Mathematics 8

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What is a core resource?
Core Resources
A core resource is a foundational or key resource that complements a curriculum in an especially effective way. It may be a comprehensive resource that broadly addresses several of the student learning outcomes (e.g., a major integrated resource, series, textbook), an in-depth student resource that addresses at least one student learning outcome or a professional resource for educators.

Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally(5th Canadian ed.)
This professional resource offers suggestions to teach concepts and procedures specific to mathematics in grades K-8 students. There are suggestion to differentiate instruction for English Language Learners, advanced learners, and learners with difficulties. The resource references real experiences and assessment practices to address the foundations of how children learn. This edition focuses on mathematical inquiry through rich tasks and classroom discourse. There is a companion website listed for blackline masters, activities, additional tools and expanded lessons.
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InfoTrac (Gale Databases)
InfoTrac contains electronic databases of more than 2,300 full-text magazines, journals and reference sources. Examples of databases include: Junior Edition, Student Edition, General Reference Centre Gold, and CPI.Q (Canadian Periodicals).
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Record posted/updated:
April 16, 2019

Math Central
Math Central is a clearinghouse of mathematical resources for students and teachers.
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Record posted/updated:
September 6, 2019

MathLinks 8
This resource consists of a hardcover student text and a teacher resource.
MathLinks 8. Student Edition
MathLinks 8. Teacher's Resource

MathUP Classroom Grades K-8 (National Edition)
MathUP Classroom is an online tool for teachers and students designed to build mathematics content knowledge while providing connections to improve understanding and to meet the needs of all students. Components for teachers include: topic overviews, teaching, assessment and differentiation ideas and curriculum correlations. Resources for students include: lessons on strand-based topics, Number Talks, Brain Benders, Wonder Tasks, Cross-strand Tasks and digital puzzles, games and supporting activities. The Ontario Edition topics that originally formed the basis for the online materials in the National Edition have been replaced or will be replaced in the future with topics that meet WNCP requirements.
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Contact the publisher for licensing options and prices.

Record posted/updated:
February 7, 2023

Mathematics 8. Additional Learning Resources (2009)
This list of learning resources identifies high-quality resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to support the curriculum, Mathematics 8.
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Record posted/updated:
July 4, 2019

Mathematics 8. Core Learning Resources (2009)
This list of learning resources identifies high-quality resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to support the curriculum, Mathematics 8.
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Record posted/updated:
July 4, 2019

Mathematics 8. Manipulatives
Manipulatives are an essential component of an effective mathematics program, leading to the development of deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. The charts outline the types of manipulatives needed, the suggested uses and the suggested quantity recommended (where appropriate). Some manipulatives may be collected, others may be constructed and many may be purchased. Two of the main distributors for these materials are Spectrum Nasco and Scholar's Choice. Please consult these companies' catalogues/websites for purchasing information.
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Record posted/updated:
August 17, 2016
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
Published nine times a year, this journal from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) provides a range of in-depth articles and features including practical lesson ideas, teaching strategies and problems to investigate with students. In-depth features and articles offer an important source of professional development to readers.
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$93.00/year US (individual membership)
Record posted/updated:
August 14, 2016

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is committed to promoting excellence and innovation in mathematics teaching and learning for all. It publishes the journals, Teaching Children Mathematics, Mathematics: Teaching in the Middle School and Mathematics Teacher.
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Record posted/updated:
September 6, 2019

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Provides educators with electronic resources to augment student learning in the areas of shape and space, number, algebra, measurement, data analysis and probability.
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Record posted/updated:
September 15, 2020

Navigations Series
These activity-based learning resources introduce, develop and extend student thinking and reasoning in various mathematical concepts. Several related activities suited to the developmental stages of students are provided. Accompanying the interactive investigations is a CD-ROM containing blackline masters, professional readings and applets for the students to manipulate.
Navigating Through Algebra in Grades 6-8
Navigating Through Data Analysis in Grades 6-8
Navigating Through Geometry in Grades 6-8
Navigating Through Number and Operations in Grades 6-8
Navigating Through Probability in Grades 6-8
Nelson Math Focus 8
This resource consists of a full-colour student text and a 12-booklet teacher resource.
Nelson Math Focus 8. Student Book
Nelson Math Focus 8. Student Workbook
Nelson Math Focus 8. Teacher's Resource

Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 7-9 (WNCP)
The resources in this series provide a range of open questions that cover the various parts of a problem-solving lesson. These questions may be used to discuss math concepts, to provide practice for concepts and skills, to create extra challenges for students or to act as models for developing your own open questions. Each book in the series focuses on a specific strand: Number, Patterns and Relations/Statistics and Probability and Shape and Space.
Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 7-9, Number Strand
Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 7-9, Patterns and Relations, Statistics and Probability
Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons. Grades 7-9, Shape and Space
What are additional resources?
Additional Resources
Additional resources also complement the curriculum in an effective way and are of the same variety as core resources. However, where funds are limited, educators are advised to start by purchasing core resources.

All of the Above
Four inner-city students decide to build the world's largest tetrahedron. The story is told through many characters in the story. The four students are Sharice, James, Rhondell and Marcel. The connector between the students and the community is Mr. Collins, the teacher, who had the idea for the tetrahedron project.
The story is based on a true event. In 2002, four students in Cleveland, Ohio built the world's largest tetrahedron, using 16,384 tetrahedrons. At the end of the book is an author's note on the project and a reader's guide.
The story is based on a true event. In 2002, four students in Cleveland, Ohio built the world's largest tetrahedron, using 16,384 tetrahedrons. At the end of the book is an author's note on the project and a reader's guide.
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Children Are Mathematical Problem Solvers
Emphasizing problem solving as the foundation of mathematical understanding, the 29 activities challenge students to reason and communicate their understandings. Originating from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics journals, these activities stretch beyond translation problems to offer authentic tasks that can be solved using varying methods. The open-ended problems stem from a range of strands and the resource guides teachers through sample questions, examples of students' work and assessment techniques.
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Extending the Challenge in Mathematics: Developing Mathematical Promise in K-8 Students
Presenting engaging problems that are context and content based, the author demonstrates methods for developing mathematical understanding. Each investigation includes open-ended questions to guide mathematical communication and probing assessment questions. This resource explores problem-solving activities for each of the strands.

G is for Googol: A Math Alphabet Book
This book highlights one or more mathematical concepts, ideas or symbols for each letter of the alphabet. It offers a thorough description of each term, often with possible connections to other topics. As well, interesting (and sometimes humourous) examples are included. A table of contents and a glossary are provided.
Good Questions for Math Teaching. Grades 5-8: Why Ask Them and What to Ask
This book continues from the previous title (K-6) to promote open-ended mathematical questions. Part One explores the nature of good questioning. Part Two provides a brief description of how to use the book to support mathematical instruction and investigation. Part Three consists of numerous questions to use in math class that help students to explore number relationships, multiplication and proportional reasoning, fractions, decimals, percents, geometry, algebraic thinking, data analysis and probability and measurement.
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It All Adds Up!: Engaging 8-to-12-Year-Olds in Math Investigations
This resource encourages teachers to approach problem solving through student interaction and discussion. The main exploration involves number patterns with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The classroom environment and suggested activities are conducive to group work. The rationale for this approach is explained.

