Explore Deaf culture in the world by examining historical and contemporary elements of Deaf culture and investigating the cultural and linguistic diversity of Deaf culture.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Formulate questions about elements of Deaf culture such as “How does language help build relationships and a sense of community?” and conduct a student-led inquiry to find answers.
(b) Participate in, and help facilitate, activities and experiences involving the Deaf community and Deaf culture.
(c) Explore how society’s perceptions of people who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing have changed over time and relate how they are reflected in the evolution of supports available to the Deaf community.
(d) Compare aspects of students’ other languages and ASL, identifying how and why languages borrow from one another.
(e) Identify elements of Deaf culture (e.g., key historical events) and their influence on contemporary ways of life and cultural values.
(f) Apply knowledge of diverse elements of Deaf culture in interactions with people who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing.