the First Atomic Bomb
Trinity illustrates the race during World War II to build the atomic bomb, the decision to drop the weapon and the aftermath. The author focuses on the scientists who built the bomb and their eventual realization of the full implications of what they had created.

Two Spirits
Fred Martinez possesses the gift of both feminine and masculine traits. According to Navajo culture, he is nádleehí, a person who is male-bodied with a feminine nature. One summer evening, Fred attends the local rodeo with friends. Fred disappears later that night and his beaten body is found five days later. The film explores the events that precede the murder and what actually happened the night Fred was killed. Fred is one of the youngest hate-crime victims in the United States. The video also explores the history of two-spirited people and the range of gender expression and sexual identity.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

U R Here: Eight Artists in Regina
This video is a documentary showcasing the vitality of artistic life in Regina. Eight artists are featured, including painters, filmmakers, musicians, writers, and dancers. These artists share their artistic creations and their thoughts on what they do. Teachers may find it more engaging for their students to focus on one artist or segment at a time.
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Record posted/updated:
June 11, 2021

It is often said that Canada became a nation after the Battle of Vimy Ridge. The play is set in a field hospital following the battle. Clare, a nurse, helps four wounded soldiers recover from their injuries. Each soldier struggles with recovery, their hopes and what the future will hold.

Waging Peace: Canada in Afghanistan
In 2006, Canada takes on a larger role as Canadian troops are deployed to Afghanistan. Troops are sent to Kandahar province, where most of the fighting takes place. The Afghanistan mission creates more controversy in Canadian history than any other military intervention and the casualty count continues to rise. As 2011 approaches, Canada must decide if the troops will be pulled out as scheduled or continue to provide support in Afghanistan.
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Education public performance rights available

Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers, on the subject of nationhood. This animation follows medicine man on a walk in the woods that leads to the discovery of an intriguing secret world.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Wave a Red Flag
Vistas is a series of films produced by Canadian Aboriginal filmmakers on the subject of nationhood. On her way to school, a teenage girl's display of Native pride sparks a celebration of community and culture.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Wayson Choy. Unfolding the Butterfly (Secrets & Memories)
This documentary explores, through his own words, the rich and extraordinary life of storyteller, sage and activist, Wayson Choy. While Wayson's writing focuses specifically on the Chinese-Canadian experience, his message crosses the barriers of ethnic origin. Wayson's childhood was spent in Vancouver's Chinatown. He reads passages from his books "The Jade Peony" and "Paper Shadows: Memories of a Chinatown Childhood." He talks about the process of writing, the value of stories and the importance of history. While Wayson Choy has retired from 35 years of teaching, he continues to teach creative writing part-time and is Humber College's first professor emeritus. He lives and writes in Toronto. His novel, "All That Matters," was nominated for the prestigious Giller Prize in 2004.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

What We Miss
In this collection of poetry, Sorestad examines the Saskatchewan landscape. Using free verse, he describes the flora and the fauna, urban and rural landscapes, local neighbourhoods and the passing of the seasons.

What We Talk About When We Talk About War
Canada is known as a peacekeeping force and war was seldom discussed in homes, schools or communities. Canada's role of peacekeeper has evolved to a confident war-maker. Richler invites students to consider the rhetoric of war and how information is used to convince a society to pursue a certain path. He challenges students to think how Canada has redefined itself as a nation and how Canadians have been talked into and out of participating in war.

When Kids Can't Read: What Teachers Can Do. A Guide for Teachers 6-12
The author shares practical ideas for teachers to use when helping struggling readers. She believes teachers want to help struggling readers, students want to be helped and the right instruction can make a difference.
Beers reminds teachers that anyone can struggle with the text in a book. The issue is what the reader does when the text gets difficult. She provides suggestions to help struggling readers with: comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, word recognition and motivation.
The book includes a table of contents, appendices, references and and index.
Beers reminds teachers that anyone can struggle with the text in a book. The issue is what the reader does when the text gets difficult. She provides suggestions to help struggling readers with: comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, word recognition and motivation.
The book includes a table of contents, appendices, references and and index.
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Where I'm From: ITEP Creative Writing, 2005-2013
This resource is a compilation of First Nations poetry written by students in the University of Saskatchewan's ITEP program. Some of the themes explored in the collection include: homelessness, poverty, perseverance, First Nations history and hope. Educators should carefully consider each selection for course fit and for application to specific topics and/or themes.

