Explore traditional spiritual belief systems of Indigenous peoples in Canada.
Indicators for this outcome

Conduct an inquiry regarding the spiritual teachings and beliefs of:

  • the peoples of a selection of Saskatchewan First Nations;
  • Métis peoples of Saskatchewan; and,
  • Inuit peoples of Canada.
(b) Discuss the significance of the medicine wheel within Indigenous cultures of Saskatchewan.
(c) Investigate the Circle of Courage and tipi teachings as they relate to values, morals and lifestyle choices.
(d) Research various traditions and ceremonies of spiritual significance to Indigenous cultures of the local area.

Describe similarities and differences of traditional Indigenous spiritual belief systems and Christian spiritual belief systems, in areas such as:

  • foundational teachings;
  • factors which inform beliefs;
  • practices of faith expression;
  • roles of individuals within belief systems;
  • influences on the conduct of individual members; and,
  • responsibility for others in the community.