Social Studies 4

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What is a core resource?
Core Resources
A core resource is a foundational or key resource that complements a curriculum in an especially effective way. It may be a comprehensive resource that broadly addresses several of the student learning outcomes (e.g., a major integrated resource, series, textbook), an in-depth student resource that addresses at least one student learning outcome or a professional resource for educators.

Canadian Geographic Education (CG Education)
CG Education is the educational committee of The Royal Canadian Geographical Society. The programs of CG Education aim to strengthen geographic education in the classroom. In addition to increasing the emphasis on geography within the school system, CG Education endeavours to increase the public awareness of the importance of geographical literacy.
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Record posted/updated:
August 16, 2020

Community Ties
The Community Ties kit is part of the Take Action for Reconciliation series that introduces students to Indigenous cultures, perspectives and worldviews to promote the principles of reconciliation. The kit is composed of multiple copies of a student book and a teacher's guide that contains suggestions for enrichment and cross-curricular activities. The student books contain stories about Indigenous communities in Canada, highlighting the importance of strong families and communities.

Cultural Appropriation
This book addresses the topic of cultural appropriation, the taking of something from a culture whether it is in writing and literature, sports, movies and television or art and fashion. This book is part of the Indigenous Life in Canada series which reveals the challenges, celebrations, and contributions of Indigenous nations.

Gabriel Dumont
Gabriel Dumont was born in 1837 to mixed parentage. Dumont lived the way of the Métis, moving throughout the west and hunting buffalo. When he became head of the buffalo hunt, the buffalo herds were dwindling. Dumont called upon Louis Riel to speak on behalf of the Métis. After being ignored by the federal government, the Métis took up arms and were eventually defeated. Dumont fled to the United States where he became part of the Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. In 1893, Gabriel returned to Batoche and died in 1906.
The book contains photographs to complement the text. Also included are a table of contents, a timeline, suggestions for further reading and an index.
The book contains photographs to complement the text. Also included are a table of contents, a timeline, suggestions for further reading and an index.
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InfoTrac (Gale Databases)
InfoTrac contains electronic databases of more than 2,300 full-text magazines, journals and reference sources. Examples of databases include: Junior Edition, Student Edition, General Reference Centre Gold, and CPI.Q (Canadian Periodicals).
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Record posted/updated:
April 16, 2019

Learning About Treaties in Canada
This DVD explores the history of treaties in Canada. It explains how the understanding of the treaty process and the future impact of the treaties varied greatly between the signatories from European cultures and First Nations peoples. The film explains the geographical regions included in treaties, how we are all treaty people and how treaties affect all of our lives as Canadians. A teacher's guide to support the DVD is available online through the distributor's website.

Municipalities Matter
This teacher's guide provides information about Saskatchewan's local government and civic election process. The resource includes background information for students and teachers on what a municipality is and the people who govern a municipality. Various lesson plans are included for planning purposes.
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Record posted/updated:
August 15, 2020

National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)
NCSS defines social studies as "the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence." NCSS engages and supports educators in strengthening and advocating social studies.
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Record posted/updated:
August 15, 2020

Oral Traditions and Storytelling
This book provides information on storytelling from a variety of First Nations cultures from across Canada. It discusses creation stories, oral traditions, the importance of passing down stories and how stories are being kept alive today. This book is part of the Indigenous Life in Canada series which reveals the challenges, celebrations and contributions of Indigenous nations.

This book provides information on Indigenous resistance and protests of government actions and social injustices that impact individuals, families, communities, nations and the land and resources that sustain them. This book is part of the Indigenous Life in Canada series which reveals the challenges, celebrations, and contributions of Indigenous nations.

Recommended Online Video Education Resources (ROVER)
ROVER is the video streaming site for teachers and students in the PreK-12 education system. All the videos that are housed on ROVER have been evaluated and recommended by educational professionals to support Saskatchewan's K-12 curricula.
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Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2019

Saskatchewan 1905-2005 Guide for Teachers
Developed by the Western Development Museum, this teacher resource offers lesson plans, Saskatchewan fast facts, materials lists and suggested additional resources. There are 25 Saskatchewan themes and 100 lesson plans. Topics contained in the resource include rural electrification, immigration, First Nations and Métis farming and health care. Some of the lessons plans have been translated into French and Cree.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Saskatchewan Social Studies 4. Student Text
Saskatchewan Social Studies 4 has been custom published for Saskatchewan and has been developed by a team of Saskatchewan teachers. At the beginning of each unit, the Essential Question box sets the focus for the unit. The book provides opportunities for hands-on learning and engages students with My Story, Closer Look, and Making a Difference, and Looking Back activities.
Saskatchewan Social Studies 4. Teacher Resource with DVD

Social Studies 4. Additional Learning Resources (2011)
This list of learning resources identifies high-quality resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to support the curriculum, Social Studies 4. A list of core learning resources can also be found on the Ministry of Education website.
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Record posted/updated:
February 11, 2019

Social Studies 4. Core Learning Resources (2011)
This list of learning resources identifies high-quality resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to support the curriculum, Social Studies 4. A list of additional learning resources can also be found on the Ministry of Education website.
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Record posted/updated:
February 11, 2019

Social Studies Saskatchewan
Social Studies Saskatchewan is a professional growth network of the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation for social sciences educators. The aim of the association is to provide a community for social sciences educators through professional development, in-service training and preservice teacher education. The organization publishes the journal entitled Perspectives.
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Record posted/updated:
August 15, 2020

Social Studies for Social Justice: Teaching Strategies for the Elementary Classroom
Wade moves beyond teaching social justice and the theory and idealism associated with social justice. She explores the value and impact of implementing social action and social justice activities in the classroom. Some of the articles in the book include understanding social justice education, setting up the classroom environment, and social justice themes and skills. There are suggested activities to start children on the path to social action, such as writing a letter. The book includes a table of contents, appendices, references and an index.
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Take Action - Make a Difference: A Social Studies Handbook
The authors provide seven action steps for young people to take action in order to make a difference in their local community or in the world. The seven action steps are clearly outlined with real-life examples of young people taking action. Each step includes colour illustrations, photographs and a skill power section that offers guidance in developing a brochure, writing a speech and other projects.