While The Sun Is Above Us
Schnell's text explores Sudan's civil war through the eyes of two women. Adut, a Dinka woman, is enslaved for eight years and bears two children to her Master. Sandra, escaping her Canadian past, travels to Sudan as an aid worker. A brief encounter between the two women changes their lives.
The intertwining storylines illustrate the role of women in Dinka and Canadian societies. Sandra is free to make decisions though they are often ill-informed. Adut, who is at the lowest end of the socio-economic status, does not have the opportunity to make decisions to positively affect her life.
The intertwining storylines illustrate the role of women in Dinka and Canadian societies. Sandra is free to make decisions though they are often ill-informed. Adut, who is at the lowest end of the socio-economic status, does not have the opportunity to make decisions to positively affect her life.
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Who Killed Jackie Bates?: Murder and Mercy During the Great Depression
During the Depression, families struggle to make ends meet. Farms and businesses fail; men swallow their pride and go on relief assistance. Ted Bates' business fails in Glidden and he moves his family, Rose and Jackie, to Vancouver. Vancouver is not much better for the family.
Desperate, Ted and Rose return to Saskatchewan. On December 5, 1933, Constable Donald McKay discovers the Bates family in an idling car. Jackie Bates dies from carbon monoxide poisoning; his parents, Rose and Ted, survive the attempted suicide and face murder charges.
Desperate, Ted and Rose return to Saskatchewan. On December 5, 1933, Constable Donald McKay discovers the Bates family in an idling car. Jackie Bates dies from carbon monoxide poisoning; his parents, Rose and Ted, survive the attempted suicide and face murder charges.
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Witness. Selected Poems 1962-2010
This collection of Lane's poetry spans his career. The poetry examines the dark side of human nature and hope for the future.

Words of the Elders: Saving Aboriginal Languages
Arvid Charlie is working to preserve the Hul'qumi'num language. Across Canada, over 88 First Nations languages are bordering on extinction. Talking to his mother, Arvid documents the language in written form. His nephew inputs the Hul'qumi'num word and English meaning on the computer. Together, they have developed a dictionary and a website to try to preserve and maintain the language.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

i.d.: Stuff That Happens to Define Us
This resource examines events that shape our identity. Some of life's key moments are described through 12 first-person accounts. The illustrations accompanying the text are raw and gritty. Reflection questions at the end of each selection provide a glimpse into how each individual arrived at his/her decision.
The text includes a table of contents and suggested resources to continue to explore identity. The Ministry of Education has not evaluated the suggested resources that are included in the text.
The text includes a table of contents and suggested resources to continue to explore identity. The Ministry of Education has not evaluated the suggested resources that are included in the text.
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McIlwraith honours her heritage by using Nêhiyawêwin (Plains Cree) and Akayâsîmowin (English) in her poems. Her poems examine family, reclamation, and history.
The text includes a table of contents, a pronunciation guide for the Plains Cree language, additional notes on the poems, and Cree-English correspondence.
The text includes a table of contents, a pronunciation guide for the Plains Cree language, additional notes on the poems, and Cree-English correspondence.
What are other useful materials?
Other Useful Materials
Other useful materials are documents, lesson plans or classroom activities that teachers may find useful in supporting the curriculum, but that have not typically undergone the same formal evaluation process that is required for core and additional resources.

ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Online enables you to connect people, locations, and data using interactive maps. It enables you to work with smart, data-driven styles and intuitive analysis tools that deliver location intelligence. It also enables the user to share insights with the world or specific groups. The website contains a tutorial, links to suggested subjects and projects, lesson plans and activities.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022

Assessing, Evaluating, and Reporting Student Progress: Supporting English Language Arts
The purpose of this supporting document is to provide samples of assessment and evaluation tools teachers may use/adapt for their students as teachers implement an effective English Language Arts program.
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Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2019

