Spanish 10, 20, 30
Investigate opportunities in Canada to use and develop Spanish language skills and explore personal identity as a Spanish language learner.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) | Explain possible connections between language and culture. |
(b) | Explore summer work opportunities and practicum placements in Canada for Spanishspeaking students. |
(c) | Seek opportunities to communicate in Spanish at the national level (e.g., Spanish-speaking communities in Canadian social media groups, national Spanish language newsletters and magazines, Spanish-Canadian podcasts, videos and television, corresponding in Spanish with students from another province or territory). |
(d) | Research opportunities to further personal Spanish language learning in Canada (e.g., postsecondary courses, online courses, exchange programs and community language learning centres). |
(e) | Investigate scholarship, study and travel opportunities available to Spanish-speaking students in Canada. |
(f) | Explore careers in Canada for which the ability to speak Spanish is a requirement or an asset (e.g., federal government, translation, education, tourism and Royal Canadian Mounted Police). |
(g) | Participate in Canadian communities, programming and initiatives (e.g., Canadian Hispanic Congress [CHC], Canadian Association of Hispanics and Center for Spanish Speaking Peoples [CSSP]) that support the use of Spanish language. |
(h) | Reflect on personal language journey and aspirations for future language learning. |