Native Studies 20

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What is a core resource?
Core Resources
A core resource is a foundational or key resource that complements a curriculum in an especially effective way. It may be a comprehensive resource that broadly addresses several of the student learning outcomes (e.g., a major integrated resource, series, textbook), an in-depth student resource that addresses at least one student learning outcome or a professional resource for educators.

Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada. First Nations
This book contains articles that showcase historical, narrative and sacred stories that reflect the social, political and cultural experiences of First Nations in Canada. The articles highlight the diversity of First Nations peoples, their worldview and their resilience. Stewardship and relationship to the land are prominent themes of the resource. This book is part of the Canadian Geographic Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada series.

Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada. Introduction
This atlas includes details on many aspects of the indigenous peoples of Canada, including reference maps, treaties, land claims, language areas, Truth and Reconciliation, contemporary and historical photography, art and a timeline spanning from the 1800s to the present. This book is part of the Canadian Geographic Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada series.

Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada. Inuit
This book contains articles that highlight the lives and histories of the Inuit people. Inuit traditions, lifestyles, worldview, environment and history are presented, demonstrating the ingenuity and resilience of the people. In addition, current social, political and economic challenges are discussed. This book is part of the Canadian Geographic Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada series.

Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada. Métis
This book provides information on the development of the Métis nation from the 1600s to current day. It focuses on the distinct identity of the Métis and their sovereignty as a nation. Louis Riel, Gabriel Dumont, the Resistance of 1885 and the preservation of the Michif language are prominent topics in the book. This resource explains government policies that were meant to diminish and destroy the Métis culture and celebrates the resilience and strength of the Métis. This book is part of the Canadian Geographic Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada series.
(More information)

Native Studies 20. Case Studies and Readings Package
These case studies and articles are designed to enhance the implementation of the Native Studies 20 curriculum by broadening the scope of student investigation and discussion.
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Record posted/updated:
January 22, 2019

Native Studies 20. Student Resource Guide
The materials in this guide support students as they develop an understanding of the main concepts covered in the Native Studies 20 curriculum.
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Record posted/updated:
January 22, 2019

Native Studies. A Bibliography for Grade 11 (1992)
This bibliography includes a selected listing of learning resources to support the Native Studies curriculum for Grade 11.
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Record posted/updated:
January 22, 2019

Sixties Scoop
This book provides information about the Sixties Scoop, a time in Canada when many Indigenous children were apprehended by social services and adopted by non-Indigenous people sometimes outside Canada. The lasting effects of abuse, racism, destruction of families and loss of identity are ongoing. This book is part of the Indigenous Life in Canada series which reveals the challenges, celebrations, and contributions of Indigenous nations.

The Metis: Memorable Events and Memorable Personalities
This book about Métis life in Canada provides a thorough examination of the people, culture and historical events. The resource highlights the strengths of the Métis and of the challenges they have faced.

Treaty Promises, Indian Reality: Life on a Reserve
This book examines the unkept promises of the government made to First Nations peoples and the history of the Cowessess people. Stories told by Elders and historical research paint a picture of the reality of many First Nations peoples and the development of reserves on the prairies. The author shares a respectful and personal account of his experience on a reserve and in a residential school, describing countless challenges, discrimination and oppression. He highlights the strength and resilience of First Nations peoples who experienced many successes in spite of the abuse they faced.
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What are additional resources?
Additional Resources
Additional resources also complement the curriculum in an effective way and are of the same variety as core resources. However, where funds are limited, educators are advised to start by purchasing core resources.

