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What is a core resource? Core Resources
A core resource is a foundational or key resource that complements a curriculum in an especially effective way. It may be a comprehensive resource that broadly addresses several of the student learning outcomes (e.g., a major integrated resource, series, textbook), an in-depth student resource that addresses at least one student learning outcome or a professional resource for educators.
1001 Children's Books You Must Read Before You Grow Up
This book contains reviews on classic and contemporary children's literature. It is organized by age group and includes board books, picture books and young adult novels. Each entry includes evaluations by international critics and reproduced artwork from the featured title.
The book includes an index of titles, a table of contents and an index by author/illustrator.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $45.00
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
50 Literacy Strategies: Step by Step(4th ed.)
This publication provides research-based instructional literacy strategies useful for elementary and middle level educators. Each strategy indicates the instructional focus (oral language, phonemic awareness/phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, writing, spelling and content areas), the grade levels, step-by-step instructions on how to use the instructional strategy and when to use the strategy. Scaffolding for English as an additional language learners is described and samples of students' works are presented. The index allows the user to find specific literacy strategies and strategies for certain grades.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $42.75
Record posted/updated: June 22, 2018
Askî and Friends: Help Me Tell My Story
These digital storybooks were developed as part of the Help Me Tell My Story early childhood oral language assessment. The assessment is unique in many ways and it is grounded in First Nations and Métis holistic perspectives on learning. All of the stories incorporate traditional beliefs and perspectives and are available in five languages: Cree, Dene, Michif, English and French. The four storybooks focus on Askî, his three friends Nipi, Kon and Tate and their lives around the pond. The stories introduce Turtle Island and Mother Earth - two concepts that are central in the First Nations worldview. The stories were developed to be used in the classroom and in the home to help improve early childhood language skills. These stories are available for interactive tablets and can be downloaded from Google Play (Android) or the AppStore (iPad).
(More information)
•  Askî and Turtle Island
•  Askî's Family Scrapbook
•  Kon and the Circle of Life
•  Nipi and Mother Earth
•  Tate and the Flyers
Media and Formats : Book Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 20, 2023
Basic Tools for Beginning Writers
Schultze defines a basic writing tool "as a skill that students need in order to be able to do both the physical and mental tasks to produce legible words on paper." She identifies basic skills, offers lesson ideas, suggestions for student review and ways to make the lessons simpler or more challenging to meet student needs. Examples of student work can be found throughout the book. The book includes a table of contents, a list of recommended resources, appendices and an index.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $24.95
Record posted/updated: September 22, 2018
Best Practices in Literacy Instruction(6th ed.)
In this sixth edition, the authors incorporate the latest research about literacy teaching. Content new to this edition includes: the newest research findings and instructional practices; chapters on developmental word study and the physiological, emotional and behavioural foundations of literacy learning; and expanded information on classroom learning communities, teaching English learners and the use of digital tools and multimodal texts. The book includes a table of contents and an index.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $62.50
Record posted/updated: January 30, 2019
Beyond Leveled Books: Supporting Early and Transitional Readers in Grades K-5(2nd ed.)
The authors continue to research moving students from leveled books to independent book selection. Suggestions and resources are provided to assist teachers to understand and meet the needs of transitional readers. The book contains examples of classroom instruction, sample mini-lessons, strategies for small group instruction, assessment techniques and student work. The book includes a table of contents, an appendix, an index and bibliographies of children's books, series books and professional resources.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $29.95
Record posted/updated: December 20, 2017
Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network
The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network is interested in language and literacy. The network consists of Canada's leading researchers. They work together to discover evidence-based ways to assist children.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 13, 2017
Collections 1
Collections 1 promotes the integration of the six language arts strands. The student resources consist of twelve mini-theme books and three theme libraries at various reading levels and different text types.
•  Collections 1. Early (Green) Mini-theme Book. Around My Place
•  Collections 1. Early (Green) Mini-theme Book. It Looks Like...
•  Collections 1. Early (Green) Mini-theme Book. Ways to Go
•  Collections 1. Early (Yellow) Mini-theme Book. I'm Busy
•  Collections 1. Early (Yellow) Mini-theme Book. Once Upon a Time
•  Collections 1. Early (Yellow) Mini-theme Book. Under My Hood
•  Collections 1. Early (Yellow) Mini-theme Book. Where Do Words Go?
•  Collections 1. Early (Yellow) Mini-theme Book. With a Friend
•  Collections 1. Emergent (Orange) Mini-theme Book. One in the Sun
•  Collections 1. Emergent (Orange) Mini-theme Book. Time to Play
•  Collections 1. Emergent (Orange) Mini-theme Book. Too Silly!
•  Collections 1. Emergent (Orange) Mini-theme Book. Up the Hill
•  Collections 1. Emergent (Orange) Teacher's Resource Book
•  Collections 1. Grade 1 Complete Audio Pack (5 CDs)
•  Collections 1. Poem and Poster Pack
•  Collections 1. Teacher's Resource File Case
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: October 14, 2019
Early Childhood Language Arts(6th ed.)
This resource for early childhood educators offers a comprehensive look at early childhood literacy education, focusing on five themes: language learning in context, oral language, literacy with print, written language and symbol systems and the teacher of language arts. In response to the call for evidence-based reading instruction, the book provides research-based teaching strategies and incorporates information on bilingual education, technology tools and links with literature. The text responds to the increasingly diverse needs of young language learners in inclusive settings, working with parents and families and collaborating with professionals in other fields. Each chapter contains a section on teacher concerns and basic strategies, Web 2.0 teaching tools and picture book picks. Included are a table of contents, references and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $185.75
Record posted/updated: June 5, 2018
Early Literacy: A Resource for Teachers
This resource is intended to support teachers of emerging literacy learners. There are tools to assist teachers to assess and develop skills and strategies in literacy. Each chapter in the resource focuses on one particular set of literacy foundations: oral language foundations, textual foundations, graphophonic foundations and foundations of independent reading and writing.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 18, 2019
Engaging Readers & Writers with Inquiry: Promoting Deep Understandings in Language Arts and Content Areas with Guiding Questions
Through the use of research and classroom experience, Wilhelm demonstrates that inquiry is easy to teach. He shares practical ideas for turning goals and outcomes into engaging authentic questions that propel students toward deep understandings.
Included in the book are examples of guiding questions for every content area, sample lessons and activities that deepen thinking about topics and prepare students for more meaningful reading and writing experiences.
Included are a table of contents and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Inquiry
Price : $26.99
Record posted/updated: January 16, 2025
English Language Arts 1. Additional Learning Resources (2011)
This list of learning resources identifies high-quality resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to support the curriculum, English Language Arts 1. A list of core learning resources can also be found on the Ministry of Education website.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 30, 2019
English Language Arts 1. Core Learning Resources (2010) Updated 2011
This list of learning resources identifies high-quality resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to support the curriculum, English Language Arts 1. A list of additional learning resources can also be found on the Ministry of Education website.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Fluency Instruction: Research-Based Best Practices(2nd ed.)
The editors introduce the idea of fluency instruction, providing a thorough examination of what fluency instruction is and how it should be taught. Content new to this edition includes: new chapters on supporting English as an additional language learners and information on adolescent fluency, reading expressiveness, oral reading instruction and text selection. The editors include examples and vignettes of fluency instruction in the classroom.
The book includes a table of contents, an appendix and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $51.50
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Gage Cornerstones 1: Canadian Language Arts
Cornerstones 1 provides a framework for a flexible language arts program.
•  Gage Cornerstones 1. Assessment Guide (West)
•  Gage Cornerstones 1. Audio CD
•  Gage Cornerstones 1. Blackline Masters (West)
•  Gage Cornerstones 1. Teacher's Guide (West)
•  Gage Cornerstones 1A. Out On the Playground Big Book
•  Gage Cornerstones 1A. Out On the Playground Student Anthology
•  Gage Cornerstones 1B. Look Around Student Anthology
•  Gage Cornerstones 1C. Busy Days Student Anthology
•  Gage Cornerstones 1D. Ride A Rainbow Student Anthology
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: October 14, 2019
Good Books Matter: How to Choose and Use Children's Literature to Help Students Grow as Readers
Written for beginning and experienced teachers, the authors provide guidance to teach with quality children's literature. Guidance is provided on selecting books, strategies for specific grade levels, suggestions for extension and tips for assessment. The book is organized around genres - traditional literature, picture books, novels, nonfiction, poetry and multicultural texts. The book includes a table of contents, appendices, professional resources and an index.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $21.95
Record posted/updated: September 22, 2018
Honouring the Buffalo: A Plains Cree Legend
This story, told in both English and Cree, describes how early First Nations people relied on the buffalo for food, clothing, shelter, hunting tools and other necessities of life. The narrator explains how the buffalo is honoured for its sacrifice. Pictures of items made from the buffalo, facts about the buffalo and questions to enrich the use of the text are included at the end of the book.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $14.95
Record posted/updated: May 27, 2024
InfoTrac Literature Resource Center Database
This database contains full-text journal articles, literary criticism, reviews, biographical information and overviews on over 130,000 writers from all disciplines and time periods.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 18, 2019
International Federation for the Teaching of English (IFTE)
IFTE's mission is to promote the work and voices of English and literacy teachers through its member associations and in the world of English teaching generally. It works through conferences, links with associations with similar aims, electronic and other forms of publication and both formal and informal networks of English and literary professionals.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 2, 2019
Listen Hear!: 25 Effective Listening Comprehension Strategies
Students are expected to spend 50 percent or more of their day engaged in listening comprehension activities, but are they "hearing" rather than "listening." This user-friendly resource provides strategies to incorporate multidimensional listening comprehension into the classroom. Using the latest research, the authors provide charts to show at a glance which skills each strategy enhances, lists of contemporary literature to use in conjunction with the strategies and tips for assessment.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $30.50
Record posted/updated: January 18, 2019
Literate Lives: Teaching Reading and Writing in Elementary Classrooms
Designed to meet the needs of students in reading methods classes or beginning teachers, Flint invites readers to consider the complexities of the reading process in diverse settings. An inquiry stance is critical to being an effective teacher, especially in the area of reading as there is more than one approach to learning to read. Flint also provides pedagogy to teaching reading, writing and literacy as well as providing practical information and vignettes of real-life situations. Teachers are asked to reflect on the key concepts in the chapters. The book includes a table of contents, appendices, a glossary, references, children's literature references and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $193.95