The Anthology of Social Studies: Issues and Strategies for Elementary Teachers(Updated ed.)
The resource is a collection of articles that present theory and practice for elementary social studies. The articles are divided into six themes: Exploring Priorities and Purposes, Learning and Thinking Within and Outside the Disciplines, Engaging in Individual and Collective Inquiry, Accessing Learning Resources, Investigating Perspectives and Planning and Assessing for Instruction.
The book includes a table of contents and an index.
The book includes a table of contents and an index.

The Honour Drum: Sharing the Beauty of Canada's Indigenous People with Children, Families and Classrooms
This children's book is an illustrated poem highlighting the use of important symbols in select Indigenous cultures in Canada. A parent and student discussion guide are included.

Under One Sun Grade 4. Complete Classroom Set
This set includes six copies each of six pamphlets and one print teacher's resource. The reading levels range from N-S. The topics address various aspects of treaty such as treaty symbols, making treaties, Treaty Days, the fairness of numbered treaties and residential schools.

We Are the Land
This kit provides Indigenous perspectives on land use and conservation from across Canada. The kit contains 16 student editions and one cross-curricular teacher guide. A link to the publisher’s website offers access to additional supports that include an introductory video, links to age-appropriate content, maps and more. A variety of texts are presented which include reports, poetry, translations, opinions and articles supported by quality images.

When We Were Alone
A young girl asks her kókum questions about herself, such as why she wears bright colours, why she grows her hair long, why she spends time with her brother and why she speaks Cree. Her kókum explains that when she went to school far away as a child, she had to wear dark colours, her hair was cut short, she was separated from her brother and she wasn't allowed to speak her home language. This award-winning book is a sensitive, early introduction to some of the tragic effects of residential schools: separation, assimilation and loss of language.
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What are additional resources?
Additional Resources
Additional resources also complement the curriculum in an effective way and are of the same variety as core resources. However, where funds are limited, educators are advised to start by purchasing core resources.

A Native American Thought of It: Amazing Inventions and Innovations
First Nations people relied on their ingenuity to use the available resources around them. This resulted in many developments that made life easier for the communities. For example, the Iroquois were skilled at growing and harvesting food and the Sioux and Comanche developed camouflage and decoys to make catching animals easier.
The book includes photographs, illustrations, a table of contents, a note on the symbols used in the book and an index. American and Canadian First Nations contributions are discussed in the book.
The book includes photographs, illustrations, a table of contents, a note on the symbols used in the book and an index. American and Canadian First Nations contributions are discussed in the book.
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100th Anniversary of the Saskatchewan Legislative Building
This video outlines Saskatchewan's political history and how the legislature came to be built in Regina. Historical photographs, documents and interviews with politicians and historians enrich this documentary and shed light on what the legislative building represents in Saskatchewan's history and to its citizens. The video includes highlights of significant events that have taken place at Saskatchewan's legislative building.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

50 Social Studies Strategies for K-8 Classrooms(4th ed.)
The authors provide practical social studies strategies for the classroom. Organized alphabetically, there are 10 overarching and 40 specific teaching and learning strategies to enhance student learning. In this updated edition, all previously existing strategies have been revised and each strategy now also includes an assessment rubric and ideas for differentiation. The Applications and Ideas section includes classroom implementation ideas, while the References and Resources feature highlights additional readings and information to support each strategy.
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A Mother's Earth
This award-winning series, produced in Cree, English and French, uses stop-motion animation to portray life in a fictional northern Saskatchewan community. It focuses on issues and events in the lives of children and their supportive families in this traditional Cree community. The adults guide the children to retain their traditional culture and values while living in the modern world. In this episode, six year old Raven must write a report on identity, describing who she thinks she is. Through talking to many people in the community, 10-year-old Talon reconciles her Cree-Metis identity as a daughter and sister. Cousin T-Bear and brother Talon are asked to help create a sweat lodge and through their hard work they earn their Indian names. Non-Aboriginal students viewing this film will gain a better understanding of Aboriginal identity and traditional practices. T-Bone's father's role at the band office provides a glimpse into First Nations governance and its complex issues.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

A Mother's Earth (Cree Version)
In this episode, a school project sets Raven on a confusing search for her identity. She finally figures it out - with help from her blond doll. Meanwhile, Talon and T-Bear prepare the sweat lodge and hope to receive their Indian names soon.
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Record posted/updated:
July 3, 2018

A Time to Learn
Wapos Bay is an animated series about the adventures of three Cree children living in northern Saskatchewan. Talon has homework to complete before setting out for the trap line with his father. Meanwhile, T-Bear accidentally lets a sled dog escape. Talon and T-Bear learn the importance of listening to Elders and taking care with everything you do.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Agriculture in the Classroom
The Agriculture in the Classroom website offers a wide variety of resources related to agriculture and the environment for teachers and students from Kindergarten to grade 12. Resources can be filtered by type (activity, book, kit, lesson plan, unit plan, poster, map, video, etc.), by subject (arts, career exploration, language arts, health, math, practical and applied arts, science and social studies), by grade, by province and by topic.
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Record posted/updated:
December 6, 2022
Agriculture in the Classroom Saskatchewan
The Agriculture in the Classroom Saskatchewan website offers a wide variety of resources related to agriculture and the environment for teachers and students from Kindergarten to grade 12. Resources can be filtered by type (activity, book, kit, lesson plan, unit plan, poster, map, video, etc.), by subject (arts, career exploration, language arts, health, math, practical and applied arts, science and social studies), by grade, by province and by topic. Some of the featured resources include Kareero, a tool that helps students explore careers in agriculture, The Food Security Budget Game, which helps students learn about local and global food security, and the Foundations of Saskatchewan Agriculture series, which helps students explore the various agricultural products of Saskatchewan.
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Record posted/updated:
December 6, 2022

All Access
In this episode from the Wapos Bay Series, cousin Betty arrives in a wheelchair and the community does its best to adapt to her personal needs. T-Bear avoids Betty when he finds out she is sick. Betty is hurt because she thinks T-Bear no longer likes her. The community of Wapos Bay decides to make it easier for Elders and people with disabilities to get around.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