Lessons for Algebraic Thinking. Grades 6-8
Lessons for Algebraic Thinking fosters the development of algebraic thinking. Each chapter is organized into several sections: an overview of the lesson, the background of the mathematics fundamental to the lesson, a list of vocabulary terms, a detailed procedure, the required materials and samples of students work. A foundation for algebraic thinking is developed through activities focused on the creation and recognition of numerical and geometric patterns. The lessons support student achievement of several learning outcomes in data management and analysis, numbers and shape and space strands.
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Math Matters: Understanding the Math You Teach(2nd ed.)
This resource assists teachers to understand mathematical concepts and skills presented in the curriculum. Sections of this resource provide information on number sense, computation, the four operations, fractions, decimals, percents, algebra, geometry, measurement, statistics and probability. Following a brief introduction of each mathematical concept are activities designed to bridge theory and practice, a thorough discussion of the activities and an explanation of the relationships to other mathematical strands. This resource prompts teachers to question students at a higher level, explain ideas with increased clarity and build students' knowledge of mathematical relationships.
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Multiplication the Algebra Way: Activities Integrating Math and Science
This resource begins with the concept of how to understand two-digit multiplication. Numerous activities have the students explore compound areas created by base 10 blocks to determine the component areas, total areas and dimensions of both. Over a series of activities, these three ideas are related to two-digit multiplication, and the distributive property. Later activities expand these ideas into decimal fractions, fractions and algebraic situations, including the factoring of quadratic expressions. Each activity promotes a deeper understanding of multiplication without placing emphasis on drill, memorization or formulas.
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Of Numbers and Stars: The Story of Hypatia
Raised during the fourth century C.E. in Alexandria, Egypt, Hypatia became an authority in mathematics. Hypatia's father, Theon, believed that she should be educated the same as a boy. Theon was a professor at the university and taught Hypatia all that he knew. Hypatia became fascinated with numbers after watching Theon write number sentences. Other scholars sought Hypatia's opinions on mathematics, science or philosophy.
The book includes a bibliography, a brief description of the word "mathematics" and an author's note about Hypatia.
The book includes a bibliography, a brief description of the word "mathematics" and an author's note about Hypatia.
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Out of the Labyrinth: Setting Mathematics Free
Written as a guide for parents and educators, this book argues that math should be taught as the highest form of intellectual play rather than as a step-by-step acquisition of skills and facts. The authors emphasize that mathematics is meant to be explored and that it does not require special talent or ability.

Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society
The Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society is a professional growth network of the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation. The purpose of the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society is to foster excellence in mathematics education in elementary, middle, secondary and post-secondary education.
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Record posted/updated:
May 15, 2020

Stories of Courage: Saskatchewan Second World War Veterans Remember
This series of eight videos presents the personal stories of 17 Saskatchewan residents who served during the World War II.
Supporting the Troops. Episode 6
Training and Preparing for War. Episode 1
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Record posted/updated:
August 24, 2021
Teaching Mathematics Through Problem Solving. Grades 6-12
This volume and its companion are professional research-based resources that promote a problem-solving approach to mathematics instruction. This approach engages students in making sense of problematic tasks in which mathematical concepts are embedded. The writers address issues and perspectives related to this approach, provide suggestions to select and use appropriate tasks and learning tools and provide examples of the use of this approach in various classroom settings.
Teaching Mathematics Vocabulary in Context: Windows, Doors, and Secret Passageways
This resource for teachers focuses on strategies to This resource for teachers focuses on strategies to of mathematical language, and to enable them to use it when describing mathematical concepts and relationships across the strands. Concrete examples illustrate how teachers can promote mathematical understanding and reflection through discourse, writing and the use of vocabulary in context. Examples include the use of reflection, journals, homework and self-assessment.

Teaching Numeracy
This video shows educators how to encourage students to learn and develop their numeracy skills. The activities are designed with a clear purpose, helping students to explore and think for themselves, show strategies and gain understanding. Opportunities are presented for students to share their experiences and to learn from each other.