Record posted/updated: June 5, 2018
Making Sense of Phonics: The Hows and Whys(2nd ed.)
The authors provide practical ideas to build children's decoding skills by teaching letter-sound relationships, blending, word building and multisyllable words. This book provides strategies for explicit, systematic phonics instruction for primary-grade classrooms. The strategies can also be used for older students who experience difficulties in decoding. The book includes a table of contents, appendices, references and an index.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $41.50
Record posted/updated: June 5, 2018
Nelson Literacy 1
This major integrated resource for English language arts provides support for the three curriculum goals: comprehend and respond, compose and create and assess and reflect on language abilities. It also addresses the six strands: viewing, listening, reading, representing, speaking and writing.
Included in the resource is a variety of formats to support resource-based learning. Instructional strategies are explained and differentiating instruction is included to assist teachers with the diversity within the classrooms. The "release of responsibility" model has students demonstrating and applying their knowledge in a variety of ways. A comprehensive approach is used to teach the cues and conventions and they are incorporated into the framework of the lesson plans. There are cross-curricular units that link to science and social studies.
The teacher's guide is detailed and comprehensive with formative and summative assessment tools. Teacher reflection is emphasized.
(More information)
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Cross-Curricular Kit. Energy in the Environment
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Cross-Curricular Kit. Materials and Objects
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Cross-Curricular Kit. My World
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Cross-Curricular Kit. Relationships, Rules, and Responsibilities
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Cross-Curricular Kit. Seasons
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Cross-Curricular Kit. Storytelling
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Cross-Curricular Kit. The Needs of Living Things
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Guided Reading Kit. Energy in Our Lives
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Guided Reading Kit. Materials and Objects
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Guided Reading Kit. My World
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Guided Reading Kit. Relationships, Rules, and Responsibilities
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Guided Reading Kit. Seasons
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Guided Reading Kit. The Needs of Living Things
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Single Copy Set. Energy in Our Lives
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Single Copy Set. Materials and Objects
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Single Copy Set. My World
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Single Copy Set. Relationships, Rules, and Responsibilities
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Single Copy Set. Seasons
•  Nelson Literacy 1. Single Copy Set. The Needs of Living Things
Media and Formats : Book Kit
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Nipi and Mother Earth
Nipi explains how important it is to look after Mother Earth and each other.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 17, 2022
Out of the Question: Guiding Students to a Deeper Understanding of What They See, Read, Hear, and Do
Knowing how to ask good questions is a pivotal skill in learning and inquiry. By asking questions, children clarify their understanding and make new connections. For educators, the booklet explores nurturing questions in the classroom, building questioning skills and assessing the questioning process. The resource will assist both educators and students in asking questions to discover what is relevant, what is of interest, what is legitimate, what is authentic and what needs further investigation. The resource includes a table of contents, an index and a professional reading list.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: September 22, 2018
Planning for Inquiry: It's Not an Oxymoron!
Diane Parker provides an up-close look at the underlying structure of an inquiry-based approach, what such an approach might look like in practice and how it can happen in the classroom. Supported by stories and examples, Parker shares a practical yet non-prescriptive framework for developing lessons from learners' questions and authentic classroom events. The strategies can be adapted for both short- and long-term planning with students. Included are a table of contents, an index and appendices that offer assessment tools, sample planning forms, sample advocacy efforts and more.
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Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Inquiry
Price : $24.99 US
Record posted/updated: April 2, 2019
Powerful Learning: What We Know About Teaching for Understanding
The authors provide a number of teaching practices including project-based learning, cooperative learning, performance-based assessment, as well as instructional strategies in literacy, mathematics and science.
Online videos at www.edutopia.org demonstrate how role models help to generate student understanding. There are examples that show how educators can enable students to think critically, transfer skills and knowledge and be flexible problem solvers, both inside and outside the classroom.
The book includes a table of contents, an appendix, a bibliography and a subject index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $35.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Reading Instruction That Works: The Case for Balanced Teaching(4th ed.)
Richard L. Allington builds on the late Michael Pressley's work to explain and to illustrate the theories and findings that guide balanced teaching. The book provides strategies and techniques that move beyond theory and use a balanced approach in classrooms to build word recognition, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.
The book includes a table of contents, an author index and a subject index.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $63.50
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Saskatchewan Writers' Guild (SWG)
SWG is an organization that promotes Saskatchewan writers. The Guild's mission is to improve the status of the writer in Saskatchewan. The Guild offers conferences and writers' retreats and publishes the members' newsletter, entitled Freelance and a publication of literature written by Saskatchewan high school students, entitled Windscript.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 18, 2019
In four days, Shi-shi-etko leaves for residential school. Before she leaves, Shi-shi-etko's mother, father and Yayah share teachings they want her to remember. Shi-shi-etko learns to treasure the world that surrounds her. Yaya gives Shi-shi-etko a small bag made from deer hide and sinew. She tells Shi-shi-etko that the bag is to store memories. Shi-shi-etko carefully collects berries, roots and flowers for her bag of memories. When the truck arrives to pick up Shi-shi-etko, she goes to a giant fir tree, offers tobacco and tucks the memory bag inside its roots.
The book was selected as co-winner for the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Book of the Year, Ânskohk Aboriginal Literary Festival.
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Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : $18.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
In four days, Shi-shi-etko leaves for residential school. Before she leaves, Shi-shi-etko's mother, father and Yayah share teachings they want her to remember. Shi-shi-etko learns to treasure the world that surrounds her. Yaya gives Shi-shi-etko a small bag made from deer hide and sinew. She tells Shi-shi-etko that the bag is to store memories. Shi-shi-etko carefully collects berries, roots and flowers for her bag of memories. When the truck arrives to pick up Shi-shi-etko, she goes to a giant fir tree, offers tobacco and tucks the memory bag inside its roots.
Teachers will need to provide a historical context about residential schools and the impact on First Nations people.
This video is a dramatization of the picture book by Nicola I. Campbell and illustrated by Kim LaFave. The book was selected as co-winner for the 2006 Aboriginal Children's Book of the Year, Ânskohk Aboriginal Literary Festival. The video won the 2009 Best Short Drama, Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festival and the Best Canadian Short Drama, ImagineNATIVE 2009.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : $150.00
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Sing a Song of Poetry. Grade 1: A Teaching Resource for Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Fluency(Revised ed.)
Poetry provides an opportunity for children to explore the rhythm of language. Poetry can help children become aware of the phonological system of language and provide a foundation for matching sounds with letters, letter clusters and word parts. The authors have included a number of poems that can be reproduced. Each poem is accompanied by a suggestion to enhance the poem for student learning and enjoyment. The book includes a table of contents.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $41.50
Record posted/updated: June 5, 2018
Strategies for Reading Assessment and Instruction: Helping Every Child Succeed(Sixth edition)
Each strategy follows a three-part progression, including sequence, materials and procedures. The authors provide a number of intervention strategies for a struggling reader. Content includes assessment tools and strategies, IF-THEN strategy intervention guides, differentiated reading instruction, a classroom environment assessment tool, updated fluency norms and expression measures and ideas to connect with the home.
The book includes a table of contents, a name index and a subject index.
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Media and Formats : Book Document
Price : $110.40
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Tate and the Flyers
Tate talks about the importance of the pond and how he and other flyers meet there to hear and to share stories.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 17, 2022
Teaching Essentials: Expecting the Most and Getting the Best From Every Learner, K-8
Routman provides a blueprint for instruction to allow all students to have success in the classroom. She draws upon her work with students that have excelled against great odds. Routman shares her principles and practices to help teachers and students reach their full potential. She stresses that everyone needs to be invited to the learning community. Some of the topics in the book include articulating high expectations for all students, including English as an Additional Language learners and struggling readers, setting lessons and activities in meaningful contexts, and embedding assessment into all aspects of instruction and planning. The book includes a table of contents and an index. Routman has a companion website at www.regieroutman.com that includes video clips of her working with students.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $31.95
Record posted/updated: September 11, 2017
Teaching Literacy in First Grade
Students enter Grade 1 with a variety of skill levels - some students can read, others will know some letters of the alphabet and most students will be somewhere in the middle. The authors provide insight on the learner, appropriate literacy goals, setting up the physical environment for literacy, tools to get to know students through assessment and planning for differentiation, what the week would look like in practice using instructional strategies and suggested resources for learning. The book includes a table of contents, references and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $40.50
Record posted/updated: May 5, 2018
Teaching Word Recognition: Effective Strategies for Students with Learning Difficulties(2nd ed.)
O'Connor synthesizes research on how children learn to read words. She demonstrates how to plan and implement lessons that address letter-sound pairings, decoding and blending, multisyllabic words, sight words and fluency. O'Connor provides strategies to be used in the classroom to assist students. Included in the book are a table of contents, appendices and an index.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $41.50
Record posted/updated: June 5, 2018
Teaching Writing: Balancing Process and Product with Enhanced Pearson eText Access Card Package(7th ed.)
Tompkins addresses both the process and the product of writing in this resource. She provides strategies for teaching prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing through writing workshops. This resource also includes: chapters on the writer's craft and on writing across the curriculum, information on the six traits of good writing and insights into using technology meaningfully in the writing classroom. The accompanying eText card provides access to additional content such as embedded videos and interactive quizzes. The book also includes a table of contents, references, an author index and a subject index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $108.31