All Access (Cree Version)
In this episode from the Wapos Bay Series, cousin Betty arrives in a wheelchair and the community does its best to adapt to her personal needs. T-Bear avoids Betty when he finds out she is sick. Betty is hurt because she thinks T-Bear no longer likes her. The community of Wapos Bay decides to make it easier for Elders and people with disabilities to get around.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

As Long as the River Flows
In this episode, T-Bear takes advantage of the All Chief's Conference to raise the issue of elder care. T-Bear's father encourages him to run for National Youth Council president. Talon's ideas to assist the elders of Wapos Bay become the core issues of the election campaign. Talon is jealous of T-Bear as he gets all the attention and does not give credit to Talon for his ideas.
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Record posted/updated:
December 29, 2018

As Long as the River Flows (Cree Version)
In this episode, T-Bear takes advantage of the All Chief's Conference to raise the issue of elder care. T-Bear's father encourages him to run for National Youth Council president. Talon's ideas to assist the elders of Wapos Bay become the core issues of the election campaign. Talon is jealous of T-Bear as he gets all the attention and does not give credit to Talon for his ideas.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Black Bear Pastry and Other Delights
Raised in the city, Kenny visits his grandparents, Helen and Willie, on the farm. Kenny tells Grandma Helen about visiting the carnival and all the candy he managed to eat. This reminds Grandma Helen of a story and black bear pastry.
Inspired by her story, Kenny wants to surprise Grandma Helen. He asks his father, Allan, to stop at a store so he can buy a bear. Allan explains that bears cannot be purchased, but are hunted. The next weekend, Allan, Kenny and Willie go hunting for a bear. They have many adventures as Allan tries to snag a bear so Grandma Helen can make black bear pastry.
Inspired by her story, Kenny wants to surprise Grandma Helen. He asks his father, Allan, to stop at a store so he can buy a bear. Allan explains that bears cannot be purchased, but are hunted. The next weekend, Allan, Kenny and Willie go hunting for a bear. They have many adventures as Allan tries to snag a bear so Grandma Helen can make black bear pastry.
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Boulder Monuments of Saskatchewan
In the text, Brace documents 33 boulder monuments. Using historical information, Brace classifies each boulder monument according to themes and possible or known functions. He compares the monuments with existing sites throughout the Northern Plains in order to further our understanding of the creation of these features. Monuments highlighted in the text include tipi rings, cairns, medicine wheel and effigy figures and other boulder monuments.
The text includes a table of contents and a table of figures. Black-and-white drawings and colour templates support the text. A study guide is available. A copy of the text was provided to schools in spring 2011.
The text includes a table of contents and a table of figures. Black-and-white drawings and colour templates support the text. A study guide is available. A copy of the text was provided to schools in spring 2011.
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Bread Comes to Life
Through live-action footage, time-lapse photography and animations, Bread Comes to Life tells the story of the sowing, growing, reaping, threshing, milling, mixing, shaping, kneading, rising, baking and breaking of daily bread. Viewers observe the work of a small town baker, visit a large farm, a giant mill and a large commercial bakery. The program is narrated by Lily Tomlin with music by George Winston.
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Record posted/updated:
December 5, 2018

Call of the Fiddle = Li Vyayloon ka Taypwatikooyen
A young boy named Nolin learns more about his Métis heritage and traditions when he attends Back to Batoche Days with his family. He enjoys hearing the fiddling, dances the jig in competition and Nolin's Moushoom tells him about the Riel Resistance. The book's text is presented in English and Michif, accompanied by a CD containing a narration of the book in both languages and including music mentioned in the book.

Canada's Land & People Series
This series looks at each Canadian province and territory. Each book provides information on the environment, history, tourist attractions, arts, sports and cultures of the region. The books contain photographs, illustrations, and maps which complement the text. Included are a table of contents, a glossary, an index and suggestions for further research.
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

Circle of Life Set 5. Single Copy Set
The Circle of Life set contains eight books that present First Nations cultures, traditional knowledge and worldviews. The books are intended to support guided reading at levels Q-S. Titles in the set include: Building a Birchbark Canoe, Sky Woman, The Full Moon Ceremony, Little Owl, Snaring Rabbits, Weekends with Moxoomus and Nookum, Becoming Brave Bear, and Wampum. Each of the books has a lesson card with before, during and after reading activities. The teacher support disc contains the electronic book version with audio of each story, an image bank of the illustrations, 8 modifiable blackline masters and three videos to support professional development featuring a First Nations Elder.
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Circle of Life Set 5. Becoming Brave Bear (6-pack)
Circle of Life Set 5. Building a Birchbark Canoe (6-pack)
Circle of Life Set 5. Little Owl (6-pack)
Circle of Life Set 5. Sky Woman (6-pack)
Circle of Life Set 5. Snaring Rabbits (6-pack)
Circle of Life Set 5. The full Moon Ceremony (6-pack)
Circle of Life Set 5. Wampum (6-pack)
Circle of Life Set 5. Weekends with Moxoomus and Nookum (6-pack)

Digging Canadian History
Canada is a country that has a rich past. Archaeologists and anthropologists study the past to help us understand how humans lived and evolved. Grambo takes the reader on a journey to historical sites in every province and territory. She describes how the sites were discovered, the importance of the site and what archaeologists and anthropologists have learned at each individual site. Included in the book are a table of contents, suggestions for further research and an index.

Marusia and her father farm near the village of Zhitya, Ukraine. Ukraine comes under Stalin's power and all foodstuffs now belong to the dictator. Marusia hides one sack of grain from the soldiers. Marusia eventually outwits the dictator by hiding sacks of grain in graves so the village can continue to plant grain for food.
Through this folktale, young students will learn about the Ukrainian famine and the impact it had on Ukrainian people.
Through this folktale, young students will learn about the Ukrainian famine and the impact it had on Ukrainian people.

