Additional information for this strand is unavailable on this page. Please refer to the curriculum document for complete information about the strands in this curriculum.
Arts Education 2. Additional Learning Resources (2011)
Organized by strand, this list of learning resources identifies high-quality resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to complement the curriculum, Arts Education 2.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 4, 2019
Structuring Drama Work(3rd ed.)
The purpose of this book is to outline some of the conventions for structuring dramatic activities. The book sets out models so the use of conventions can be seen as part of a dynamic process that enables students to make, explore and communicate meaning through theatre form. This user-friendly resource is filled with accessible and adaptable working ideas and strategies for drama including descriptions of 100 key conventions grouped under the following headings: Context-Building Action, Narrative Action, Poetic Action and Reflective Action. The conventions offer starting points for further activities. The book gives clear advice on utilizing theatre as a learning process and planning drama to maximize involvement and learning. This resource is a practical handbook for drama teachers or anyone engaged in drama activity with students.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $57.95
Record posted/updated: November 26, 2019
Dramathemes: Classroom Literacy That Will Excite, Surprise, and Stimulate Learning(4th ed.)
This resource uses themes from a rich selection of well-known children's literature as springboards to drama exploration. In each of the 10 chapters, the "Drama and Literacy Extensions" section provides teachers with an array of ideas for establishing dramatic contexts and developing roles. Included are a table of contents and an index.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $24.95
Record posted/updated: August 29, 2020
CBC Digital Archives. Arts & Entertainment
Oscar Peterson, Karen Kain, the Group of 7, Bill Reid, Glen Gould, Leonard Cohen, Robert LePage and the Rolling Stones are just a few of the profiles that the CBC Archives has pulled together on this website. Each of the musicians, artists and dancers highlighted on the site have several audio or video clips illustrating their work as well as suggested classroom activities. In addition to information on individuals or groups, there is coverage related to topics such as censorship.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: March 23, 2020
Beginning Drama 4-11(3rd ed.)
This book provides an introduction for elementary level teachers who are new to the teaching of drama as well as to teachers who have taught drama before and have a special interest in this area. It offers step-by-step guidance to help teachers and children grow in confidence in their use of drama and it provides a range of strategies to help with planning, guiding and controlling a drama lesson. The last chapter deals with the issues of progression, continuity and assessment in introductory drama.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $70.50
Record posted/updated: August 29, 2020
Arts Education 2. Core Learning Resources (2011)
Organized by strand, this list of learning resources identifies high-quality resources that have been recommended by the Ministry of Education to complement the curriculum, Arts Education 2.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils
The education programs and resources aim to provide Saskatchewan rural residents with access to the same opportunities afforded urban residents in the development of visual literacy. Education packages from previous touring exhibitions are available as resources for teachers and gallery staff. These packages offer arts activity ideas and strategies for engaging audiences in visual art.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 13, 2017
Active Learning Through Drama, Podcasting, and Puppetry
This professional resource, written by an experienced arts educator and media specialist, demonstrates how drama, shadow puppetry and podcasting can be used as vehicles to meet cross-curricular outcomes. The book offers a discussion of the affective and academic benefits of this process-based work, as well as examples of lesson plans. Black-and-white photographs and samples of students' work illustrate the suggested techniques. Active Learning through Drama, Podcasting, and Puppetry provides a table of contents, a bibliography, a general index and an author/illustrator/title index of the resources suggested for use in the classroom.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $40.00 US
Record posted/updated: August 16, 2020
Lily and the Paper Man
At first, a young girl named Lily is afraid of a gruff homeless man who sells papers on the street. Later, as Lily snuggles down in her warm bed on a cold wintry night, she worries about the homeless man whose toes stick through his shoes. Lily discusses her concern with her doll and comes up with an action plan. This is a heart-warming story that carries valuable messages about caring for others and how a young child can make a positive difference in someone's life. The realistic-style paintings capture the various emotions felt by the characters in this touching story.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.95
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2020
The Bravest Knight
Originally entitled The Terrible Troll, this is a revised version of the story of a little boy who pretends that he is living in medieval times. In this imaginary adventure, the boy is the squire of a brave knight who fights dragons and trolls. In the end, the boy comes to a surprising conclusion - he is glad that he lives in this century! The detailed illustrations are colourful and humorous, although a few might be considered frightening.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $23.99
Record posted/updated: November 26, 2019
Responding to Arts Expressions
Responding to arts expressions is an important part of arts education. Viewing and listening are discovery processes that require critical and creative thinking in order to develop deep understanding of the arts. Throughout their arts education experiences, students are encouraged on a regular basis to respond actively to a wide range of art works from each of the four strands including dance, drama, music, and visual art. Students are also engaged in responding to films and other interdisciplinary forms of art.
