Investigate Christian beliefs and identity.
Explore the life of Jesus.
Explain the gospel message.
Analyze the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Explore the origins and structure of the Bible.
Examine approaches and methods used to read and study the Bible.
Assess how Christian people might live life based on an interpretation of the Bible.
Explore a variety of worldviews.
Engage in an action project that fosters a personal faith journey.
Explore the relationship between faith and doubt.
Examine the genres of the Hebrew scriptures.
Explore how the Hebrew scriptures reveal the nature of God.
Explain the concept of grace as illustrated in the Hebrew scriptures.
Investigate the history of the Christian Church.
Summarize key characteristics of various Christian denominations.
Examine how understanding various denominations can enhance Christians’ love for God and others.
Explore careers and vocations one might pursue within the Christian church.
Engage in an action project that fosters a faith journey in the local community.
Explore the concept of religion.
Investigate various world religions, including Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.
Explore traditional spiritual belief systems of Indigenous peoples in Canada.
Explore the New Testament.
Appraise how the New Testament can influence contemporary Christian life.
Investigate the discipline of apologetics.
Explore contemporary challenges and opportunities facing current Christian congregations.
Explore the impact of the Doctrine of Discovery (1493) on colonialism, Indigenous spiritualities and Christian religions.
Assess the impact of religion and spirituality on personal conduct.
Engage in an action project that fosters a faith journey beyond the local community.