Every Human Has Rights: A Photographic Declaration for Kids
Eleanor Roosevelt chaired a committee that determined rights for every citizen in every country. Since 1948, these rights declare that every human is entitled to freedom, fair government, freedom to come and go and to associate with others and the right to free expression.
In the foreword, Mary Robinson writes about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, what it means and how we struggle to achieve true freedom for all people. She reminds us that change does not occur by reading a book; rather, action is required.
The rights in the book are accompanied by photographs. Youth are encouraged to write a poem, short essay or paragraph describing what the right means to them. The book includes an index and the full Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In the foreword, Mary Robinson writes about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, what it means and how we struggle to achieve true freedom for all people. She reminds us that change does not occur by reading a book; rather, action is required.
The rights in the book are accompanied by photographs. Youth are encouraged to write a poem, short essay or paragraph describing what the right means to them. The book includes an index and the full Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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Fiddle Dancer = Li daanseur de vyaeloon
Nolin visits his grandfather on New Year's Eve and together they are jigging at the community dance. Moushoom shows off his fancy steps and Nolin believes he will never learn the fancy steps. Moushoom explains that his Ma Mayr tapped the beat while he was in her womb and continue to tap the beat while he was growing up. Moushoom teaches Nolin some fancy steps and gives Nolin a Métis sash to "make his feet fly." Soon Nolin is doing three fancy steps.
Included in the book is a glossary of Michif words and a recipe to make bannock.
Accompanying the book is a CD with an English and Michif narration of the story.
Included in the book is a glossary of Michif words and a recipe to make bannock.
Accompanying the book is a CD with an English and Michif narration of the story.
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For Every Child: The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Words and Pictures
In the foreword, Desmond Tutu reminds us that all children have the right to be happy, to be healthy, to learn and to find security in adults that they can trust. Many children in the world do not have these rights, either due to war, famine, training as child soldiers or as refugees fleeing their homes. Fourteen rights are highlighted in the book with an illustration by an international artist.

From Moose to Moccasins: A Step-by-Step Guide to Traditional Hide-Tanning
Coleclough provides step-by-step instructions to prepare a finished smoke-tanned piece of leather from raw moose hide. Historically, hide-tanning was an important part of daily life as it provided clothing, shelter and utility materials.
If the moose hide is not going to be tanned right away, the proper storage of a moose hide is described. The required tools are listed as well as the process to tan a hide.
The text includes colour and black-and-white photographs, a table of contents and an index.
If the moose hide is not going to be tanned right away, the proper storage of a moose hide is described. The required tools are listed as well as the process to tan a hide.
The text includes colour and black-and-white photographs, a table of contents and an index.
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Grandmother / Grandfather Tribe Book Set
A set of 10 colourful board books describing important historical aspects of life and culture of different Indigenous peoples.
Grandmother, Tell Us About the Sioux People of Long Ago

Hands-On Social Studies Grade 4. Saskatchewan Edition
This resource contains classroom activities grouped into units that support the four goals of the Saskatchewan curriculum: Interactions and Interdependence, Dynamic Relationships, Power and Authority, and Resources and Wealth. Each unit begins with planning tips for the teacher, a list of the outcomes that are supported through the activities, reproducible student materials and assessment ideas. Background information for the teacher is also included at the beginning of each activity, along with guided inquiry questions for students.
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Hannah's Story
Hannah Taylor sees her first homeless person in Winnipeg at the age of five. Hannah constantly thinks and worries about the man - where is he staying and what he is eating. When Hannah turns eight, she establishes the Ladybug Foundation, Inc. Hannah speaks to politicians, business leaders, students and the media to raise awareness and funds to help feed and shelter the homeless. Hannah's message inspires young people and adults to work together to help others. Her foundation supports projects in Canada that touch the homeless or near homeless. Today, Hannah continues to spread her message across Canada and around the world. She is a role model as a young human rights activist.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

He Who Flies By Night: The Story of Grey Owl
This is the true story of Archie Belaney, who fulfilled his childhood dream of living in Canada's north with First Nations people. Archie reinvents himself into Wa-Sha-Quon-Asin (Grey Owl) and lives among the animals of the forest. Students will enjoy reading about how Archie lived with his two beavers, Jelly Roll and Rawhide. Grey Owl's greatest legacy is his vision of conservation and the importance of our place in nature.
The book is the recipient of the 2007 Moonbeam Children's Book Award for Multicultural Non-fiction.
The book is the recipient of the 2007 Moonbeam Children's Book Award for Multicultural Non-fiction.
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Hidden Buffalo
This resource illustrates the importance of the buffalo to the Cree people in the late 19th century. Sky Running and his people search for the great buffalo herds that are disappearing. Sky Running's vision reveals the location of the buffalo and the community must determine if the risk of travelling into rival territory outweighs facing winter without a sufficient supply of food.
The story's illustrations enhance the text to provide a traditional sense of the seasonal planning of the people, the importance of thanksgiving, the roles and the responsibilities of all members.
This book won the 2004 Alberta Children's Book of the Year award.
The story's illustrations enhance the text to provide a traditional sense of the seasonal planning of the people, the importance of thanksgiving, the roles and the responsibilities of all members.
This book won the 2004 Alberta Children's Book of the Year award.
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Honouring the Buffalo: A Plains Cree Legend
This story, told in both English and Cree, describes how early First Nations people relied on the buffalo for food, clothing, shelter, hunting tools and other necessities of life. The narrator explains how the buffalo is honoured for its sacrifice. Pictures of items made from the buffalo, facts about the buffalo and questions to enrich the use of the text are included at the end of the book.

How We Lived with Other People
Curated by Alberta's Glenbow Museum, this website presents text, diagrams and photographs that explain what life was like for First Nations peoples before and after treaty. The website specifically focuses on the Blackfoot First Nation, but the correlations to the experiences of Saskatchewan First Nations are valuable.
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
February 15, 2019