A Knock on the Door: The Essential History of Residential Schools from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada(Edited & Abridged)

Amanda Lindhout's African Journey
Amanda Lindhout is a young Canadian journalist who is held hostage in Somalia for more than a year. This video follows Lindhout as she returns to Africa to try to provide hope to Somali women.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Cultural Teachings: First Nations Protocols and Methodologies
This resource provides an introduction to traditional protocols and methodologies to give readers an understanding of ceremonial etiquette. Topics include: First Nations' History, Tobacco, Smudging, Sacred Pipe, Feasts and the Role of Elders.
Cultural Teachings. Instructor's Resource Guide: First Nations Protocols and Methodologies

Legacy of Hope Foundation Residential School Survivor Stories
In this collection of videos, men and women share their personal and often painful accounts of their experiences of residential school and its legacy.
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
June 5, 2017

Misconceptions of Canada's Indian Residential School System
This poster provides the truth about misconceptions of Canada's residential schools such as: "No one knew at the time about the conditions of residential schools" and "Aboriginal people asked for residential schools."
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
June 5, 2017

Staking the Claim: Dreams, Democracy and Canadian Inuit
Staking the Claim reveals a part of Canada's history that is largely unknown. It is the story of one of our First Peoples' efforts to seek a new relationship with their country. It is the story of a democratic nation willing to negotiate new approaches to governance. It is a story that will shape the future for Inuit and Canada for years to come.

Women's Rights. Raising the Glass Ceiling
In some countries around the world, women continue to fight for basic rights. This video program examines the rights of women in the U.S. vs. those living in China, Afghanistan and Kenya. Violence against women continues to be used as a weapon to ensure compliance. The program offers a brief history of women obtaining rights. Women in developing countries are starting to obtain higher levels of education, have representation in government and have business opportunities.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018
What are other useful materials?
Other Useful Materials
Other useful materials are documents, lesson plans or classroom activities that teachers may find useful in supporting the curriculum, but that have not typically undergone the same formal evaluation process that is required for core and additional resources.

ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Online enables you to connect people, locations, and data using interactive maps. It enables you to work with smart, data-driven styles and intuitive analysis tools that deliver location intelligence. It also enables the user to share insights with the world or specific groups. The website contains a tutorial, links to suggested subjects and projects, lesson plans and activities.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022

CAMPUS is the National Film Board’s exclusive education streaming service available at no cost to all teachers and students in Saskatchewan and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022
COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Learning Supports for Families and Teachers
This document was created to provide support for parents/guardians when sharing information about the coronavirus with young and school-aged children. The document is also useful for early learning staff and Prekindergarten to Grade 12 teachers.
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Record posted/updated:
April 8, 2020

Concentus Citizenship Education Foundation
The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, through the Concentus Citizenship Education Foundation, has created a website that provides classroom resources to support the teaching of citizenship competencies from Grades K-12. Lesson plans may either be viewed online or downloaded as PDFs. To access these resources, educators only need to sign up and create an account through the website's Teacher Portal. If teachers experience any difficulties signing up, they are welcome to contact for help in creating an account.
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Record posted/updated:
January 22, 2019

Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Level 20: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
Students recognize the role that ideology plays in our perspectives and the application of human Rights. Students consider historically how worldview has impacted and continues to impact perspectives of citizenship and the balance between meeting the needs of citizens and promoting the nation's best interests. Through the investigation of worldview and the impact of worldview on an individuals' and society's beliefs, students specifically consider the influence of imperialism and colonialism on populations, especially Indigenous peoples.
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Record posted/updated:
January 22, 2019

Curio is the CBC’s educational streaming service made available at no cost to Saskatchewan teachers and students by the Ministry of Education and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022

Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity
This document will assist individuals and communities to engage in meaningful discussions and actions to respond to the experiences, perspectives and needs of students and families who are gender and/or sexually diverse (GSD). It will: assist school divisions, central office personnel, administrators, educators, First Nations and Métis organizations and community partners to develop a deeper understanding of gender and sexual diversity; assist in understanding the unique educational, health and safety needs of staff, students and their families who self-identify as gender and/or sexually diverse; provide practical strategies, suggestions and frequently asked questions to support schools and communities as they work with students to anticipate and overcome challenges related to transphobia, homophobia and heterosexism; acknowledge the shared responsibility of ensuring that all students who identify as gender and/or sexually diverse have the same opportunities for safety, socialization and success in schools; assist educators in planning curricular-based instruction and assessment to meet the unique needs of gender and/or sexually diverse students; and assist school divisions and First Nations and Métis organizations to fulfill their ethical and professional responsibilities to provide safe, equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students regardless of their actual or perceived differences.
(More information)
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Record posted/updated:
February 13, 2019