CAMPUS is the National Film Board’s exclusive education streaming service available at no cost to all teachers and students in Saskatchewan and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022
COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Learning Supports for Families and Teachers
This document was created to provide support for parents/guardians when sharing information about the coronavirus with young and school-aged children. The document is also useful for early learning staff and Prekindergarten to Grade 12 teachers.
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Record posted/updated:
April 8, 2020

Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Level 30: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
Students examine Canadian history to understand the influences on our contemporary rights, responsibilities and views of citizenship. Students examine issues facing Canadians and the global community regarding citizenship, specifically the foundational beliefs of Canadians. Students also consider the role of cooperation in a competitive society. Throughout all these inquiries, students are asked to consider multiple perspectives, especially those of Indigenous populations.
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Record posted/updated:
January 22, 2019

Curio is the CBC’s educational streaming service made available at no cost to Saskatchewan teachers and students by the Ministry of Education and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022

Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity
This document will assist individuals and communities to engage in meaningful discussions and actions to respond to the experiences, perspectives and needs of students and families who are gender and/or sexually diverse (GSD). It will: assist school divisions, central office personnel, administrators, educators, First Nations and Métis organizations and community partners to develop a deeper understanding of gender and sexual diversity; assist in understanding the unique educational, health and safety needs of staff, students and their families who self-identify as gender and/or sexually diverse; provide practical strategies, suggestions and frequently asked questions to support schools and communities as they work with students to anticipate and overcome challenges related to transphobia, homophobia and heterosexism; acknowledge the shared responsibility of ensuring that all students who identify as gender and/or sexually diverse have the same opportunities for safety, socialization and success in schools; assist educators in planning curricular-based instruction and assessment to meet the unique needs of gender and/or sexually diverse students; and assist school divisions and First Nations and Métis organizations to fulfill their ethical and professional responsibilities to provide safe, equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students regardless of their actual or perceived differences.
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Record posted/updated:
February 13, 2019

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools: A Policy Planning Guide for School Divisions and Schools to Implement Digital Citizenship Education from Kindergarten to Grade 12
This document provides guidelines for school divisions and school-based administrators who are developing digital citizenship policies. It is not a prescriptive policy; instead, it offers a roadmap for building appropriate school division policies and school-specific digital citizenship guidelines and procedures. Tools to help teachers, administrators and parents as they get started on the implementation of digital citizenship education for K-12 students are also included.
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Record posted/updated:
September 8, 2022

Historical English Language Arts 10, 20, 30 Bibliographies
These documents are bibliographies of resources that were previously recommended to support the English Language Arts 10, 20, 30 curricula. Listed resources may still be used to support the current curricula where appropriate.
English Language Arts 30. A Bibliography for the Secondary Level (1999)
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Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2019

Historical Learning Resources Updates
Learning Resources Updates provided an annual supplement to every subject-specific bibliography that supported K-12 curricula.
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Record posted/updated:
January 2, 2019

Inquiry: Dr. J. Wilhelm Archived Webinar Part 1 "Preparing for Inquiry"
Dr. Jeffrey Wilhelm from Boise State University discusses inquiry learning as represented in Saskatchewan's K-12 curricula. This archived webinar supports teachers as they prepare to plan for inquiry-based teaching and learning. Visit the Saskatchewan School Library Association (SSLA) Inquiry website to find a wide variety of support materials and resources.
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Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2019

Inquiry: Dr. J. Wilhelm Archived Webinar Part 2 "Planning for Inquiry"
Dr. Jeffrey Wilhelm from Boise State University discusses inquiry learning as represented in Saskatchewan's K-12 curricula. This archived webinar supports teachers in planning for inquiry-based teaching and learning. Visit the Saskatchewan School Library Association (SSLA) Inquiry website to find a wide variety of support materials and resources.
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Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2019

Opportunities to Address Child Abuse Prevention Education and Response
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas
and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators
are noted.
and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators
are noted.
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Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Opportunities to Address Substance Misuse in Curriculum
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators are noted.
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Record posted/updated:
April 18, 2019

Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation's Indigenous Resources Review Committee Suggested Resources
These titles have been suggested by the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation's Indigenous Resources Review Committee. Before using these resources in the classroom, educators should consider the sensitive, emotional issues related to tragic events in Indigenous history and consult their local resources evaluation policy.
All Our Relations: Finding the Path Forward
Central Urban Métis Federation Inc. (CUMFI)
Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN)
Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan
Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S)
The Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
September 30, 2021