Journey Through Fear
Wapos Bay is an animated series about the adventures of three Cree children living in northern Saskatchewan. T-Bear and his father Jacob, become local celebrities when they get stranded in the fire tower because they are afraid to come down. Raven, who is afraid of the water, prepares for a fishing trip but becomes ill. Through their fears, Raven and T-Bear discover the important of honesty.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018
Lights, Camera, Action
In this episode, film star Adam Beach mentors T-Bear and Talon as they make videos celebrating Treaty Days in Wapos Bay. Raven feels left out with everyone so busy preparing for the celebrations, but her Kohkum helps her to understand that she needs to think of the needs of the community and to try to make a contribution.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Looking Back
This weekly, five-minute video series highlights little-known, compelling and sometimes quirky stories from Saskatchewan's past. All stories were filmed on location and often feature people who had some personal or special connection to the event.
Almighty Voice. Episode 9
An Epidemic of Bullets. Episode 13
An Unlikely Spy. Episode 10
Canada's Pin-Up Girl. Episode 15
Charlie's Silver. Episode 16
Chief Whitecap. Episode 27
City for a Day. Episode 35
Cowboy Imposter. Episode 31
Damn Dam. Episode 8
Death Over Moose Jaw. Episode 30
Depression Photo. Episode 19
Dickens of the Mounted. Episode 29
Factoria. Episode 25
God's Painter. Episode 20
Just Another Victim. Episode 18
Lions of Winter. Episode 22
Moose Jaw's Fly Boys. Episode 6
Murdered by the RCMP. Episode 17
Naked We Stand. Episode 34
Prince Albert Park. Episode 3
Quong Wing. Episode 14
Saskatchewan Provincial Police. Episode 2
Saskatoon's Lily. Episode 5
Scott's Secret. Episode 4
Sitting Bull's Mountie. Episode 43
Stalked by Fate. Episode 1
Sukanen's Dream. Episode 11
Summer of Fear. Episode 33
The Accidental MLA. Episode 38
The Birth of Medicare. Episode 26
The Blizzard of '47. Episode 23
The Debden Miracle. Episode 41
The Fighting Bishop. Episode 21
The French Counts of Whitewood. Episode 40
The Great Soul Rush. Episode 44
The Missing Recipe. Episode 36
The Price of Pride. Episode 32
The Regina Riot. Episode 42
The Reluctant Giant. Episode 12
The Sage of Sintaluta. Episode 28
The Unionist Party. Episode 24
The Welwyn Massacre. Episode 39
The White Man Governs. Episode 37
White Man's Country. Episode 7
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Record posted/updated:
January 22, 2019

Louis Riel
Riel was educated in Montreal, but his desire to be involved in politics brought him back to Red River. In 1870, he led a takeover of Fort Garry in protest against the sale of Red River to the federal government. When Thomas Scott is executed by Riel's provisional government, Riel is forced to flee Canada.
He lives in exile in the United States. In 1884, Dumont persuades Riel to return to Canada. The 1885 Rebellion is unsuccessful, and Riel is captured and accused of treason. He is convicted and hanged in Regina in November, 1885.
The book contains photographs to complement the text. In addition, there is a table of contents, a timeline, suggestions for further reading and an index.
He lives in exile in the United States. In 1884, Dumont persuades Riel to return to Canada. The 1885 Rebellion is unsuccessful, and Riel is captured and accused of treason. He is convicted and hanged in Regina in November, 1885.
The book contains photographs to complement the text. In addition, there is a table of contents, a timeline, suggestions for further reading and an index.
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Mwâkwa Talks to the Loon: A Cree Story for Children
Kaysas is blessed with the ability to hunt and provide for his people. Kaysas knows where to find the four-legged kind, the winged ones, and those that swim beneath the water. He is able to communicate with them in their own language.
But Kaysas becomes proud and takes his abilities for granted. He loses his gift, and the people grow hungry. With help from the Elders and beings that inhabit the water, Kaysas learns to be respectful of the talents and skills given to him.
The book includes a list of Cree words and phrases with pronunciation. Teachers may consider inviting an Elder or traditional knowledge keeper to the classroom to tell the narrative.
But Kaysas becomes proud and takes his abilities for granted. He loses his gift, and the people grow hungry. With help from the Elders and beings that inhabit the water, Kaysas learns to be respectful of the talents and skills given to him.
The book includes a list of Cree words and phrases with pronunciation. Teachers may consider inviting an Elder or traditional knowledge keeper to the classroom to tell the narrative.
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My First Métis Lobstick: A Story of Métis Life During the Voyageur Fur Trade Days
This illustrated book describes the tradition of the lobstick feast celebrated by the Métis people of Canada as told from the viewpoint of a Métis child born in 1820. The book reveals the importance of lobstick making and ceremony to the Métis community. The stories are written in English and Michif and are recorded in both languages on an audio CD included at the back of the resource.

My World. An Elementary Atlas. Student Edition
This atlas is designed for young children to develop mapping skills. There is developmentally appropriate progression in reading, geography and mapping skills. Students learn how to read and use maps by developing an understanding of the elements of maps such as symbols, legends, scales and grids.
The atlas includes a table of contents and a gazetteer.
The atlas includes a table of contents and a gazetteer.
My World. An Elementary Atlas. Teacher's Guide

Nelson InfoCanada Geographic Regions Series
This series of books examines Canada's geographic regions. Each book contains information on the location, climate, plants and animals, natural resources, First Nations people, settlers, food items, transportation, tourism and looking at the future. There are fact boxes, graphs, illustrations and "things to do" that extend student learning. Included in each book are a table of contents, a glossary and an index.
Nelson InfoCanada Geographic Regions Classroom Pack
The Appalachian Highland
The Arctic
The Canadian Shield
The Cordillera
The Great Lakes Lowland
The Interior Plains
The St. Lawrence Lowland

Nokum is My Teacher
A young First Nations boy questions his Nokum about the world beyond their home and community. Nokum provides a vision of the world that the young boy can enter through reading, using his imagination and retaining respect for the ways of his people.
The book is written in English and Cree and it includes a CD with Bouchard narrating the story. Northern Cree provide the singing and drumming on the CD. The title is also available in French.
The book is written in English and Cree and it includes a CD with Bouchard narrating the story. Northern Cree provide the singing and drumming on the CD. The title is also available in French.

Once Upon a Crime...: Using Stories, Simulations, and Mock Trials to Explore Justice and Citizenship in Elementary School
This resource includes ideas to explore justice and citizenship at the elementary level. By using mock trials and conflict resolution activities, children practise problem solving and decision making. The resource provides a systematic approach to setting up a mock trial, suggested stories, learner outcomes and assessment strategies for various grade levels.

