Engage in an action project that fosters a personal faith journey.
Indicators for this outcome

Plan an action project of personal interest (e.g., worship, prayer, mentorship, leadership, healthy relationships, service, equity work, environmental, poverty), including:

  • the purpose and goal of the action project;
  • the components within the project plan;
  • the materials or research necessary to actualize the plan; and,
  • financial or cost factors associated with the project.
(b) Implement the action project.

Reflect upon the action project, including:

  • how these experiences impact faith development;
  • what has been learned about self;
  • what has been learned about others; and,
  • what has been learned about God.

Assess the implementation of the action project in terms of:

  • achievement of the intended outcome; and,
  • effectiveness of the plan.
(e) Consider potential revisions for a future action project plan.