Select, use and reflect on basic strategies to interpret American Sign Language messages. (* For further information and suggestions for additional strategies, see Appendix A.)
Select, use and reflect on basic strategies to begin expressing oneself in American Sign Language. (* For further information and suggestions for additional strategies, see Appendix A.)
Construct, with support, the meaning of simple signed texts in American Sign Language.
Produce, with support, simple signed texts that demonstrate basic understanding of American Sign Language. (*For further information and suggestions for additional grammatical elements, see Appendix B.)
Apply knowledge of American Sign Language, in predictable situations and for basic purposes, to receive information, extend knowledge of the world, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Apply knowledge of American Sign Language, in predictable situations and for basic purposes, to impart information, share emotions and personal perspectives, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Explore Deaf culture in Saskatchewan by examining historical and contemporary elements of Deaf culture and investigating the cultural and linguistic diversity of Deaf culture.
Research and share findings about personal and career opportunities available within the Deaf community in Saskatchewan.
Select, use and reflect on a variety of strategies to interpret American Sign Language messages. (* For further information and suggestions for additional strategies, see Appendix A.)
Select, use and reflect on a variety of strategies to express oneself in American Sign Language. (* For further information and suggestions for additional strategies, see Appendix A.)
Construct, with some support, the meaning of signed texts in American Sign Language.
Produce, with some support, signed texts that demonstrate understanding of American Sign Language. (*For further information and suggestions for additional grammatical elements, see Appendix B.)
Apply knowledge of American Sign Language, in familiar situations and for a variety of purposes, to receive information, extend knowledge of the world, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Apply knowledge of American Sign Language, in familiar situations and for a variety of purposes, to impart information, share emotions and personal perspectives, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Explore Deaf culture in Canada by examining historical and contemporary elements of Deaf culture and investigating the cultural and linguistic diversity of Deaf culture.
Research and share findings about personal and career opportunities available within the Deaf community in Canada.
ST30.1 Select, use and assess a variety of strategies to interpret American Sign Language messages. (* For further information and suggestions for additional strategies, see Appendix A.)
Select, use and assess a variety of strategies to express oneself in American Sign Language. (* For further information and suggestions for additional strategies, see Appendix A.)
Construct, independently, the meaning of a variety of signed texts in American Sign Language.
Produce, independently, a variety of signed texts in American Sign Language. (*For further information and suggestions for additional grammatical elements, see Appendix B.)
Apply knowledge of American Sign Language, in a familiar and unfamiliar situations and for a variety of purposes to receive information, extend knowledge of the world, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Apply knowledge of American Sign Language, in familiar and unfamiliar situations and for a variety of purposes, to impart information, share emotions and personal perspectives, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Explore Deaf culture in the world by examining historical and contemporary elements of Deaf culture and investigating the cultural and linguistic diversity of Deaf culture.
Research and share findings about personal and career opportunities available within the global Deaf community.