Our Government, Our Election(3rd ed.)
This teacher's guide provides information on Saskatchewan's democratic process. Opening with a pre-test, educators are able to determine a student's strengths and weaknesses regarding elections. Various lesson plans are included. Background information is provided for teachers or can be used as handouts for students.
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Record posted/updated:
August 15, 2020

Seven Grandfather Teachings: Character Development
In this program, students learn about The Seven Grandfather Teachings, also known as The Seven Sacred Teachings. This is a set of teachings on human conduct towards others. They are what was traditionally and still is needed in order for communities to survive. The teachings - love, respect, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility and truth - cannot be used in isolation and are interdependent. The program is hosted by Curve Lake First Nation entertainer Missy Knott and viewers also meet Coast Tsminshian First Nation Elder and educator, Shannon Thunderbird, who explains each teaching. Elder Thunderbird describes the virtues of being a good person, of taking care of one another and of taking care of the Earth.
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Something to Remember
Wapos Bay is an animated series about the adventures of three Cree children living in northern Saskatchewan. While preparing for a Remembrance Day tribute, T-Bear is amazed to learn that his Mushom is a war veteran. Meanwhile, Raven's attempts to convince her favourite teacher to stay in Wapos Bay are initially misunderstood. Raven explores the meaning of appreciation and T-Bear discovers it is important to remember the past.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Storm at Batoche
Through an imaginary encounter between a young boy and a man named Louis, children are introduced to the controversy of the Riel Resistance and the Battle of Batoche. Young James falls from the back of his family wagon during a storm while they are on their way to Batoche. His parents do not hear his shouts for help and after struggling through the snow for hours, he is picked up by a man on a horse who takes him to a small cabin and introduces himself as "Just Louis." After two days of sharing stories and baking gallette, or bannock as James calls it, the storm clears and Louis takes James to the outskirts of Batoche.
A two-page author's note at the back of the book gives a brief factual overview of Riel's life and his involvement with the Métis in their struggle to retain the land they felt was rightfully theirs. A recipe for gallette or bannock is included.
A two-page author's note at the back of the book gives a brief factual overview of Riel's life and his involvement with the Métis in their struggle to retain the land they felt was rightfully theirs. A recipe for gallette or bannock is included.
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Teaching Treaties in the Classroom
The Office of the Treaty Commissioner (OTC) has developed a treaty information kit for use in Saskatchewan schools. The kit features educational resource materials that include curriculum supplements, videos and books about the history of treaties. The individual pieces show both First Nations and European perspectives about the treaty relationship. Information on treaty topics range from the precontact history of First Nations people, first contact issues, the relevance of the past to the contemporary situation and what is happening within the present treaty relationship.
The OTC provides inservice training for teachers in use of the kit.
The kit was provided to every school in the province.
The OTC provides inservice training for teachers in use of the kit.
The kit was provided to every school in the province.
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The Auction
Todd is hurt and angry with his grandfather. Gramps is selling the family farm. While they prepare for the auction, Gramps retells stories of how he and Gran created the farm. The sharing of memories and experiences on the farm provides the opportunity for Todd and Gramps to come to grips with loss and to look forward to a new beginning.

The Elements
Wapos Bay is an animated series about the adventures of three Cree children living in northern Saskatchewan. Talon, T-Bear, Raven and Mushom are at a cultural camp to learn traditional ways. At camp, mishaps occur that test the children. The family makes it home safely, but their journey to Elders Island teaches the children that taking shortcuts at any age is best avoided.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

The Giving Tree: A Retelling of a Traditional Métis Story About Giving and Receiving
Developed in both Michif and English, this book and compact disc focus on the memories of Moushoom as he recalls the experience of finding the giving tree with his parents. This retelling of a traditional story highlights Métis core values and beliefs including strength, kindness, courage, tolerance, honesty, respect, love, sharing, caring, balance, patience and most of all - a meaningful connection with the Creator and Mother Earth.

The Good Garden: How One Family Went from Hunger to Having Enough
María Luz and her family live in Honduras and are very poor. They struggle to provide enough food to feed the family. María Luz's father must leave the farm to find work and María Luz is left to tend the garden. When a new teacher arrives in town, he teaches María Luz how to feed the soil using compost, how to create terraces to stop the earth from washing away and how to grow cash crops. María Luz learns how to bypass the coyote or middleman and sell her produce directly to the market.
The text introduces the global issue of food insecurity to students and provides them with tools and information to make a difference, locally and globally. Included in the text is additional information on the issue of food insecurity, suggestions of what students can do to assist and a glossary of Spanish words.
The text introduces the global issue of food insecurity to students and provides them with tools and information to make a difference, locally and globally. Included in the text is additional information on the issue of food insecurity, suggestions of what students can do to assist and a glossary of Spanish words.
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The Kids Book of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
Canada's First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples have a rich history. Silvey examines the cultures, struggles and triumphs of Canada's first peoples. She also looks at the arrival of Europeans and the clash of worldviews. Seven major groups of peoples are highlighted in the resource.
The resource contains illustrations, maps, profiles of prominent individuals and current terminology for the First Nations peoples, as well as the names they were once called by others.
The book includes a table of contents and an index.
The resource contains illustrations, maps, profiles of prominent individuals and current terminology for the First Nations peoples, as well as the names they were once called by others.
The book includes a table of contents and an index.
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The Kids Book of Canadian Exploration
Explorers were drawn to Canada for many reasons. They discovered a vast and mysterious land that took hundreds of years to explore and map. Present-day explorers focus on outer space, the ocean and the preservation of Earth's changing ecosystems. Included are a table of contents, a map, a timeline and an index.

The Kids Book of Canadian Geography
Penn introduces Canadian geography to students. The book traces the North American continent's formation and evolution to its present state. The book contains information on Canada's landscape, life forms, ecosystems and climate. Penn provides clues to help explain the natural environment. Students will learn about the eight geographical regions of Canada.
The book includes a table of contents and an index.
The book includes a table of contents and an index.

The Legend of the Buffalo Stone
Based on a traditional Blackfoot story, this illustrated book is the story of a young Blackfoot girl whose dream saves her tribe from famine after the disappearance of the buffalo. The themes of interdependence, animals and of the environment are prevalent in this book. A PDF of a corresponding teacher’s guide can be downloaded from the publisher’s website.