Record posted/updated: May 22, 2019
The Grammar Plan Book: A Guide to Smart Teaching
The best method of teaching language conventions is to integrate them into units and lessons. This book explains how to teach language conventions this way. Through examples of innovative educators teaching language, teachers are presented with concepts to use in the classroom. Although this publication is not a language handbook, it includes most of the language concepts that students need to know. The book is useful in planning focused lessons and it includes a sample scope-and-sequence chart.
Included are a table of contents and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $31.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
The Science of Spelling: The Explicit Specifics that Make Readers and Writers (and Spellers!)
Through current research, the author reveals that spelling instruction is crucial for teaching every aspect of literacy and offers techniques for the following: making appropriate use of instructional devices such as scaffolding, hand and finger spelling and letter boxes; managing word lists and word sorts; differentiating spelling instruction and assessment and evaluation evaluating spelling resources. Included are rubrics, research-based forms, a table of contents, a bibliography and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $30.95
Record posted/updated: April 30, 2019
Turtle Island Voices Grade 1
The library pack for Grade 1 contains 10 titles - 3 traditional stories, 4 modern stories and 4 informational texts - that provide First Nations, Métis and Inuit perspectives and support guided reading levels A-I. The books are also available as a full class set (6 copies of each title) and as individual titles. The teacher's guide includes lesson plans with activities, teaching suggestions, web connections and blackline masters. A CD-ROM is also available that contains digital version of each title that can be projected or used with interactive whiteboards. Individual titles in the Grade 1 collection are: Our Reserve, What Do You Do?, Buniq's Boots, The New Girl, Hummingbird and the Fire, Beaver and Porcupine, Coyote's Trick, That's Awesome!, Fawn Gets Her Spots and Bear Listens.
(More information)
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. Bear Listens
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. Beaver and Porcupine
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. Buniq's Boots
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. CD-ROM
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. Class Set
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. Coyote's Trick
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. Fawn Gets Her Spots
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. Hummingbird and the Fire
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. Library Pack
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. Our Reserve
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. Teacher's Guide
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. That's Awesome!
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. The New Girl
•  Turtle Island Voices Grade 1. What Do You Do?
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: October 18, 2020
Under One Sun Grade 1. Complete Classroom Set
With content created by Indigenous artists and illustrators, the Under One Sun series draws upon Indigenous culture, perspectives and experiences to explore the themes of identity, our connection to Mother Earth and relationships within families and communities. The Grade 1 complete classroom set includes a teacher's resource and 6 copies each of 6 student books at guided reading levels C-H. Additional resources to support the series are available through the Online Teaching Centre.
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. At Home and at School
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. Guided Reading Classroom Set
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. Guided Reading Single Copy Set
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. I Do Good Things
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. Long Ago and Today
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. Online Teaching Centre
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. Print Teacher's Resource
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. Teacher Resource Set
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. We Help Each Other
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. What Do You Share?
•  Under One Sun Grade 1. What Does Mother Earth Share?
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $403.50
Record posted/updated: October 7, 2020
What are additional resources? Additional Resources
Additional resources also complement the curriculum in an effective way and are of the same variety as core resources. However, where funds are limited, educators are advised to start by purchasing core resources.
Little Beauty and Silly Billy
This video contains two stories written and illustrated by Anthony Browne. In Little Beauty, a kitten and gorilla form an usual friendship reminiscent of the classic tale, Beauty and the Beast. This title would support student discussion of feelings including loneliness, anger and frustration. In addition, forms of nonverbal communication could be explored through the gorilla's use of sign language to communicate. In Silly Billy, a young boy frets about everything, especially when he is trying to sleep, until his grandmother provides him with Guatemalan worry dolls that will do the worrying for him. This title provides strategies for calming fears. The inclusion of a segment on the tradition of the worry doll provides insight into another culture. This video would be an ideal resource for an author study or for units on families, friendship or feelings.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $34.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Pig Pig Returns and Little Pig Joins the Band
Two matched stories depicting the fears and frustrations of childhood are included in this resource. In Pig Pig Returns, Pig Pig is reluctant to go on a road trip with his aunt and uncle, fearing that his mother and pet cat will forget him in his absence. In Little Pig Joins the Band, Little Pig's brothers and sisters get out their grandfather's marching band instruments, but there is nothing small enough for Little Pig to play. However, he learns that he isn't too small to be the band's leader.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $34.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
A Broken Flute: The Native Experience in Books for Children
A Broken Flute is a collection of reviews that critically evaluate children's books about Native Americans written between the early 1900s and 2003. Stories, essays and poems accompany each review. The authors reviewed over 600 books and arranged the reviews alphabetically by title. The selected titles cover preschool, K-12 levels and adult and teacher materials.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $82.50
Record posted/updated: July 18, 2019
A Journey Through the Circle of Life
Cheyenne's pépère teaches her to plant a tree every year to honour Mother Nature and to respect the circle of life. At first, Cheyenne is sad when Pépère passes away, but Cheyenne realizes that Pépère's teachings will live long after he no longer walks the earth.
This book highlights the importance of looking ahead to and planning for what we leave our grandchildren and the generations to follow.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
A Mother's Earth
This award-winning series, produced in Cree, English and French, uses stop-motion animation to portray life in a fictional northern Saskatchewan community. It focuses on issues and events in the lives of children and their supportive families in this traditional Cree community. The adults guide the children to retain their traditional culture and values while living in the modern world. In this episode, six year old Raven must write a report on identity, describing who she thinks she is. Through talking to many people in the community, 10-year-old Talon reconciles her Cree-Metis identity as a daughter and sister. Cousin T-Bear and brother Talon are asked to help create a sweat lodge and through their hard work they earn their Indian names. Non-Aboriginal students viewing this film will gain a better understanding of Aboriginal identity and traditional practices. T-Bone's father's role at the band office provides a glimpse into First Nations governance and its complex issues.
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
A Prairie Alphabet
Writer Jo Bannatyne-Cugnet offers an alphabetical look at various aspects of rural prairie life. Moore's paintings provide visual information about seasonal changes, farm activities, family gatherings and children's interests. In each picture, viewers will be able to locate numerous objects beginning with a particular letter. Concluding pages offer notes that name the objects and provide a brief description of each painting.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.99
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
A Sick Day for Amos McGee
Amos McGee, an elderly zookeeper, adheres to a daily routine that involves eating porridge for breakfast, catching the 6 a.m. bus for work and always making time to visit his animal friends. When Amos fails to arrive at the zoo one morning, the animals are concerned and travel to his home. They discover Amos sick with the sniffles and return the same kindness to him that he has shown to them.
This caring but humourous tale of friendship and dedication based on the 2011 Caldecott Medal winner is strengthened through its illustrations, soothing music and soft-spoken narration. It provides opportunities for classroom discussions about the reciprocal nature of friendship.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
ABC of Canada
From "A is for Arctic" to "Z is for Zamboni," young children will learn about Canada as they enjoy this alphabet book. Students will visit Canadian landmarks, such as Peggy's Cove or enjoy a Canadian pastime, such as the Calgary Stampede.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $7.95
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
Alligator Pie(Classic ed.)
Dennis Lee's book of poetry and rhymes for children has been reissued in a collector's edition. The poems reflect a Canadian child's world - children are invited to "skip to Casa Loma" or to imagine an Ookpik who can "dance on Niagara Falls." Children will identify with the universal themes in Lee's poetry. The delights, fears and interests of a young child are explored in the variety of verses found in this anthology. The illustrations by Frank Newfeld contribute to the humour in many of the selections.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $19.99
Record posted/updated: November 26, 2017
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
ASCD is "dedicated to quality teaching, learning, and leadership." The organization publishes resources on all aspects of education including English language arts. The Language, Literacy and Literature Network provides teachers with a forum to share information. The periodical Educational Leadership includes articles for English language arts teachers.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 18, 2019
Beyond Reading and Writing: Inquiry, Curriculum, and Multiple Ways of Knowing
The authors examine the theory of inquiry and multiple ways of knowing, which put the learner at the centre of curriculum. Because of their experiences in the classroom, the authors are able to provide insight into how a curriculum works in day-to-day situations, offer suggestions on how educators can support and understand their students and suggest theory-into-practice techniques. The authors summarize their own understandings gained during the inquiry. The book demonstrates inquiry in action.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $19.95 US
Record posted/updated: June 13, 2017
Buttercup's Lovely Day
Buttercup leads a life of leisure. During the day, Buttercup grazes in the field, watches the clouds, chews her cud, takes a drink from the stream, waits while a skunk passes nearby and settles down for the evening. Beck's poetry perfectly describes Buttercup's leisurely day.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.95
Record posted/updated: September 25, 2017
Canadian Poems for Canadian Kids(3rd ed.)
This anthology contains poetry by Canadian authors, including representation from Saskatchewan. Linguists believe that reading poetry to young children stimulates the imagination and develops language skills. In this collection, the poems explore Canadian life and use humour to explore fears or to express sorrow.
Black-and-white illustrations complement the poems. The text includes a table of contents and brief author biographies.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $14.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Watt is trying to tell the story of a mouse in a house; however, Mélanie's cat, Chester, has his own plan. Chester sends the mouse packing and starts to rewrite Mélanie's story. As Mélanie tries to continue her story about mouse, Chester uses a red marker to change Mélanie's words and illustrations. Mayhem ensues while Mélanie tries to complete her story.
This title won the 2008 Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Illustrator's Medal.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Chums Season 1 Overview
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. Episodes in Season 1 include:

1. Best Chums Forever   7. White Buffalo               13. Goose Call

2. Turtles Everywhere    8. Let Loose the Moose   14. Elk Lodge Dance

3. Loonie Tune                9. Flight Path                     15. Thunderbird

4. Duck, Duck, Fly         10. We Pelican’s Fish         16. Spirit of the Land

5. Squirrelly for Nuts    11. Outfoxed                       17. Nothing to Crow About

6. Bear Paws                  12. Raccoon fire                 18. Beaver Tales

(More information)
•  Chums Season 1 Overview
•  Episode 10: We Pelican's Fish: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 11: Outfoxed: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 12: Raccoon Fire: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 13: Goose Call: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 14: Elk Lodge Dance: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 15: Thunderbird: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 16: Spirit of the Land: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 17: Nothing To Crow About: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 18: Beaver Tales: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 1: Best Chums Forever: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 2: Turtles Everywhere: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 3: Loonie Tune: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 4: Duck, Duck, Fly: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 5: Squirrelly For Nuts: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 6: Bear Paws: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 7: White Buffalo: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 8: Let Loose the Moose: Chums Season 1
•  Episode 9: Flight Path: Chums Season 1
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 29, 2024
This classic tale of triumph over adversity is entertainingly retold by Barbra Karlin. The James Marshall illustrations, accompanied by fine narration, animation and good musical background, create an easy to follow, humorous version of this old fairy tale. The program guide contains suggestions for other "Cinderella" tales.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: October 8, 2020
Cookies. Bite-size Life Lessons
With realistic-style, softly coloured illustrations and expressive text, Rosenthal explains character traits in a non-didactic way that young children can easily understand - through cookies. For example, "respect" means offering the first cookie to your grandmother and "greedy" means that one person hoards all the cookies.
This book was nominated for the 2009 Grand Canyon Reader Award.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Crafting Writers K-6
Hale explores ways to teach the craft of writing by moving beyond the rules of grammar and mechanics. Often teachers "teach" writing using the predictable rules of the English language. Hale examines the art of writing, the artistic side of writing and the process for identifying craft in writing.
She describes the specific and general craft techniques, such as voice, sentence fluency and writing with detail. Teachers will learn how to assist students in determining their writing strengths and how to build upon those strengths.
Included in the text are a table of contents, assessment strategies, appendices and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $32.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Duck on a Bike
One day on the farm, Duck has a crazy idea - he will ride a bike! At first, Duck is wobbly on the bike and rides very slowly, but soon masters bike riding. Duck has fun and as he passes everyone in the barnyard, they all have something to say about Duck on a bike. Later, a group of children ride by on their bikes and run into the farmhouse, leaving their bikes outside. Temptation strikes as the other animals try riding bikes, too. This video is based on the picture book by David Shannon.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: July 22, 2020
Duck on a Bike
One day on the farm, Duck has a crazy idea - he will ride a bike! At first, Duck is wobbly on the bike and rides very slowly, but he soon masters riding a bike. Duck has fun and as he passes everyone in the barnyard, they all have something to say about Duck on a bike.
Later, a group of children ride by on their bikes. They jump off their bikes and run into the farmhouse. Temptation strikes as the other animals look at the bikes and get their chance to ride a bike.
This title won the 2002 School Library Journal Best Book of the Year.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $19.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Episode 10: We Pelican's Fish: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 10:  We Pelican's Fish

Emiree and Ira go fishing, only to discover Raven has "sold" their lake to the Pelicans after they overfished another lake. The Chums must come together to find a solution to continue sharing the lake.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 11: Outfoxed: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 11:  Outfoxed

A piece of meat goes missing from the Village where Cota Coyote and Red Fox are suspects. The Chums help Elder Kohkum detect who did it.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 12: Raccoon Fire: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 12:  Raccoon Fire

The Chums team up with Elder Kohkum to find the raccoons that took the bannock from the village.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 13: Goose Call: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 13:  Goose Call

The Chums Ira & Pterry help Ryan the Gosling build strength to get ready to fly south.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 14: Elk Lodge Dance: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 14: Elk Lodge Dance

The Chums help an Elk find the courage to win the affection of his crush in time for the Elk Lodge Dance.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 15: Thunderbird: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 15: Thunderbird

Thunderbird sightings have spooked the locals, it's up to the Chums to find out why Thunderbird is here and if there's a storm.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 16: Spirit of the Land: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 16: Spirit of the Land

The Chums find out that the squirrels have taken over the pow wow grounds for their own games. Can they find a way to share the land?

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 17: Nothing To Crow About: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 17: Nothing To Crow About

A crow arrives, confusing everyone including Raven who thinks its the Eagles trying to trick him into thinking he's crazy.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 18: Beaver Tales: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 18: Beaver Tales

The Chums need to keep Emiree away from his beaver dam long enough to plan his surprise birthday party.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 1: Best Chums Forever: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 1: Best Chums Forever   

A human girl on Turtle Island befriends a rabbit, a beaver, a ptarmigan as they help a fallen eaglet get back to her nest. They become the "Chums".

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 6, 2024
Episode 2: Turtles Everywhere: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 2: Turtles Everywhere   

Turtles begin to appear everywhere causing chaos, the Chums must help the turtles and find out what's driving them away from the creek.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 3: Loonie Tune: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 3: Loonie Tune   

The chums discover a young loon lost in the wilderness. The other Chums must work together to find her family.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 4: Duck, Duck, Fly: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 4: Duck, Duck, Fly 

A duckling is worried that he won't learn to fly in time for the migration. The Chums jump into action to encourage and teach him to fly.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 5: Squirrelly For Nuts: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 5: Squirrelly For Nuts 

A duckling is worried that he won't learn to fly in time for the migration. The Chums jump into action to encourage and teach him to fly.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 6: Bear Paws: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 6:  Bear Paws 

The Chums meet a a young bear with very ticklish feet. Using the forest and their imagination, they try to help their new chum.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 7: White Buffalo: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 7:  White Buffalo

The Chums befriend a white buffalo who doesn't understand why people see it as sacred.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 8: Let Loose the Moose: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 8:  Let Loose the Moose

The Chums come across a moose that has run away because no one understands or gets his jokes.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Episode 9: Flight Path: Chums Season 1
Guided by the wisdom of Mother Earth, ayoung girl and her newgroup of furry friends embarkon adventuresthat teach them abouttheir relationshipswitheach other,withotheranimalsandwiththeir environment.Join theChums as they explore Turtle Island andhelp their fellowwild creaturesnavigate thenatural world. 

Episode 9:  Flight Path

Pterry the Ptarmigan tries to learn to fly like the Eagles, with the help of his chum Ira the Eaglet.

