Demonstrate understanding of patterns and the elements of music including:
  • same and different patterns
  • rhythm (e.g., difference between beat and rhythm, sounds and silence, long and short sounds)
  • dynamics (loud and soft)
  • pitch (high and low sounds)
  • texture (sounds heard alone or together)
  • tone colours (distinguish between).
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Use movement and body percussion to investigate and represent music patterns and concepts.
(b) Make same and different patterns using found objects, voice, and percussion instruments.
(c) Recognize and perform a steady beat and various grade-appropriate rhythmic patterns (e.g., clapping, stepping, and counting).
(d) Imitate, create, and respond to simple rhythmic and melodic patterns (i.e., ostinati).
(e) Investigate contrasts between sounds (e.g., fast/slow, long/short).
(f) Identify and respond to loud/soft and louder/softer sounds (dynamics) in speech, music, and the environment.
(g) Identify high/low sounds (pitch) in speech, music, and the environment.
(h) Sing a variety of grade-appropriate music, matching pitch with some accuracy (e.g., so, mi, la).
(i) Distinguish between sounds heard alone and sounds heard together (texture of one instrument vs. several).
(j) Distinguish differences of sound qualities (tone colour/timbre) between one sound object/instrument and another (e.g., violin vs. trumpet).
(k) Use grade-appropriate music terminology to describe the elemental characteristics of sounds (e.g., screechy, rumbling, high/low, and soft/loud).
Stomp and Holler with Scott Richmond. Grades 1 & 2
Scott Richmond presents a series of original and classic songs to get you moving to the music. Students engage in active listening by responding to verbal, musical and visual cues. Patterns, actions and compositions are explored collaboratively through collective dance and vocal expression. In addition to dancing, moving and singing, students also act out some songs to help bring the stories to life.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 4, 2022
Soundtracks for Adventurous Kids with Felipe Gomez. Grades 1 and 2
Felipe Gomez is an educator, award-winning musician and adventurer. His interactive music program explores the importance of music in daily life. He shares his multimedia performance, "The Adventures of the Cycling Fox," a fusion of live music, spoken word and projections of video animations. During on-air activities, students learn to observe sound waves, patterns in music, rhythm and pitch. Felipe also demonstrates body percussion. Students use what they have learned to create their own musical scenes, giving sound to their thoughts and feelings.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 4, 2022
Adventures of the Cycling Fox with Felipe Gomez. Grades 1 & 2
Felipe Gomez shares his multimedia performance, "The Adventures of the Cycling Fox," a fusion of live music, spoken word and projections of video animations. During the video's activities, students learn to observe sound waves, patterns in music, rhythm and pitch. Felipe also demonstrates body percussion. Students then use what they have learned to create their own musical scenes, giving sound to their thoughts and feelings.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 17, 2020