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Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 14, 2020
Kou-Skelowh = We Are the People: A Trilogy of Okanagan Legends(Revised ed.)
Written in both English and the Okanagan language, this trilogy of original First Nations legends features: How Food Was Given, How Names Were Given and How Turtle Set the Animals Free. The stories are suitable for inspiring contextual drama as well as reading aloud and they will spark thought regarding the values of sharing, self-sacrifice and reverence for life in all forms. Barbara Marchand's colourful illustrations on glossy paper make the legends spring to life.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $18.95
Record posted/updated: June 13, 2017
Arts Education. Drama in Context
This video was produced to facilitate teachers' understanding of the approach to the learning and teaching of drama recommended in the Drama strand of Saskatchewan Arts Education curriculum.
The video shows excerpts of a drama in which a multi-graded class, students in grades 1 to 5 and their teacher, work together. It focuses on the range of ways that the teacher functions throughout the drama, highlights the students' work and attempts to capture the spirit of their drama. It also includes interview segments in which the teacher provides direct links between the drama unfolding on the video and the processes and strategies described in the curriculum.
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
This website invites people to discover Saskatchewan's vibrant cultural community, explore how the depth and diversity of culture and cultural activity are essential to this province and experience a sample of Saskatchewan's rich cultural life. The site provides access to news, resources, information on key cultural issues and more.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2020
The Great Fuzz Frenzy
Based on the award-winning picture book of the same title by Janet Stevens, the video begins when a fuzzy green tennis ball tumbles into a prairie dog hole. The arrival of the ball causes a great frenzy as the prairie dogs begin to decorate themselves with green fuzz and argue over who should have more fuzz. After a prairie dog named Big Bart steals all the fuzz, he is captured by an eagle. This crisis causes the prairie dogs to reunite and come to Big Bart's rescue, thus demonstrating the true meaning of community.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $75.00
Record posted/updated: December 6, 2018
Saskatchewan Arts Board
The Arts Board provides a wide range of services that enable Saskatchewan residents to experience and enjoy the arts. News, exhibitions, the permanent collection and links to other Saskatchewan art sites are provided.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2020
Aboriginality re-imagines the strength and spirit of First Nations culture through narrative mediums that connect urban First Nations youth to their rural ancestral histories. Dallas Arcand, world champion hoop dancer and hip-hop artist, is inspired by both new and traditional elements of First Nations culture. He plays dual roles in being both a positive First Nations presence in mainstream urban media and a touchstone to traditional First Nations roots and culture.
A teacher's guide is available.
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Museums Association of Saskatchewan - Museums Map
Using this online map, teachers and students can easily locate museums within Saskatchewan. The site provides the basic contact information, hours and links to specific websites for art galleries and historical museums.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: August 29, 2017
Canadian Museum of History
Access to displays related to the arts and culture is provided on this site. In addition, there are sections for students and teachers which provide teaching aids and selected learning resources, as well as information on educational programs offered at the museum.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: August 29, 2020
Saskatchewan Drama Association
The Saskatchewan Drama Association is a professional growth network of the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2020
Our World, Grade 2. Canadian Communities. Big Book
The big book, Our World, Grade 2: Canadian Communities, has large, colourful pages and uses visuals to engage students. Each lesson begins with a question to introduce an inquiry, with succeeding pages designed to fuel the inquiry. Each lesson also ends with a question to initiate further exploration of the concept. There is a student version of the big book to support and facilitate independent and guided reading.