The Nystrom Map Explorer Atlas. Student Book
The atlas introduces globes and maps and the various functions for each format. Concepts such as reading maps and globes, directions, map scale and types of maps are introduced. In the second part, students apply the skills as they study the provinces and territories. The atlas includes a table of contents, a glossary, facts about the provinces and territories, an index and a listing of abbreviations.
The Nystrom Map Explorer Atlas. Atlas Pack
The Nystrom Map Explorer Atlas. Student Activity Binder
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$9.00 US

Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

The Red Sash
A young Métis boy lives near the fur trading post of Fort William. His father spends the winter months as a guide leading voyageurs into the Northwest to trade for furs. At Rendezvous, the voyageurs paddle back to Fort William with their furs and the North West Company canoes bring supplies for the next season.
The young boy rows to a nearby island and hunts hare for the celebration. While at the island, a storm begins and a canoe carrying a gentleman from the North West Company is caught on the lake. The boy helps the canoe land and takes the gentleman to town in his canoe, earning the voyageur's red sash.
The book includes brief background information on Fort William and a glossary.
The young boy rows to a nearby island and hunts hare for the celebration. While at the island, a storm begins and a canoe carrying a gentleman from the North West Company is caught on the lake. The boy helps the canoe land and takes the gentleman to town in his canoe, earning the voyageur's red sash.
The book includes brief background information on Fort William and a glossary.
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The Secret of Your Name = Kiimooch ka shinikashooyen
Canada's Métis people are recognized as a nation by all levels of government. The Métis have their own flag, language, songs and stories. Today's Métis have grown up in the aftermath of the 1885 resistance. Bouchard celebrates what it is to be Métis.
The book is written in English and Michif. The book includes a CD with Bouchard narrating the story. Fiddle music on the CD is provided by John Arcand.
The book is written in English and Michif. The book includes a CD with Bouchard narrating the story. Fiddle music on the CD is provided by John Arcand.

They Dance at Night
Wapos Bay is an animated series about the adventures of three Cree children living in northern Saskatchewan. Raven and T-Bear learn what can happen when they forget to respect tradition. All three children discover that carelessness is disrespectful. With help from Mushom and an Elder, they take part in a ceremony that puts things right to restore harmony and balance.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018

Tommy Douglas
At age 10, Tommy Douglas was hospitalized for a bone infection. After several failed operations, a doctor offered to operate on his leg for free. This event would be the beginning of Tommy's vision for universal medical care. Waiser documents Tommy's life as a young child to becoming a minister. The 1930s was a time of struggle for many people in Saskatchewan and Canada. Tommy became involved in politics and eventually became elected premier of the province. Through his tenure as premier, Douglas was able to implement his vision of universal medical care.
The book contains photographs to complement the text. In addition, there is a table of contents, a timeline, suggestions for further reading and an index.
Tommy Douglas was short listed for the 2007 Saskatchewan Book Awards - Children's Book.
The book contains photographs to complement the text. In addition, there is a table of contents, a timeline, suggestions for further reading and an index.
Tommy Douglas was short listed for the 2007 Saskatchewan Book Awards - Children's Book.
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When the Spirits Dance
During World War II, Lawrence's father goes overseas with the Canadian army. His mother raises the children alone. As a young Cree boy, Lawrence struggles with the meaning of war and missing his father and his teachings about the natural way of life.
When the family is threatened by army runaways, Lawrence must call upon his knowledge of traditional skills and find the courage to keep his family safe. Lawrence faces his challenges, becomes wiser and stronger and earns the respect of his Elders.
When the family is threatened by army runaways, Lawrence must call upon his knowledge of traditional skills and find the courage to keep his family safe. Lawrence faces his challenges, becomes wiser and stronger and earns the respect of his Elders.
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Yetsa's Sweater
Yetsa has outgrown her sweater, which is full of memories and made with love. New fleeces have arrived at Grandma's. Yetsa and her mother will help Grandma turn the fleeces into wool to make Cowichan sweaters. Yetsa learns how to clean, wash and dry the fleece. Grandma teaches Yetsa the traditions behind the Cowichan sweater. At the end of the book is a brief history of the Cowichan sweater.
What are other useful materials?
Other Useful Materials
Other useful materials are documents, lesson plans or classroom activities that teachers may find useful in supporting the curriculum, but that have not typically undergone the same formal evaluation process that is required for core and additional resources.

Agriculture. The Heart of Saskatchewan's Past, Present, and Future
This resource includes 21 downloadable lesson plans, student activities and teacher and student informational handouts.
Lesson 1 - What is Farming?
Lesson 10 - Wheat & the Settlement of Canada
Lesson 11 - Grains of Saskatchewan
Lesson 12 - Saskatchewan Grain Elevators
Lesson 13 - Early Tools of Agriculture
Lesson 14 - The Farm Equipment Explosion
Lesson 15 - Types of Farms in Saskatchewan
Lesson 16 - Saskatchewan's Agricultural Economy
Lesson 17 - Stewardship: The Responsibility for Taking Good Care of the Resources Entrusted to Us
Lesson 18 - Agricultural Stewardship
Lesson 19 - A Visit to a Saskatchewan Grain Elevator
Lesson 2 - Agriculture in Saskatchewan
Lesson 20 - A Day in the Life of a Saskatchewan Farmer
Lesson 21 - Where in the World?
Lesson 3 - Geography of Saskatchewan
Lesson 4 - First Nations Agriculture in Saskatchewan
Lesson 5 - Métis Agriculture in Saskatchewan
Lesson 6 - The Settlers of Saskatchewan
Lesson 7 - Early European Agriculture in Saskatchewan
Lesson 8 - Home Sweet Home: Settlements in Saskatchewan
Lesson 9 - Early Beginnings of Wheat
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Record posted/updated:
February 16, 2019

ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Online enables you to connect people, locations, and data using interactive maps. It enables you to work with smart, data-driven styles and intuitive analysis tools that deliver location intelligence. It also enables the user to share insights with the world or specific groups. The website contains a tutorial, links to suggested subjects and projects, lesson plans and activities.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022

CAMPUS is the National Film Board’s exclusive education streaming service available at no cost to all teachers and students in Saskatchewan and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022
COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Learning Supports for Families and Teachers
This document was created to provide support for parents/guardians when sharing information about the coronavirus with young and school-aged children. The document is also useful for early learning staff and Prekindergarten to Grade 12 teachers.
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Record posted/updated:
April 8, 2020