Uncle Norm makes a giant hole in his workshop wall to get reception for his "secret device." In order to fix the hole, he and Alanna check out tessellation designs - slides, flips and turns, to help give them ideas to create their own wallpaper to cover up the mess. This episode is about tessellations and transformational geometry (e.g. slides, flips and turns), which provide visually rich opportunities to explore geometry, patterning, spatial sense/relationships and the integration of mathematics with the visual arts.
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The Great Number Rumble: A Story of Math in Surprising Places
When the schools in Jeremy's town ban math, there are cheers from the kids. Jeremy's best friend Sam, sets out to prove that math is not only important, but also fun. In the chapters that follow, Sam reveals math's presence in everyday places, including sports (types of triangles determine how a bike functions), art (artist M.C. Escher combines math patterns with imagination) and nature (ants instinctively calculate dead reckoning - a navigation tool also used by astronauts).
Sidebars offer Jeremy's thoughts on concepts that range from chaos theory to cash prizes for new prime numbers. In the end, Jeremy, his teachers and the Director of Education admit that school minus math equals trouble. The book also includes brief biographies of seven mathematicians, illustrations, diagrams, a glossary and an index.
Sidebars offer Jeremy's thoughts on concepts that range from chaos theory to cash prizes for new prime numbers. In the end, Jeremy, his teachers and the Director of Education admit that school minus math equals trouble. The book also includes brief biographies of seven mathematicians, illustrations, diagrams, a glossary and an index.
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The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure
Robert's dreams transport him to a bizarre mathematical world. The "Number Devil" accompanies Robert in his nightly explorations of numbers and patterns. Their adventures lead to many discoveries and Robert's eventual love of numbers. Throughout Robert's dreams, the duo examines number concepts that include multiplication patterns, prime numbers, infinity, Fibonacci numbers and Pascal's Triangle.

The Pattern and Function Connection
Through study and analysis of patterns, this resource provides support for building logical understanding of relations, linear and nonlinear functions and function rotation. Authentic applications are posed in the suggested activities, discussions, journal topics and homework assignments.

The Warlord's Puppeteers
While travelling back to the Warlord's palace in ancient China, Chuan and his mentor journey across the desert with a troupe of puppeteers. An attack by bandits leaves the performers without their marionettes. Using a melon, Chuan fashions a crude, disproportionate puppet in an attempt to help his new friends. With his mentor's guidance, concepts of ratio and proportion are learned. Subsequent created puppets adhere to the Chinese art proportions of a ratio of one to six for the head to the body. This fourth book in the Warlord Series presents an authentic application of ratio and proportion concepts.
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Thinking About Linking
Uncle Norm explores congruent shapes, patterning, symmetry and simple transformational geometry. Using a simple doll pattern and specific paper folds (also known as a "generator"), it is possible to generate many concrete representations of slides, flips and turns.

Thinking Mathematically: Integrating Arithmetic and Algebra in Elementary School
The emphasis of this resource is on teaching for deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Using classroom examples, teachers are shown how to extend students' thinking in order to help them integrate and connect new knowledge with previous understanding. The authors show how relational thinking, making and representing conjectures, justification and proof have application in mathematics classrooms. Teacher commentaries provide realistic examples. End-of-chapter challenges offer ideas for problems and activities in class.
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Uncovering Student Thinking in Mathematics, Grades 6-12: 30 Formative Assessment Probes for the Secondary Classroom(2nd ed.)
The authors provide 30 formative assessment probes. The probes reveal common understandings and misunderstandings in student thinking in mathematics. The probes will assist teachers as they gauge students' prior knowledge of core mathematical concepts. These tools will assist educators to identify areas that require more instruction and to adapt their teaching to meet student needs.
What's Your Angle, Pythagoras?: A Math Adventure
Pythagoras travels with his father to Alexandria where they meet a builder named Neferheperhersekeper (Nef). Nef shows Pythagoras how to use a knotted rope to form a right triangle, a technique he uses in measuring square corners for cutting stone. Pythagoras experiments with this technique and observes the characteristics of right triangles. With time, a right triangle and some building tiles, Pythagoras discovers the mathematical relationship among the sides of the triangle and begins to use this knowledge to solve real-world problems. This book lends itself to a discussion of the problem-solving process and to a deeper understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem.
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What are other useful materials?
Other Useful Materials
Other useful materials are documents, lesson plans or classroom activities that teachers may find useful in supporting the curriculum, but that have not typically undergone the same formal evaluation process that is required for core and additional resources.

ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Online enables you to connect people, locations, and data using interactive maps. It enables you to work with smart, data-driven styles and intuitive analysis tools that deliver location intelligence. It also enables the user to share insights with the world or specific groups. The website contains a tutorial, links to suggested subjects and projects, lesson plans and activities.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022

Building Math Success Grade 8
The goal of this document is to support parents and caregivers as they promote positive math thinking. It also provides an overview of what Saskatchewan students will be taught in school in Grade 8. Each pamphlet is available in an 11 X 17 foldable format and as a letter-sized document.
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Record posted/updated:
August 21, 2019

CAMPUS is the National Film Board’s exclusive education streaming service available at no cost to all teachers and students in Saskatchewan and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022
COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Learning Supports for Families and Teachers
This document was created to provide support for parents/guardians when sharing information about the coronavirus with young and school-aged children. The document is also useful for early learning staff and Prekindergarten to Grade 12 teachers.
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Record posted/updated:
April 8, 2020

Continuum of Math Outcomes K-9
These continuums are organized by strand (Number, Patterns and Relations, Shape and Space and Statistics and Probability) for Grades K to 9. The Summarized Math Outcomes chart presents the curricular outcomes both by grade (Kindergarten to Grade 9) and by strand (Number, Patterns and Relations, Shape and Space and Statistics and Probability).
Continuum of Math Outcomes K-9 - Number Strand
Continuum of Math Outcomes K-9 - Patterns and Relations
Continuum of Math Outcomes K-9 - Shape and Space
Continuum of Math Outcomes K-9 - Statistics and Probability
Kindergarten to Grade 9 Summarized Mathematics Outcomes
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Record posted/updated:
October 28, 2020

Curio is the CBC’s educational streaming service made available at no cost to Saskatchewan teachers and students by the Ministry of Education and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022

Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity
This document will assist individuals and communities to engage in meaningful discussions and actions to respond to the experiences, perspectives and needs of students and families who are gender and/or sexually diverse (GSD). It will: assist school divisions, central office personnel, administrators, educators, First Nations and Métis organizations and community partners to develop a deeper understanding of gender and sexual diversity; assist in understanding the unique educational, health and safety needs of staff, students and their families who self-identify as gender and/or sexually diverse; provide practical strategies, suggestions and frequently asked questions to support schools and communities as they work with students to anticipate and overcome challenges related to transphobia, homophobia and heterosexism; acknowledge the shared responsibility of ensuring that all students who identify as gender and/or sexually diverse have the same opportunities for safety, socialization and success in schools; assist educators in planning curricular-based instruction and assessment to meet the unique needs of gender and/or sexually diverse students; and assist school divisions and First Nations and Métis organizations to fulfill their ethical and professional responsibilities to provide safe, equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students regardless of their actual or perceived differences.
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Record posted/updated:
February 13, 2019

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools: A Policy Planning Guide for School Divisions and Schools to Implement Digital Citizenship Education from Kindergarten to Grade 12
This document provides guidelines for school divisions and school-based administrators who are developing digital citizenship policies. It is not a prescriptive policy; instead, it offers a roadmap for building appropriate school division policies and school-specific digital citizenship guidelines and procedures. Tools to help teachers, administrators and parents as they get started on the implementation of digital citizenship education for K-12 students are also included.
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Record posted/updated:
September 8, 2022

Historical Learning Resources Updates
Learning Resources Updates provided an annual supplement to every subject-specific bibliography that supported K-12 curricula.
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Record posted/updated:
January 2, 2019

