Apply artistic voice with purpose.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Apply skills and strategies to express own voice through the arts.
(b) Reflect on own ideas and development of artistic voice.
(c) Set goals for growth and development of personal expression.
(d) Express point of view through selected arts discipline.
(e) Respond to the perspectives and artistic voices of others.
(f) Refine own work to develop voice.
(g) Document own work (e.g., process portfolios, evidence, digital).
(h) Discuss the role of the arts in developing self understanding.
(i) Identify personal style leading to personal voice.
(j) Reflect on the value of art and share perspectives with others.
(k) Research career opportunities within the community and beyond to continue the artistic journey.
(l) Discuss ways to continue engaging with the arts (e.g., professional, community member).
Principles of Music (2nd ed.)
This professional resource provides a very detailed and sequential approach to the teaching of music theory. It describes theory and harmony from basic to very advanced levels. Concepts such as scales and keys, intervals and chords are explored. Practice exercises and links to recordings are provided.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $89.99
Record posted/updated: December 8, 2021
Culturally Sensitive Art Education in a Global World: A Handbook for Teachers
This teacher resource outlines lessons, topics, and themes associated with harmonious and collaborative interactions through culturally sensitive art education practices. There are questions and activities in each chapter to provide further consideration and investigation.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022
Life Drawing: A Sketch and Textbook
This book is a combination of an instructional book and a sketchbook that guides the user through processes of drawing. Each project is explained step-by-step and is designed to build proficiency, understanding and skill in the art of drawing.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022
The Art of Graphic Communication
This book explores the history of graphic design from ancient forms of public communication to its use in social media and virtual reality.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022