Apply knowledge of American Sign Language, in familiar and unfamiliar situations and for a variety of purposes, to impart information, share emotions and personal perspectives, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Express thoughts and ideas on familiar and unfamiliar topics such as global events and issues or journeys with growing fluency by coherently linking phrases and sentences together.
(b) Provide suggestions, advice, warnings and feedback in a variety of situations.
(c) Inquire about and express in conversations: agreement and disagreement; approval and disapproval; interest and lack of interest; and, satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
(d) Describe personal experiences and predictions about the past, present or future.
(e) Narrate and retell others’ stories or create unique narratives with the aid of various visual mediums such as dramatization, art or displays.
(f) Conduct research to respond to inquiry questions such as “What are the reasons that cultures and individuals create narratives of their experiences?”.
(g) Present a factual report on a chosen topic, supported with researched information and visual aids that add to its effectiveness for a particular audience.
(h) Persuade others to support a position on global events or issues through the use of definitions, comparisons and examples.
(i) Facilitate and contribute to group work by soliciting and offering ideas, seeking input and reformulating others’ ideas to enable consensus.
(j) Use ASL creatively and fluently for aesthetic purposes, to express humour and for personal enjoyment.