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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2024
Falling Down the Page: A Book of List Poems
Everyone makes lists of numerous types (e.g., names of friends to invite to a birthday party, activities for a summer vacation). This collection of list poems celebrates school. Some of the poems are a simple list of words, while others are more descriptive and complex. Students should be inspired to jot down what they notice around them and create their own list poems.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $11.50
Record posted/updated: September 25, 2017
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site
This video highlights the work that takes place on a construction site. The jobs completed by a bulldozer, dump truck, crane truck, excavator and cement mixer are featured. As the work day draws to a close, the hard-working trucks settle down for a good night's sleep to rejuvenate for what tomorrow brings. The video will appeal to youngsters who have an interest in heavy machinery, but all children will relate to it as a bedtime story. The video could be used for text-to-self discussions about preparing for bed, the value of teamwork and construction vehicles. It would also be useful as an introduction to exploring interests (identity) and to community studies.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: October 8, 2020
Grandfather, Tell Us About the Fire Ceremony
In this illustrated board book, grandfather describes the significance of the fire ceremony, when it usually occurs and what participants do during the ceremony.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $124.95 (10 book set)
Record posted/updated: January 5, 2022
Granny's Giant Bannock
Miscommunication occurs between English-speaking Larf and his Cree-speaking grandmother. Larf's grandmother comes for a visit, but Larf cannot speak Cree. Grandmother wants to make bannock. As they both try to communicate with each other, the result is bannock that threatens to take over the community.
The book was nominated for the 2009 McNally Robinson Book for Young People Award.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Hi! Fly Guy
When Buzz enters Fly Guy in The Amazing Pet Show, the judges aren't impressed. Flies are pests and can't be pets, but Fly Guy is determined to amaze everyone with his tricks. After all, how many pets can say their master's name and know their own jar? Fly Guy wins the Smartest Pet Award, and a beautiful friendship between Buzz and Fly Guy begins.
This video's controlled vocabulary, simple sentence structures, and chapter segments make it an ideal choice for emergent readers. Youngsters will be drawn to the cartoon-like animations and quirky story, which offers possibilities for sequencing, predicting, and character analysis. Thematically, this tale could be used for discussions about exotic pets, unusual friendships, families, and overcoming obstacles. From a science perspective, opportunities abound for the study of flies and other insects, particularly those considered pests. Buzz, who is outfitted with a butterfly net, hard hat, and insect jar, will introduce students to the naturalist's world.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
In this wordless picture book, readers observe the changes in a neighbourhood from before Tracy is born until she is an adult. At first, the neighbourhood is decaying. As the book progresses, the neighbourhood is renewed through the efficacy and social responsibility of people within the community.
The book won the 2005 Notable Children's Book Award for the Association for Library Service to Children.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $21.00
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
I Know Here
A young girl lives in a trailer near a forest. Her father builds dams for a career and his current project is nearing completion. Her brother, Doug, announces that they will be moving to Toronto in the summer. The young girl only knows wolves howling at night, the tobogganing hill behind the trailers and the man who delivers their groceries from Nipawin. She does not know Toronto.
Her teacher, Miss Hendrickson, encourages the young girl to draw a picture to remember the Nipawin area. She draws the road with the trailers, the forest, the creek and everything that is special to her so that she will remember it always.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $14.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
I, Bruno
Bruno has specific tastes and ideas. For example, he will not eat anything green. Bruno is also very imaginative; one day he is Sir Bruno and on another day, he is the queen. He understands the language of Car and does not like to write his name on school assignments. Young students will enjoy Bruno's adventures. The text is enhanced with black-and-white illustrations. The book contains a table of contents.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $6.95
Record posted/updated: June 13, 2017
Independent Reading Inside the Box: How to Organize, Observe, and Assess Reading Strategies That Promote Deeper Thinking and Improve Comprehension in K-8 Classrooms(2nd ed.)
Donohue provides an overview of the reading response "boxes" with strategies for using them as prompts and options for providing feedback and assessment. She shows teachers how to add value, authenticity and accountability to their independent reading programs and to keep the focus on student reading.
Graphic organizers and open-response opportunities help promote higher-order thinking skills and innovative ways to make thinking visible during independent reading. There are reproducible blank templates and student samples that illustrate how the program works.
The book contains a table of contents, an appendix and an index.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $24.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
International Literacy Association (ILA)
The International Literacy Association (ILA), formerly known as the International Reading Association or IRA, is an association of professionals who are committed to literacy. It publishes the journals The Reading Teacher, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy and Reading Research Quarterly.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 18, 2019
Lessons From Mother Earth
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.95
Record posted/updated: February 4, 2021
Lily and the Paper Man
At first, a young girl named Lily is afraid of a gruff homeless man who sells papers on the street. Later, as Lily snuggles down in her warm bed on a cold wintry night, she worries about the homeless man whose toes stick through his shoes. Lily discusses her concern with her doll and comes up with an action plan. This is a heart-warming story that carries valuable messages about caring for others and how a young child can make a positive difference in someone's life. The realistic-style paintings capture the various emotions felt by the characters in this touching story.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.95
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2020
Max's Words
Max's two brothers are collectors. Benjamin collects stamps and Karl collects coins and they will not share with their little brother. Max decides he is going to collect words. Max starts with small words and his collection soon starts to spread. As Benjamin and Karl brag about how many stamps and coins they have, Max is able to create stories with his word collection. This video is based on the book written by Kate Banks and illustrated by Boris Kulikov.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: July 22, 2020
My Family
In this book, Kona, a Métis child, introduces her family as they prepare for a feast. The role of Kona's grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunts and cousins are described as they get ready for the family celebration. The bold, vibrant illustrations are intriguing.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 8, 2021
Métis Art and Stories in the Classroom with Leah Marie Dorion. Grades 1 & 2
Why were bison essential to people living on the plains, prior to the time of Treaty negotiations (1870s)? What does the bison represent today? This LIVE Arts broadcast features contemporary artwork and storytelling by Métis artist Leah Marie Dorion, based on her children's book, "Métis Camp Circle: A Bison Culture Way of Life." Leah reads from the book, discusses the importance of bison (past and present), explains the use of Métis symbolism and discuss the composition and design of the illustrations. Leah guides students through a live drawing activity where they learn to draw and paint a bison as inspired by Leah's particular style of creating and imagery.
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 21, 2021
Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed
In this animated video, there are three things you need to know about mole rats: they are part rat, part mole and all naked, except Wilbur. Wilbur likes to wear clothes and he feels different depending on what clothes he is wearing. All the other mole rats in the colony are horrified by Wilbur. They approach Grand-pah, the oldest, wisest and most naked mole rat. Grand-pah reflects about Wilbur and makes a pronouncement that shakes the colony. Wilbur is a mole rat that is not afraid to express his individuality. This video is an adaptation of the picture book written and illustrated by Mo Willems.
(More information)
•  Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed. Behind the Music with Scotty Huff and Robert Reynolds
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $59.95 USD
Record posted/updated: December 3, 2021
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
NCTE promotes teaching, research and student achievement in English language arts. It publishes the journals Language Arts and English Journal.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 18, 2019
Niiwin: Four Ojibwa Critter Tales
A group of Elders are berry picking and Antoinette becomes separated from the group. As Antoinette picks berries, she sees four animals and tells a narrative about each animal. There is a brief introduction where Coleclough introduces the importance of Elders, storytelling and Nanabozho, who is a spirit in human form.
Teachers may consider inviting an Elder or traditional knowledge keeper into the classroom to tell the narratives.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.50
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Niwechihaw/I Help
Told in Cree and English, the story explores the relationship between a young boy and his grandmother (Kôhkum). The two prepare to take a walk in the woods to pick rosehips. The young boy follows his grandmother as she walks, listens, picks, prays and eats. By mimicking her actions, the young boy is learning the cultural traditions and values of his Cree heritage. Included at the back of the book is a recipe to make rosehip tea.
Teachers may consider bringing an Elder into the classroom to discuss our relationships to the land.
This book was selected as a finalist for the 2009 Canadian Children's Book Centre - Best Books for Kids and Teens.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
No Roses for Harry
Fashion-conscious Harry the dog faces a dilemma in this story. Grandma gave Harry a comfortable rose-covered sweater for a gift, but Harry does not like wearing flowers. After making several unsuccessful attempts to lose the sweater, his luck finally changes. A bird tugs on a loose thread, unravelling the sweater and turning it into a nest. Without Harry's new sweater, Grandma's next visit could be awkward, but everything turns out alright in the end. This video is an adaptation from the book by Gene Zion and illustrated by Margaret Bloy Graham.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $59.95 USD
Record posted/updated: December 3, 2021
Nonfiction Reading Power: Teaching Students How to Think While They Read All Kinds of Information
This book provides teachers with strategies to assist students while they read material in all subject areas. Gear uses children's books to encourage students to recognize that reading is about using the brain to zoom-in, to question/infer, to find the main idea, to make connections and to transform what is on the printed page.
The author explores the features of informational text and lists key books that are organized around strategies and subject areas. She provides ideas to include more informational texts in the classroom through read-alouds and author studies and provides tips for teaching nonfiction forms and text structures.
Included in the text are a table of contents, samples of students' work, assessment strategies, lists of children's books and professional titles and an index.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $24.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Not My Girl
The authors adapted Margaret Pokiak-Fenton's story about her childhood in a residential school, A Stranger at Home, into a picture book for younger children.
Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: February 9, 2023
NoveList Plus and NoveList K-8 Plus Databases
NoveList Plus and NoveList K-8 Plus are located on the Biographies, Books and Literature page of the Online Magazines, Journals, and Newspapers. These databases are fiction guides for all ages and level of readers. They include titles in series, subject access to fiction, full-text book reviews, recommended lists, annotations and summaries.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 13, 2017
Officer Buckle and Gloria
Officer Buckle knows more about safety than anyone in the town of Napville. But whenever he tries to share his safety tips, nobody listens - until the day the Napville Police Department buys a police dog named Gloria, who has her own way of demonstrating safety tips. Based on the Caldecott Medal book by Peggy Rathmann, this program will delight audiences of all ages.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $59.95 (Included in a collection)
Record posted/updated: December 3, 2021
Pigs in the Mud in the Middle of the Rud
It is mud season, but there is more than mud on the road. A family in a Model T Ford gets stuck in the mud. As Grandma calls out who is in the mud, one family member tries to shoo the critter away. Family members are unsuccessful. With hands on her hips, Grandma steps out of the Model T and yells that it is time for sup and all the animals scatter. Children will enjoy the alliteration and rhyme.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.19 US
Record posted/updated: November 20, 2018
Raven Power
Raven identifies, through several scenarios, that the men and boys in the community take the women and girls for granted and show lack of respect for them. The women go on a week-long retreat, and only Jacob seems able to make coffee, cook meals and keep things running. Raven and Chief Big Sky negotiate to bring the women back, make everyone happier and strengthen the community. This is a humorous and inspiring video in which a young girl takes responsibility to do something about a problem in her community. Gender equity is treated in a clear and balanced manner.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Reading is Seeing: Learning to Visualize Scenes, Characters, Ideas, and Text Worlds to Improve Comprehension and Reflective Reading