Concentus Citizenship Education Foundation
The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission, through the Concentus Citizenship Education Foundation, has created a website that provides classroom resources to support the teaching of citizenship competencies from Grades K-12. Lesson plans may either be viewed online or downloaded as PDFs. To access these resources, educators only need to sign up and create an account through the website's Teacher Portal. If teachers experience any difficulties signing up, they are welcome to contact for help in creating an account.
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Record posted/updated:
January 22, 2019

Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Grade 4: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
Students will extend their exploration of rules and societal order to the workings of the various governing systems in Saskatchewan, including First Nations and Métis governance and provincial governance structures. Students will begin to understand the impact of the differing levels of government and understand the connections between varying levels of responsibility.
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Record posted/updated:
January 25, 2019

Curio is the CBC’s educational streaming service made available at no cost to Saskatchewan teachers and students by the Ministry of Education and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022

Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity
This document will assist individuals and communities to engage in meaningful discussions and actions to respond to the experiences, perspectives and needs of students and families who are gender and/or sexually diverse (GSD). It will: assist school divisions, central office personnel, administrators, educators, First Nations and Métis organizations and community partners to develop a deeper understanding of gender and sexual diversity; assist in understanding the unique educational, health and safety needs of staff, students and their families who self-identify as gender and/or sexually diverse; provide practical strategies, suggestions and frequently asked questions to support schools and communities as they work with students to anticipate and overcome challenges related to transphobia, homophobia and heterosexism; acknowledge the shared responsibility of ensuring that all students who identify as gender and/or sexually diverse have the same opportunities for safety, socialization and success in schools; assist educators in planning curricular-based instruction and assessment to meet the unique needs of gender and/or sexually diverse students; and assist school divisions and First Nations and Métis organizations to fulfill their ethical and professional responsibilities to provide safe, equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students regardless of their actual or perceived differences.
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Record posted/updated:
February 13, 2019

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools: A Policy Planning Guide for School Divisions and Schools to Implement Digital Citizenship Education from Kindergarten to Grade 12
This document provides guidelines for school divisions and school-based administrators who are developing digital citizenship policies. It is not a prescriptive policy; instead, it offers a roadmap for building appropriate school division policies and school-specific digital citizenship guidelines and procedures. Tools to help teachers, administrators and parents as they get started on the implementation of digital citizenship education for K-12 students are also included.
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Record posted/updated:
September 8, 2022

Historical Learning Resources Updates
Learning Resources Updates provided an annual supplement to every subject-specific bibliography that supported K-12 curricula.
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Record posted/updated:
January 2, 2019

Homes and Historical Thinking
Students will learn about the history of Saskatchewan homes using archival photographs.
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Record posted/updated:
February 11, 2019

Opportunities to Address Child Abuse Prevention Education and Response
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas
and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators
are noted.
and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators
are noted.
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Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation's Indigenous Resources Review Committee Suggested Resources
These titles have been suggested by the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation's Indigenous Resources Review Committee. Before using these resources in the classroom, educators should consider the sensitive, emotional issues related to tragic events in Indigenous history and consult their local resources evaluation policy.
Central Urban Métis Federation Inc. (CUMFI)
Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN)
Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan
Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S)
Owls See Clearly at Night = Lii yiiboo nayaapiwak lii swer: A Michif Alphabet = L'alfabet di Michif
The Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
September 30, 2021

Summarized Outcomes Across Areas of Study for Kindergarten to Grade 5
This document is intended to assist teachers to integrate subjects across the curriculum.
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Record posted/updated:
August 18, 2020

Supporting Reconciliation in Saskatchewan Schools
This site has been created by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education to support school staffs to work together to expand their understanding of truth and reconciliation as well as the history and legacy of residential schools. It contains tools and resources to support important conversations and professional development opportunities.
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
February 22, 2019

Teaching Sensitive Content in the Classroom
The purpose of the presentation is to describe strategies teachers can use to approach content that may be perceived as sensitive in their community in order to:
- ensure the learning environment is safe for respectful dialogue;
- teach students how to think critically about any topic with an open mind; and,
- meet curricular outcomes.
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Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2022

The Adaptive Dimension for Saskatchewan K-12 Students
The Adaptive Dimension refers to the concept of making adjustments to any or all of the following variables: learning environment, instruction, assessment and resources. Adjustments to these variables are intended to make learning meaningful and appropriate and to support student achievement. In the
Saskatchewan context, differentiation is addressed through the Adaptive Dimension which enables all teachers to respond to student diversity, including their strengths and needs, interests, backgrounds, life experiences and motivations.
Saskatchewan context, differentiation is addressed through the Adaptive Dimension which enables all teachers to respond to student diversity, including their strengths and needs, interests, backgrounds, life experiences and motivations.
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Record posted/updated:
September 4, 2024

Treaty Education Learning Resource
The Kindergarten to Grade 9 Treaty Education Learning Resource is designed for teachers to assist them in integrating the Treaty content and perspective with Saskatchewan's curricula and is based on the inquiry method of teaching. It provides information about Treaties, First Nations people and the history of what is now known as Saskatchewan, as well as sample learning experiences, assessment ideas and suggested resource materials to support teachers in the development of their lessons.
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
March 11, 2020

Treaty Education Outcomes and Indicators
The Treaty Education outcomes and indicators at each grade level are designed to engage learners on a journey of inquiry and discovery. When meaningfully and thoughtfully incorporated into subject areas, Treaty Education moves beyond an idea to become actualized as a belief that benefits all learners.
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Record posted/updated:
February 13, 2019
Who Governs Us? Who Governs the Land?: An educator's guide to local governments & governance
This guide is intended to support Grade Four educators as they teach students about governance at the local, community, civic, and provincial levels, including both Métis and First Nations governance structures and the governance of K-12 education. The resource includes inquiry questions; background information for the teacher; key vocabulary; focus and supplementary outcomes; and suggested timelines, motivational sets, lesson procedures, assessment ideas and teacher resources. The comprehensive resource also provides access to a speaker’s bureau. Educators can be connected with local representatives – mayors, reeves, chiefs, trustees and directors from your area – who can speak to students about local government and governance in-person or virtually.
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Record posted/updated:
January 31, 2023