Engage in an action project that fosters a faith journey in the local community.
Indicators for this outcome

Plan an action project of personal interest in the community (e.g., worship and prayer, mentorship and leadership, healthy relationships, service in promotion of equity and fighting poverty, environmental) including:

  • the purpose and goal of the action project;
  • the components within the project plan;
  • the materials or research necessary to actualize the plan; and,
  • financial or cost factors associated with the project.
(b) Implement the action project.

Reflect upon the action project, including:

  • how these experiences impact faith development;
  • what has been learned about self;
  • what has been learned about others;
  • what has been learned about the community, and,
  • what has been learned about God.

Assess the implementation of the action project in terms of:

  • achievement of the intended outcome; and,
  • effectiveness of the plan.
(e) Consider potential revisions for a future action project plan.