•  Our World, Grade 2. Canadian Communities. Individual Student Book
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $299.95
Record posted/updated: October 19, 2019
Funny Feelings with Mooky. Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 30, 2021
Spontaneous Story with Jayden Pfeifer. Grades 1, 2, 3 & 4
Join theatre artist Jayden Pfeifer as we explore the skills of improvisation! Jayden will work with the students to exercise their improv muscles. Practice availability, listening, accepting, supporting, and creative expression in a supportive group environment. This active and spontaneous storytelling workshop will teach the elements of basic improv story structure. You will learn how to build narrative, invent fun and unique characters, and insert plot twists into your stories!
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: March 30, 2021
Les points de vue. 1e, 2e, 3e et 4e année
À l’aide des directives du programme d’enseignement de la danse, les élèves seront invités à trouver leur propre vocabulaire relatif aux mouvements, à créer de courtes séquences de danse et à explorer différentes dynamiques de la danse. Pour ce faire, le concept « les points de vue », conçu par Anne Bogart et Tina Landau, sera un outil d’inspiration utilisé pour ces ateliers. Les points de vue sont un guide pratique pour créer des compositions en utilisant différents points de vue pour se concentrer sur la création des performances. Les 9 points de vue de base sont : le tempo, la durée, la réponse kinesthésique, la répétition, la relation spatiale, la topographie (parcours), la forme, le geste et l’architecture.
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 26, 2021
Poetry and Oral Stories in the Classroom with ecoaborijanelle. Grades 1 & 2
Poet and performance artist ecoaborijanelle (Janelle Pewapsconias) inspires students to work on creative expression through the theme of "wellbeing" by connecting with their senses.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 4, 2022
metawe = To Play. Drama with Curtis Peeteetuce. Grades 1 & 2
We must continue speaking our Cree language. The revitalization of language and culture are vital to the rebuilding of community. In this workshop, educators and students revisit our mandate for play. Interactive elements include familiarizing ourselves with voice and body as we explore animal play of the Treaty 6 territory. These include bear (maskwa), eagle (kihew) and buffalo (paskwa-mostos). Language is also incorporated from a beginner level. As we choose to listen to the words and meanings of select Cree terms, we begin to understand how language is vital to identity. The workshop culminates in students playing animals and characters in an excerpt from Curtis Peeteetuce's youth play, kiwek, which is inspired by the film Jumanji. A talkback with students allows for post-performance discussion among the students and a chance to share what was learned.
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020
Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity
This document will assist individuals and communities to engage in meaningful discussions and actions to respond to the experiences, perspectives and needs of students and families who are gender and/or sexually diverse (GSD). It will: assist school divisions, central office personnel, administrators, educators, First Nations and Métis organizations and community partners to develop a deeper understanding of gender and sexual diversity; assist in understanding the unique educational, health and safety needs of staff, students and their families who self-identify as gender and/or sexually diverse; provide practical strategies, suggestions and frequently asked questions to support schools and communities as they work with students to anticipate and overcome challenges related to transphobia, homophobia and heterosexism; acknowledge the shared responsibility of ensuring that all students who identify as gender and/or sexually diverse have the same opportunities for safety, socialization and success in schools; assist educators in planning curricular-based instruction and assessment to meet the unique needs of gender and/or sexually diverse students; and assist school divisions and First Nations and Métis organizations to fulfill their ethical and professional responsibilities to provide safe, equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students regardless of their actual or perceived differences.
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Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 13, 2019
Treaty Education Outcomes and Indicators
The Treaty Education outcomes and indicators at each grade level are designed to engage learners on a journey of inquiry and discovery. When meaningfully and thoughtfully incorporated into subject areas, Treaty Education moves beyond an idea to become actualized as a belief that benefits all learners.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 13, 2019
Historical Learning Resources Updates
Learning Resources Updates provided an annual supplement to every subject-specific bibliography that supported K-12 curricula.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 2, 2019