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools: A Policy Planning Guide for School Divisions and Schools to Implement Digital Citizenship Education from Kindergarten to Grade 12
This document provides guidelines for school divisions and school-based administrators who are developing digital citizenship policies. It is not a prescriptive policy; instead, it offers a roadmap for building appropriate school division policies and school-specific digital citizenship guidelines and procedures. Tools to help teachers, administrators and parents as they get started on the implementation of digital citizenship education for K-12 students are also included.
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Record posted/updated:
September 8, 2022

Historical Learning Resources Updates
Learning Resources Updates provided an annual supplement to every subject-specific bibliography that supported K-12 curricula.
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Record posted/updated:
January 2, 2019

Opportunities to Address Child Abuse Prevention Education and Response
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas
and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators
are noted.
and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators
are noted.
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Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation's Indigenous Resources Review Committee Suggested Resources
These titles have been suggested by the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation's Indigenous Resources Review Committee. Before using these resources in the classroom, educators should consider the sensitive, emotional issues related to tragic events in Indigenous history and consult their local resources evaluation policy.
Askiwina. A Cree Word
Central Urban Métis Federation Inc. (CUMFI)
Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN)
Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan
Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S)
Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre
The Sacred Science
The Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
September 30, 2021

Sixties Scoop Resources
The titles listed below may support instruction in the classroom related to the Sixties Scoop. These resources have not undergone the full evaluation process that is carried out for core and additional resources. Before using these resources in the classroom, educators should consider the sensitive emotional issues related to the Sixties Scoop and its repercussions and consult their local resources evaluation policy. Resources that appear on the core and additional resources lists and support the study of the Sixties Scoop and the ideals of truth and reconciliation can be found by clicking on Truth and Reconciliation in the Filter by Content section of any resources list on the curriculum site that contains titles on these topics.
(More information)
Bi-Giwen. Coming Home: Truth-Telling from the Sixties Scoop. Activity Guide
Birth of a Family
Finding Cleo Episode 2. Eyes That Haunted Me
How I Lost My Mother, Found My Family, Recovered My Identity
Just What Was the Sixties Scoop?
Sask. Premier Scott Moe Apologizes to Sixties Scoop Survivors
Saskatchewan's Apology for Sixties Scoop Leaves Survivors with Mixed Feelings
Sixties Scoop
Sixties Scoop Agreement in Principle
Sixties Scoop Apology - Government of Saskatchewan
Sixties Scoop Survivors Split on Proposed $875-Million Settlement
Teaching the Legacy of the Sixties Scoop and Addressing Ongoing Child Welfare Inequality in the Classroom
The Impact of Colonialism in Canada
The Reason I Dance
What Was the '60s Scoop'?: Aboriginal Children Taken From Homes a Dark Chapter in Canada's History
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Many are free.

Record posted/updated:
February 11, 2019

Supporting Reconciliation in Saskatchewan Schools
This site has been created by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education to support school staffs to work together to expand their understanding of truth and reconciliation as well as the history and legacy of residential schools. It contains tools and resources to support important conversations and professional development opportunities.
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
February 22, 2019

Teaching Sensitive Content in the Classroom
The purpose of the presentation is to describe strategies teachers can use to approach content that may be perceived as sensitive in their community in order to:
- ensure the learning environment is safe for respectful dialogue;
- teach students how to think critically about any topic with an open mind; and,
- meet curricular outcomes.
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Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2022

The Adaptive Dimension for Saskatchewan K-12 Students
The Adaptive Dimension refers to the concept of making adjustments to any or all of the following variables: learning environment, instruction, assessment and resources. Adjustments to these variables are intended to make learning meaningful and appropriate and to support student achievement. In the
Saskatchewan context, differentiation is addressed through the Adaptive Dimension which enables all teachers to respond to student diversity, including their strengths and needs, interests, backgrounds, life experiences and motivations.
Saskatchewan context, differentiation is addressed through the Adaptive Dimension which enables all teachers to respond to student diversity, including their strengths and needs, interests, backgrounds, life experiences and motivations.
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Record posted/updated:
September 4, 2024

