Investigate opportunities in Canada to use and develop Spanish language skills and explore personal identity as a Spanish language learner.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Explain possible connections between language and culture.
(b) Explore summer work opportunities and practicum placements in Canada for Spanishspeaking students.
(c) Seek opportunities to communicate in Spanish at the national level (e.g., Spanish-speaking communities in Canadian social media groups, national Spanish language newsletters and magazines, Spanish-Canadian podcasts, videos and television, corresponding in Spanish with students from another province or territory).
(d) Research opportunities to further personal Spanish language learning in Canada (e.g., postsecondary courses, online courses, exchange programs and community language learning centres).
(e) Investigate scholarship, study and travel opportunities available to Spanish-speaking students in Canada.
(f) Explore careers in Canada for which the ability to speak Spanish is a requirement or an asset (e.g., federal government, translation, education, tourism and Royal Canadian Mounted Police).
(g) Participate in Canadian communities, programming and initiatives (e.g., Canadian Hispanic Congress [CHC], Canadian Association of Hispanics and Center for Spanish Speaking Peoples [CSSP]) that support the use of Spanish language.
(h) Reflect on personal language journey and aspirations for future language learning.