Historical Mathematics 6-9 Bibliographies
These documents are bibliographies of resources that were previously recommended to support the Mathematics Grades 6-9 curricula.
Mathematics 6-9. A Bibliography for the Middle Level (Grades 6-9) (1996)
Mathematics. Learning Resources for the Middle Level (6-9) (2007)
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Record posted/updated:
January 25, 2019
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
This student resource includes four units on entrepreneurship. Among the many topics presented are the following: understanding entrepreneurship; the manufacturing process, assembly-line pizzas, health and safety in the kitchen, cost-plus pricing, competitive pricing, business plans, team building, market research, trade shows, marketing and dealing with customers. The resource includes visuals, historical examples and activities that support learning.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship: Teacher's Resource
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Record posted/updated:
October 27, 2022
Introduction to Entrepreneurship: Teacher's Resource
Meant to accompany the student resource titled, "Introduction to Entrepreneurship," this teacher resource presents a program overview, First Nations pedagogy, community integration, teaching and learning strategies, tools for assessment and suggestions for a culminating project.
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Record posted/updated:
October 27, 2022
Introduction to Financial Literacy
This student resource includes four units on financial literacy. Among the many topics presented are the following: the evolution of the role of money; needs and wants; jobs and manufacturing; saving money; banking; responsible spending; and, budgets. The resource includes visuals, stories and activities that support learning.
Introduction to Financial Literacy: Teacher's Resource
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Record posted/updated:
October 27, 2022
Introduction to Financial Literacy: Teacher's Resource
Meant to accompany the student resource titled, "Introduction to Financial Literacy," this teacher resource presents a program overview, First Nations pedagogy, community integration, teaching and learning strategies, tools for assessment and suggestions for a culminating project.
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Record posted/updated:
October 27, 2022

Opportunities to Address Child Abuse Prevention Education and Response
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas
and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators
are noted.
and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators
are noted.
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Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation's Indigenous Resources Review Committee Suggested Resources
These titles have been suggested by the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation's Indigenous Resources Review Committee. Before using these resources in the classroom, educators should consider the sensitive, emotional issues related to tragic events in Indigenous history and consult their local resources evaluation policy.
Central Urban Métis Federation Inc. (CUMFI)
Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN)
Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan
Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S)
Teaching Mathematics in a First Peoples Context. Grades 8 and 9
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
September 30, 2021

Summarized Outcomes Across Areas of Study for Grades 6-9
This document is intended to assist teachers to integrate subjects across the curriculum.
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Record posted/updated:
August 4, 2021

Supporting Reconciliation in Saskatchewan Schools
This site has been created by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education to support school staffs to work together to expand their understanding of truth and reconciliation as well as the history and legacy of residential schools. It contains tools and resources to support important conversations and professional development opportunities.
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
February 22, 2019

Teaching Sensitive Content in the Classroom
The purpose of the presentation is to describe strategies teachers can use to approach content that may be perceived as sensitive in their community in order to:
- ensure the learning environment is safe for respectful dialogue;
- teach students how to think critically about any topic with an open mind; and,
- meet curricular outcomes.
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Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2022

The Adaptive Dimension for Saskatchewan K-12 Students
The Adaptive Dimension refers to the concept of making adjustments to any or all of the following variables: learning environment, instruction, assessment and resources. Adjustments to these variables are intended to make learning meaningful and appropriate and to support student achievement. In the
Saskatchewan context, differentiation is addressed through the Adaptive Dimension which enables all teachers to respond to student diversity, including their strengths and needs, interests, backgrounds, life experiences and motivations.
Saskatchewan context, differentiation is addressed through the Adaptive Dimension which enables all teachers to respond to student diversity, including their strengths and needs, interests, backgrounds, life experiences and motivations.
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Record posted/updated:
September 4, 2024

Treaty Education Learning Resource
The Kindergarten to Grade 9 Treaty Education Learning Resource is designed for teachers to assist them in integrating the Treaty content and perspective with Saskatchewan's curricula and is based on the inquiry method of teaching. It provides information about Treaties, First Nations people and the history of what is now known as Saskatchewan, as well as sample learning experiences, assessment ideas and suggested resource materials to support teachers in the development of their lessons.
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
March 11, 2020

Treaty Education Outcomes and Indicators
The Treaty Education outcomes and indicators at each grade level are designed to engage learners on a journey of inquiry and discovery. When meaningfully and thoughtfully incorporated into subject areas, Treaty Education moves beyond an idea to become actualized as a belief that benefits all learners.
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Record posted/updated:
February 13, 2019