Treaty Education Outcomes and Indicators
The Treaty Education outcomes and indicators at each grade level are designed to engage learners on a journey of inquiry and discovery. When meaningfully and thoughtfully incorporated into subject areas, Treaty Education moves beyond an idea to become actualized as a belief that benefits all learners.
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Record posted/updated:
February 13, 2019

Truth and Reconciliation Resources - Social Studies
The titles listed below may support instruction in the classroom related to the history, work and ideals of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). These resources have not undergone the full evaluation process that is carried out for core and additional resources. Before using these resources in the classroom, educators should consider the sensitive emotional issues related to the work of the TRC and consult their local resources evaluation policy. Resources that appear on the core and additional resources lists and support the ideals of the TRC can be found by clicking on Truth and Reconciliation in the Filter by Content section of any resources list on the curriculum site that contains titles on this topic.
(More information)
100 Years of Loss. Teacher's Guide: The Residential School System in Canada
100 Years of Loss. Timeline
2017 Saskatchewan Rural Municipalities and Treaty Boundaries Map
A Day at Indian Residential Schools in Canada
A Knock on the Door: The Essential History of Residential Schools from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
A Requiem for the Canadian Dream
A is for Assimilation: The ABC's of Canada's Aboriginal People and Residential Schools
Assembly of First Nations Plain Talk 6. Residential Schools
Beyond 94: Truth and Reconciliation in Canada
Bi-Giwen. Coming Home: Truth-Telling from the Sixties Scoop. Activity Guide
Canada's Residential Schools
Directory of Residential Schools in Canada
Finding Peter Bryce: The Story of a National Crime
Forgotten. The Métis Residential School Experience
Heritage Minutes. Chanie Wenjack
High School Teachers Working Towards Reconciliation: Examining the Teaching and Learning of Residential Schools
Hope and Healing: The Legacy of the Indian Residential School System
In Jesus' Name: Shattering the Silence of St. Anne's Residential School
Indian Residential Schools & Reconciliation. Teacher Resource Guide 11/12
Inuit and the Residential School System
It Takes All of Us to Enforce the Law
Legacy of Hope Foundation Residential School Survivor Stories
Misconceptions of Canada's Indian Residential School System
Moving Beyond: Understanding the Impacts of Residential School
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
Net-eth Going Out of the Darkness: An Exhibition of First Nations Artists, Residential School Survivors and Their Descendants
Out of the Depths: The Experiences of Mi'kmaw Children at the Indian Residential School at Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia
Project Eagle Feather: When They Took the Children
Project of Heart: Illuminating the Hidden History of Indian Residential Schools in BC
REDx Talks. Truth, Reconciliation and the Future
Reconciliation Begins With You and Me
Reconciliation Canada. Toolkits
Reconciliation Canada. Videos
Residential School System in Canada. Teacher's Guide: Understanding the Past--Seeking Reconciliation--Building Hope for Tomorrow
Residential Schools in Canada. Education Guide
Sixties Scoop Resources Available on Curio
Stolen Lives: The Indigenous Peoples of Canada and the Indian Residential Schools
Strength for Climbing: Steps on the Journey of Reconciliation
Teaching Each Other: Nehinuw Concepts and Indigenous Pedagogies
The 7th Generation Our Ancestors Prayed For: Children and Youth on the TRC
The Education of Augie Merasty: A Residential School Memoir
The KAIROS Blanket Exercise
The Secret Path (animated film)
The Survivors Speak: A Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
They Came for the Children: Canada, Aboriginal Peoples, and Residential Schools
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Calls to Action
Truth and Reconciliation in Canadian Schools
Truth and Reconciliation. The Legacy of Residential Schools in Canada
Truth and Reconciliation. What Is It About?: A Discussion Booklet for the Classroom
Wawahte. Indian Residential Schools
We Were So Far Away. Video: The Inuit Experience of Residential Schools
We Were So Far Away: The Inuit Experience of Residential Schools
Where Are the Children? Exhibition
Where Are the Children?: Healing the Legacy of the Residential Schools