Investigate creative processes for producing arts expressions.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Explore a range of creative processes (e.g., choreographers, composers, visual artists, theatre directors, filmmakers, writers, designers).
(b) Identify potential sources of inspiration (e.g., work of other artists, local environment, current event) to use as starting points for creative work.
(c) Generate questions, drawing on sources of inspiration, to engage in artistic inquiry (e.g., How can we artistically express our views on recent events? How could we play or compose in a style similar to an artist that inspires us?).
(d) Determine how inquiry and creative exploration will be documented for potential sharing and/or assessment (e.g., video, journal notes, digital portfolio).
(e) Identify artistic skills and techniques that could be further developed through creative inquiry and set goals for personal growth (e.g., What do I want to learn or improve from this exploration/experience?).
(f) Reflect on artistic work and personal growth throughout creative processes.
Decorative Arts
This book provides an overview of furniture, decorations, clothing and housewares that people have created and used across time and place. It shows how culture, politics and place have affected creative processes and artwork throughout history and around the world. This resource also includes a glossary of key terms and a list of books and websites for further study.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022
Frank Lloyd Wright. Force of Nature
This resource is a biography of American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, covering his personal and professional life, his innovative designs and his influence on architecture.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022
Postmodern Artists: Creators of a Cultural Movement
This book guides the reader through the challenging topic of defining and explaining Postmodernism. It includes art examples, artist explorations, brief biographies and thematic discussions.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022
Culturally Sensitive Art Education in a Global World: A Handbook for Teachers
This teacher resource outlines lessons, topics, and themes associated with harmonious and collaborative interactions through culturally sensitive art education practices. There are questions and activities in each chapter to provide further consideration and investigation.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022
Life Drawing: A Sketch and Textbook
This book is a combination of an instructional book and a sketchbook that guides the user through processes of drawing. Each project is explained step-by-step and is designed to build proficiency, understanding and skill in the art of drawing.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022
Red Man Laughing
This resource is a podcast that provides interviews highlighting Indigenous culture and contemporary issues in terms of artistic expression.
Media and Formats : Website Other
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 27, 2022
The Art of Graffiti
This book explores the world of graffiti, highlighting the history and current context of the art form, with well written and detailed investigations into artists and their styles.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022
The Art of Graphic Communication
This book explores the history of graphic design from ancient forms of public communication to its use in social media and virtual reality.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022
The Art of Gouache: An Inspiring and Practical Guide to Painting with This Exciting Medium
This book is a guide to painting with gouache. It offers tips, techniques and various projects with visual steps to assist the user.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022