Shattering the Silence: The Hidden History of Indian Residential Schools in Saskatchewan
This resource extracts, reorganizes and compiles the school-specific Saskatchewan elements of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation reports and primary school documents as well as incorporates other resources and former residential school student accounts that have been recorded and published online.
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
February 13, 2019

Sixties Scoop Resources
The titles listed below may support instruction in the classroom related to the Sixties Scoop. These resources have not undergone the full evaluation process that is carried out for core and additional resources. Before using these resources in the classroom, educators should consider the sensitive emotional issues related to the Sixties Scoop and its repercussions and consult their local resources evaluation policy. Resources that appear on the core and additional resources lists and support the study of the Sixties Scoop and the ideals of truth and reconciliation can be found by clicking on Truth and Reconciliation in the Filter by Content section of any resources list on the curriculum site that contains titles on these topics.
(More information)
A Matter of Conscience
Bearskin Diary
Hiraeth. Poems By Carol Rose Daniels
How I Lost My Mother, Found My Family, Recovered My Identity
Just What Was the Sixties Scoop?
Métis Nation Sixties Scoop Portal
Ohpikiihaakan-ohpihmeh = Raised Somewhere Else: A 60s Scoop Adoptee's Story of Coming Home
Sask. Premier Scott Moe Apologizes to Sixties Scoop Survivors
Saskatchewan's Apology for Sixties Scoop Leaves Survivors with Mixed Feelings
Sixties Scoop
Teaching the Legacy of the Sixties Scoop and Addressing Ongoing Child Welfare Inequality in the Classroom
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Many are free.

Record posted/updated:
February 11, 2019

Supporting Reconciliation in Saskatchewan Schools
This site has been created by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education to support school staffs to work together to expand their understanding of truth and reconciliation as well as the history and legacy of residential schools. It contains tools and resources to support important conversations and professional development opportunities.
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
February 22, 2019

Teaching Sensitive Content in the Classroom
The purpose of the presentation is to describe strategies teachers can use to approach content that may be perceived as sensitive in their community in order to:
- ensure the learning environment is safe for respectful dialogue;
- teach students how to think critically about any topic with an open mind; and,
- meet curricular outcomes.
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Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2022

The Adaptive Dimension for Saskatchewan K-12 Students
The Adaptive Dimension refers to the concept of making adjustments to any or all of the following variables: learning environment, instruction, assessment and resources. Adjustments to these variables are intended to make learning meaningful and appropriate and to support student achievement. In the
Saskatchewan context, differentiation is addressed through the Adaptive Dimension which enables all teachers to respond to student diversity, including their strengths and needs, interests, backgrounds, life experiences and motivations.
Saskatchewan context, differentiation is addressed through the Adaptive Dimension which enables all teachers to respond to student diversity, including their strengths and needs, interests, backgrounds, life experiences and motivations.
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Record posted/updated:
September 4, 2024

The Secret Path (animated film)
This is the animated film based on the graphic novel Secret Path by Gord Downie and illustrated by Jeff Lemire.
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
November 3, 2021

Treaty Education Outcomes and Indicators
The Treaty Education outcomes and indicators at each grade level are designed to engage learners on a journey of inquiry and discovery. When meaningfully and thoughtfully incorporated into subject areas, Treaty Education moves beyond an idea to become actualized as a belief that benefits all learners.
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Record posted/updated:
February 13, 2019

Truth and Reconciliation Resources - English Language Arts
The titles listed below may support instruction in the classroom related to the history, work and ideals of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). These resources have not undergone the full evaluation process that is carried out for core and additional resources. Before using these resources in the classroom, educators should consider the sensitive emotional issues related to the work of the TRC and consult their local resources evaluation policy. Resources that appear on the core and additional resources lists and support the ideals of the TRC can be found by clicking on Truth and Reconciliation in the Filter by Content section of any resources list on the curriculum site that contains titles on this topic.
(More information)
God and the Indian. A Play
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
April 21, 2022

Viewing and Representing: Supporting English Language Arts 10, 20, 30
The purpose of this material is to provide additional information related to the viewing and representing strands of the renewed English language arts curricula.
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Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2019