This resource provides teachers with an overview of the research on visualization strategies and how this research may be used to improve students' reading comprehension. In each chapter, the author combines theory, personal experience and practical teaching activities to scaffold the learner's experience.
Strategies include ways to activate and build background knowledge, to elaborate on textual details, to make inferences, to develop mental models of nonfiction text and to make text-to-text connections.
Sample student work illustrates the expected outcomes of each particular technique. Suggestions are included for struggling and advanced readers.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $29.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Reciprocal Teaching at Work: Powerful Strategies and Lessons for Improving Reading Comprehension(3rd ed.)
Featuring a variety of classroom settings, this resource presents engaging lessons that implement a discussion technique to improve reading comprehension. This technique, reciprocal teaching, is based on teacher modelling, student participation and four strategies that readers use to comprehend text: predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing.
A detailed description of the four comprehension strategies (applicable to visual, oral and written text), ideas for leading students in reciprocal teaching, discussions in different social contexts and appended assessment forms are included in this resource.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $42.95 US
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Shin-chi's Canoe
Arriving at school, Shi-shi-etko reminds Shin-chi that they can only use their English names and cannot speak to each other. Shin-chi's life becomes an endless cycle of church, mass, school, work and skimpy meals. His father sends him a gift - a cedar canoe. The river provides solace for Shin-chi as he dreams of the day when the sock-eye salmon return to the river and he can go back home. Campbell provides young children the opportunity to explore the issue of First Nations children sent to residential schools.
The book was a finalist for the 2008 Governor-General's Literary award for Children's Literature - illustration.
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Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : $18.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Two young Ojibway sisters go out into the winter night to view the Northern Lights or "SkySpirits." As they walk through the snow to Coyote Hill, they suck on an icicle plucked from a branch, meet a rabbit and a deer and hear a coyote sing. At last, they arrive at Coyote Hill and the Northern Lights appear. The girls watch in silent awe and then they decide that the SkySpirits are really SkySisters. The artwork captures the feeling of the silence, the snow and the cold.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.95
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
Splat the Cat
In this animated video, Splat is worried about his first day at cat school. He invents excuses as to why he should not go to school and that school can wait for another day. To help him overcome his anxiety, Splat puts his pet mouse, Seymour, in his lunch box. Splat meets his teacher, Mrs. Wimpydimple, and the rest of his classmates. He learns amazing things about cats. When Seymour escapes from his lunch box, Splat discovers that cats are supposed to chase and catch mice. By the end of the school day, Splat has made new friends and has taught Mrs. Wimpydimple something new. This video is an adaptation of the picture book written and illustrated by Rob Scotton.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $59.95 USD
Record posted/updated: December 3, 2021
In this video, Spoon is a happy utensil. At bedtime, he likes to hear the story about his great-grandmother who ran off with the dish. Spoon thinks that the other utensils are much better off. Knife gets to cut and spread. Fork never gets stir crazy like a spoon. The Chopsticks are cool and exotic. Spoon needs to hear what the other utensils think of him. Only then does Spoon accept himself and celebrate his "uniqueness." This video is an adaptation of the picture book written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and illustrated by Scott Magoon.
(More information)
•  Spoon. An Interview with Amy Krause Rosenthal
•  Spoon. Creating Music for Spoon with Jack Sundrud and Rusty Young
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $59.95 USD
Record posted/updated: December 3, 2021
Strong Readers Guided Reading Series
This set of texts presents fiction and nonfiction titles that highlight environmental learning and stewardship while reflecting First Nations ways of knowing. The texts correspond to the Fountas and Pinnell guided reading levels A-M. An educator resource guide is available that provides ideas for lesson plans to enrich students' learning.
•  Strong Readers Educator Resource Guide
•  Strong Readers Level 1. Fish for Supper
•  Strong Readers Level 1. Frogs
•  Strong Readers Level 1. Frogs! Frogs! Frogs!
•  Strong Readers Level 1. In Went Mouse
•  Strong Readers Level 10. Animal Puzzles
•  Strong Readers Level 10. Let's Go for a Paddle
•  Strong Readers Level 10. Raven Makes a Plan
•  Strong Readers Level 10. Seasons
•  Strong Readers Level 11. Counting Insects
•  Strong Readers Level 11. Making a Paper Pond
•  Strong Readers Level 11. The Life Cycle of a Frog
•  Strong Readers Level 11. The Many Things I Can Do
•  Strong Readers Level 12. Bears
•  Strong Readers Level 12. My Five Senses
•  Strong Readers Level 12. Summertime
•  Strong Readers Level 12. Who is the Forest For?
•  Strong Readers Level 13. Bald Eagles
•  Strong Readers Level 13. Fall is Here!
•  Strong Readers Level 13. Go Out and Play
•  Strong Readers Level 13. Squirrel Learns to Count
•  Strong Readers Level 14. Leaf Rubbings
•  Strong Readers Level 14. Ravens
•  Strong Readers Level 14. The Forest Adventures
•  Strong Readers Level 14. Wintertime
•  Strong Readers Level 15. Food Chains
•  Strong Readers Level 15. Pine Forest Pond Music
•  Strong Readers Level 15. Spring Has Come!
•  Strong Readers Level 15. The Old Cedar Tree
•  Strong Readers Level 16. Making a Folded Paper Bear
•  Strong Readers Level 16. Play Days
•  Strong Readers Level 16. The Sandwich Mystery
•  Strong Readers Level 16. We Go for a Hike
•  Strong Readers Level 17. Busy Chipmunks
•  Strong Readers Level 17. Hummingbirds
•  Strong Readers Level 17. I Wonder
•  Strong Readers Level 17. Planning the Feast
•  Strong Readers Level 18. An Egg Count
•  Strong Readers Level 18. That Reminds Me
•  Strong Readers Level 18. The Pine Forest Cookbook
•  Strong Readers Level 18. Tide Pools
•  Strong Readers Level 19. Letters to Owl
•  Strong Readers Level 19. Loons Are Amazing!
•  Strong Readers Level 19. The Western Red Cedar
•  Strong Readers Level 19. We Greet the Four Animals
•  Strong Readers Level 2. Growing Up
•  Strong Readers Level 2. Hello Spring!
•  Strong Readers Level 2. In the Pond
•  Strong Readers Level 2. What Can Bears Do?
•  Strong Readers Level 20. Cedar - The Tree of Life
•  Strong Readers Level 20. Pine Forest News
•  Strong Readers Level 20. The Pine Forest Community
•  Strong Readers Level 20. We Greet the Four Seasons
•  Strong Readers Level 3. Baby Bear
•  Strong Readers Level 3. Come and Play
•  Strong Readers Level 3. Salmon to Share
•  Strong Readers Level 3. What Can Bald Eagles Do?
•  Strong Readers Level 4. Are You Hungry, Little Bear?
•  Strong Readers Level 4. Black Raven
•  Strong Readers Level 4. Hands and Feet
•  Strong Readers Level 4. What Can Ravens Do?
•  Strong Readers Level 5. How Do Plants Grow?
•  Strong Readers Level 5. Just Like Grandma
•  Strong Readers Level 5. Shapes
•  Strong Readers Level 5. Who is Missing?
•  Strong Readers Level 6. Crossing the River
•  Strong Readers Level 6. Frog Can Do Many Things
•  Strong Readers Level 6. Frog Facts
•  Strong Readers Level 6. On Our Hike
•  Strong Readers Level 7. A Circle of Friends
•  Strong Readers Level 7. Bear Facts
•  Strong Readers Level 7. The Little Cedar Tree
•  Strong Readers Level 7. We Sleep, We Eat
•  Strong Readers Level 8. Bald Eagle Facts
•  Strong Readers Level 8. Clever Raven
•  Strong Readers Level 8. The Eagle Family
•  Strong Readers Level 8. Where is Frog's Home?
•  Strong Readers Level 9. Bannock Surprise
•  Strong Readers Level 9. Fun with Father
•  Strong Readers Level 9. Raven Facts
•  Strong Readers Level 9. Reading Together
•  Strong Readers Métis Level 10. Giving Thanks
•  Strong Readers Métis Level 12. A Métis New Year
•  Strong Readers Métis Level 14. Two Métis Vests
•  Strong Readers Métis Level 16. A Red River Cart
•  Strong Readers Métis Level 18. Ways to Carry a Métis Baby
•  Strong Readers Métis Level 3. My Métis Sash
•  Strong Readers Métis Level 6. Métis People Travel!
•  Strong Readers Métis Level 8. I Can Bead
•  Strong Readers Métis Series. Guided Reading Bundle
•  Strong Readers Métis Series. Single Set
•  Strong Readers Northern Level 11. I Build an Igloo
•  Strong Readers Northern Level 15. Birds Come and Go
•  Strong Readers Northern Level 16. Polar Bear Facts
•  Strong Readers Northern Level 2. Look Up at the Sky!
•  Strong Readers Northern Level 3. A Dog Team
•  Strong Readers Northern Level 6. North and South
•  Strong Readers Northern Level 7. Snow
•  Strong Readers Northern Level 8. Baby Arctic Animals
•  Strong Readers Northern Series. Guided Reading Bundle
•  Strong Readers Northern Series. Single Set
•  Strong Readers Set A. Guided Reading Bundle
•  Strong Readers Set B. Guided Reading Bundle
•  Strong Readers Set B. Single Set
•  Strong Readers Sets A and B. Guided Reading Bundle
•  Strong Readers Sets A and B. Single Set
Media and Formats : Book Kit
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: May 22, 2019
Suki's Kimono
Suki loves her blue kimono. The kimono is a gift from her Obachan (Grandmother). The kimono has special memories for Suki. Ob¿chan and Suki spend time at a Japanese festival where Suki learns to dance.
Suki wants to wear her kimono on the first day of school. Her sisters and other children in the classroom tease her. As a way to get to know the children in the classroom, Mrs. Paggio asks the children to introduce themselves and talk about what they did over the summer. When it is Suki's turn, she talks about her Grandmother coming for a visit, the special time they shared together and receiving the kimono. The story is an example of a young girl who marches to her own beat.
There is a pronunciation key for some of the Japanese terms used in the book.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $8.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Susan Laughs
Susan is a typical little girl. She sings, she swims, she swings and she sulks. Children will enjoy seeing their common feelings and experiences as portrayed in the coloured pencil crayon drawings. They will be surprised by the wheelchair at the end and will realize that a child with a physical disability is really "just like me, just like you."
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Taking Care of Mother Earth
Charlie likes to help his grandmother, who tells stories while they work. While being reminded to turn off the water tap, Grandma describes how everything around us is connected to water. Children will benefit from Grandma's wisdom as they learn to take care of Mother Earth.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.95
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
The Art of Inquiry: Questioning Strategies for K-6 Classrooms(2nd ed.)
This resource shows teachers how to question effectively and how to develop their students' questioning abilities. It formulates relevant questions that focus on information needs and encourages the establishment of a safe atmosphere for students to express themselves without fear of rejection. Part 1 identifies types of questions and the thinking skills that they promote. Part 2 provides practical questioning strategies and activities. Included are a table of contents, a list of suggested readings and sample student organizers.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $26.00
Record posted/updated: June 13, 2017
The Best Story
What makes the best story? In this DVD program, the library is having a contest for the best story, and at stake is a roller coaster ride with an author. One young girl really covets the prize. She asks her brother, her father, and her Aunt Jane for their ideas on what makes the best story, and the young girl soon discovers that the best story is one that comes from the heart.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $75.00
Record posted/updated: April 22, 2018
The Black Book of Colors
This unique book allows students to "feel" colours using their senses. Sighted students will understand what it is like to experience things through their sense of touch, taste, smell or hearing. The text provides an explanation of the colour while the corresponding page has the drawing. The raised blackline drawings on black paper allow students to touch a colour. Braille letters accompany the text so that the sighted reader can imagine what it is like to use Braille to read.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $17.95
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
The Curious Garden
In this animated video, Liam lives in a city that is dark and grey. While exploring one day, Liam discovers a stairwell that leads to old railroad tracks. Among the tracks is a patch of dying wildflowers. Liam decides to take care of the garden. He learns to water and prune the plants. As the garden starts to spread, the city is transformed into a colourful and green world. This video is an adaptation of the picture book written and illustrated by Peter Brown.
A teacher's guide is available.
(More information)
•  The Curious Garden. An Interview with Peter Brown
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $59.95 USD
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
The Dot
This program combines simple pencil drawings, splashes of colour and effective instrumental accompaniment with Peter Reynold's simple story, The Dot. Vashti transforms from a reluctant artist to one who encourages others in their endeavours. Opportunities to address viewing objectives abound.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $59.95 USD
Record posted/updated: December 3, 2021
The Great Race
This picture book on video of The Great Race by Kevin O'Malley is an updated version of the Tortoise and the Hare. Tired of listening to Lever Lapin boasting about being the fastest runner in the world, Nate Tortoise mumbles that he "could probably beat" the conceited hare in a race. No sooner are the words out of Nate's mouth, than the great hare himself accepts the challenge. On the day of the race, the crowd is solidly behind Lever who stops to give autographs, kiss the ladies and generally show off while Nate plugs away toward the finish line. This comic tongue-in-cheek retelling of Aesop's fable finishes with the time-honored moral presented as a clever pun: Better Nate Than Lever!" A conversation with the author/illustrator is also included.
(More information)
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $34.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Librarian From the Black Lagoon
