Create and carry out a plan to explore one or more topics of personal interest relevant to Physics 30 in depth. (DM, SI TPS)
Analyze the importance of relativistic principles and quantum mechanics in our world. (SI, DM)
Assess the effects of radioactivity and applications of nuclear technology on society and the environment. (CP, DM, SI)
Analyze motion in one- and two-dimensions, including uniform motion, uniformly accelerated motion, circular motion and projectile motion. (SI)
Analyze the effects of forces on objects undergoing uniform motion, uniformly accelerated motion and circular motion. (SI)
Investigate the nature of mechanical energy and efficiency in mechanical systems in relation to the law of conservation of energy. (SI)
Analyze the motion of objects and interactions between objects using momentum concepts, including the law of conservation of momentum. (SI)
Investigate gravitational fields and their interactions with matter. (SI, DM)
Investigate electric and magnetic fields and their interactions with matter. (SI, TPS)