Rumours thrive about the school library. It is said that the librarian, Mrs. Beamster, laminates people who talk or whisper. She puts glue on chairs to prevent wriggling and recites the Dewey Decimal System during story time. Some say that the shelves in the library are electrified and kids need to go through a Decontamination Room before entering. When the class plans to visit the library for the first time, the students prepare themselves for the worst. Imagine their surprise when they are welcomed to a warm and friendly place, where a smiling librarian invites them to explore some of the fun and funny books they have to offer. This video is an adaptation of the picture book written by Mike Thaler and illustrated by Jared Lee.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: October 8, 2020
The Poetry Experience: Choosing and Using Poetry in the Classroom
This 32-page flipbook explores various aspects of poetry. There are tips on responding, reading, speaking and sharing poetry in the classroom. Suggestions are provided for poetry selection, poetic forms, responding to poetry and writing poetry.
Included in the text are a table of contents, blackline masters, an index and suggestions for professional reading.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
The Red Hen
This modern version of a classic tale accompanied with bluegrass music and colourful illustrations and animations will support student understanding of the value of hard work.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: October 8, 2020
The Subway Mouse
In this DVD program, Nib lives beneath the subway tracks with his extended family. Nib collects treasures left by subway riders and listens to stories about a place called Tunnel's End. After his cousins destroy his nest, Nib leaves home to travel to Tunnel's End. Nib meets Lola who joins him in the journey. The two mice reach Tunnel's End where they discover the dangerous and beautiful world that is beyond.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $34.95
Record posted/updated: May 5, 2018
The Three Pigs
In this fractured version of a familiar tale, the three pigs escape the wolf by travelling to another world where they meet the cat and the fiddle, the cow that jumped over the moon and a dragon. David Wiesner's mixed media artwork features textured pigs appearing and disappearing from the pages.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $26.99
Record posted/updated: June 13, 2017
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs
Based on the book by Jon Scieszka, this fractured folktale tells the story of The Three Little Pigs from the perspective of the wolf. The program demonstrates that there are at least two sides to every conflict.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: July 22, 2020
Thunder Boy Jr.
This illustrated book explores the concept of identity as Thunder Boy Jr. wishes for a unique name of his own, different from his father’s and based on his experiences, skills, traits, passions, and dreams. Just when Thunder Boy Jr. thinks all hope is lost of receiving a suitable name, his dad chooses the perfect name. Although the book connects to the importance of naming ceremonies or rituals, that aspect is not explained.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 15, 2022
Wake Up, Henry Rooster!
Henry Rooster loves to have fun. He plays cards with the goats, listens to music with the cows and pops corn with the pigs. After a long night of having fun, Henry cannot get up early in the morning; he is just not a morning rooster. His father leaves for a week-long convention and guess who must awake in the early morning to crow the sun?
Henry is just not cut out for the crowing business. He must make it work, otherwise the farmer and his wife will be late and the farm chores will not be completed. Will Henry learn to be a morning rooster after all?
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Who's That Man?
World War II separated men from their families. Sometimes young children would meet their fathers for the first time when the fathers returned home from war. Duncan-Cary explores how a young boy feels when his father returns home from war and the two meet for the first time. He wonders if his father will love him. His father also has the same concerns as he meets his young son for the first time.
Based on her father's experience, Duncan-Cary complements the text with personal photographs. A DVD is included with the author narrating the story and singing the song.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : $24.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Wild About Books
Librarian Molly McGrew takes her book mobile to the zoo where she introduces the animals to reading. Molly finds joke books for the hyenas, books in Chinese for the pandas, and waterproof books for the otters. Before long, the animals become voracious readers and they soon begin writing as well. Insects write haikus, the cheetah writes a novel and the hippo a memoir. This video is an adaptation of the book written by Judy Sierra and illustrated by Marc Brown.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $59.95 USD
Record posted/updated: December 3, 2021
What are other useful materials? Other Useful Materials
Other useful materials are documents, lesson plans or classroom activities that teachers may find useful in supporting the curriculum, but that have not typically undergone the same formal evaluation process that is required for core and additional resources.
ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Online enables you to connect people, locations, and data using interactive maps. It enables you to work with smart, data-driven styles and intuitive analysis tools that deliver location intelligence. It also enables the user to share insights with the world or specific groups. The website contains a tutorial, links to suggested subjects and projects, lesson plans and activities.
Media and Formats : Video Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 1, 2022
Assessing, Evaluating, and Reporting Student Progress: Supporting English Language Arts
The purpose of this supporting document is to provide samples of assessment and evaluation tools teachers may use/adapt for their students as teachers implement an effective English Language Arts program.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
CAMPUS is the National Film Board’s exclusive education streaming service available at no cost to all teachers and students in Saskatchewan and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
Media and Formats : Video Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 1, 2022
COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Learning Supports for Families and Teachers
This document was created to provide support for parents/guardians when sharing information about the coronavirus with young and school-aged children. The document is also useful for early learning staff and Prekindergarten to Grade 12 teachers.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 8, 2020
Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Grade 1: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
Students will examine actions and practices that contribute to peace and order. They will learn about the rules that bring order to society and the governance structures that create those rules. Students will discover how rules are made and the processes for changing rules. Students examine the various levels of government to understand the responsibilities of different governments and understand the decision making process. Students will continue to learn about respect for themselves, others and their environment.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 3, 2020
Curio is the CBC’s educational streaming service made available at no cost to Saskatchewan teachers and students by the Ministry of Education and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
Media and Formats : Video Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 1, 2022
Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity
This document will assist individuals and communities to engage in meaningful discussions and actions to respond to the experiences, perspectives and needs of students and families who are gender and/or sexually diverse (GSD). It will: assist school divisions, central office personnel, administrators, educators, First Nations and Métis organizations and community partners to develop a deeper understanding of gender and sexual diversity; assist in understanding the unique educational, health and safety needs of staff, students and their families who self-identify as gender and/or sexually diverse; provide practical strategies, suggestions and frequently asked questions to support schools and communities as they work with students to anticipate and overcome challenges related to transphobia, homophobia and heterosexism; acknowledge the shared responsibility of ensuring that all students who identify as gender and/or sexually diverse have the same opportunities for safety, socialization and success in schools; assist educators in planning curricular-based instruction and assessment to meet the unique needs of gender and/or sexually diverse students; and assist school divisions and First Nations and Métis organizations to fulfill their ethical and professional responsibilities to provide safe, equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students regardless of their actual or perceived differences.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 13, 2019
Developing Printing and Fine Motor Skills
In grade one, fine motor skill development builds on the strength and skills developed in Prekindergarten and Kindergarten. The focus at this grade is on the development of an efficient grasp and proper letter formation. In grade one, teachers should use guided and accurate practice with students. The quality, not quantity, of letter formation is important.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 30, 2019
Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools: A Policy Planning Guide for School Divisions and Schools to Implement Digital Citizenship Education from Kindergarten to Grade 12
This document provides guidelines for school divisions and school-based administrators who are developing digital citizenship policies. It is not a prescriptive policy; instead, it offers a roadmap for building appropriate school division policies and school-specific digital citizenship guidelines and procedures. Tools to help teachers, administrators and parents as they get started on the implementation of digital citizenship education for K-12 students are also included.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: September 8, 2022
Historical Learning Resources Updates
Learning Resources Updates provided an annual supplement to every subject-specific bibliography that supported K-12 curricula.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 2, 2019
Inquiry: Dr. J. Wilhelm Archived Webinar Part 1 "Preparing for Inquiry"
Dr. Jeffrey Wilhelm from Boise State University discusses inquiry learning as represented in Saskatchewan's K-12 curricula. This archived webinar supports teachers as they prepare to plan for inquiry-based teaching and learning. Visit the Saskatchewan School Library Association (SSLA) Inquiry website to find a wide variety of support materials and resources.
Media and Formats : Book Video Website
Topic : Inquiry
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Inquiry: Dr. J. Wilhelm Archived Webinar Part 2 "Planning for Inquiry"
Dr. Jeffrey Wilhelm from Boise State University discusses inquiry learning as represented in Saskatchewan's K-12 curricula. This archived webinar supports teachers in planning for inquiry-based teaching and learning. Visit the Saskatchewan School Library Association (SSLA) Inquiry website to find a wide variety of support materials and resources.
Media and Formats : Book Video Website
Topic : Inquiry
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Opportunities to Address Child Abuse Prevention Education and Response
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas
and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators
are noted.
Media and Formats : Document
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Saskatchewan Reads: A companion document to the Saskatchewan English Language Arts Curriculum-Grades 1, 2, 3
Saskatchewan Reads is a companion document to the English Language Arts Grades 1, 2, and 3 curricula. It was created based on sound research, specifically in reading, focusing on instructional approaches, assessment and intervention. Some of the key authors referenced include: Allington, Miller, Fountas and Pinnell, Davies, Cooper, and Fisher & Frey, to name a few. Furthermore, it showcases the diversity of promising practices that have proven successful in school divisions and First Nations communities within Saskatchewan.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 29, 2022
Saskatchewan Reads for Administrators: Leadership for a Sakacthewan Reads School
Saskatchewan Reads for Administrators: Leadership for a Sakacthewan Reads School is a document for system leaders in deploying Saskatchewan Reads. The document addresses key areas for being a successful leader within the context of a Saskatchewan Reads school. Areas of focus include: the importance of leadership, developing common beliefs, being a lead learner, creating a reading culture and environment, how to lead with a reading focus and how to manage the various components involved.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 12, 2022
Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation's Indigenous Resources Review Committee Suggested Resources
These titles have been suggested by the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation's Indigenous Resources Review Committee. Before using these resources in the classroom, educators should consider the sensitive, emotional issues related to tragic events in Indigenous history and consult their local resources evaluation policy.
•  Central Urban Métis Federation Inc. (CUMFI)
•  Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN)
•  Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
•  How the Mouse Got Brown Teeth: A Cree Story
•  Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan
•  Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S)
•  Owls See Clearly at Night = Lii yiiboo nayaapiwak lii swer: A Michif Alphabet = L'alfabet di Michif
•  The Sharing Circle: Stories About First Nations Culture
•  The Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture
•  Unreserved
•  You Hold Me Up
Media and Formats : Book Website
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: September 30, 2021
Summarized Outcomes Across Areas of Study for Kindergarten to Grade 5
This document is intended to assist teachers to integrate subjects across the curriculum.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: August 18, 2020
Supporting Reconciliation in Saskatchewan Schools
This site has been created by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education to support school staffs to work together to expand their understanding of truth and reconciliation as well as the history and legacy of residential schools. It contains tools and resources to support important conversations and professional development opportunities.
Media and Formats : Website
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 22, 2019
Teaching Sensitive Content in the Classroom

The purpose of the presentation is to describe strategies teachers can use to approach content that may be perceived as sensitive in their community in order to:

  • ensure the learning environment is safe for respectful dialogue;
  • teach students how to think critically about any topic with an open mind; and,
  • meet curricular outcomes.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2022
Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties and Disabilities: A Guide for Educators
The purpose of this resource is to assist educators in teaching students who are experiencing significant difficulties, or who have a disability in reading and written expression. The document provides a general description of learning disabilities with a focus on the most common type of disability - reading disability.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: October 26, 2019
The Adaptive Dimension for Saskatchewan K-12 Students
The Adaptive Dimension refers to the concept of making adjustments to any or all of the following variables: learning environment, instruction, assessment and resources. Adjustments to these variables are intended to make learning meaningful and appropriate and to support student achievement. In the
Saskatchewan context, differentiation is addressed through the Adaptive Dimension which enables all teachers to respond to student diversity, including their strengths and needs, interests, backgrounds, life experiences and motivations.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: September 4, 2024
Treaty Education Learning Resource
The Kindergarten to Grade 9 Treaty Education Learning Resource is designed for teachers to assist them in integrating the Treaty content and perspective with Saskatchewan's curricula and is based on the inquiry method of teaching. It provides information about Treaties, First Nations people and the history of what is now known as Saskatchewan, as well as sample learning experiences, assessment ideas and suggested resource materials to support teachers in the development of their lessons.
Media and Formats : Website
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: March 11, 2020
Treaty Education Outcomes and Indicators
The Treaty Education outcomes and indicators at each grade level are designed to engage learners on a journey of inquiry and discovery. When meaningfully and thoughtfully incorporated into subject areas, Treaty Education moves beyond an idea to become actualized as a belief that benefits all learners.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 13, 2019
Truth and Reconciliation Resources - English Language Arts
The titles listed below may support instruction in the classroom related to the history, work and ideals of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). These resources have not undergone the full evaluation process that is carried out for core and additional resources. Before using these resources in the classroom, educators should consider the sensitive emotional issues related to the work of the TRC and consult their local resources evaluation policy. Resources that appear on the core and additional resources lists and support the ideals of the TRC can be found by clicking on Truth and Reconciliation in the Filter by Content section of any resources list on the curriculum site that contains titles on this topic.
(More information)
•  Arctic Stories
•  Not My Girl
•  When I Was Eight
Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 21, 2022