Construct, independently, the meaning of a variety of signed texts in American Sign Language.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Watch, interpret and comprehend fluently signed texts in familiar and unfamiliar contexts such as global community and history or celebrating language and culture.
(b) Demonstrate an understanding of the five parameters of ASL (handshape, movement, palm orientation, location and facial expression) to interpret the meaning of different signs.
(c) Recognize several common variations in signing (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity) and effectively interpret non-manual markers (e.g., facial expressions and body language) to aid in interpreting information and feelings.
(d) Apply important social conventions in everyday interactions (e.g., turn-taking, calling for attention, interpersonal space).
(e) View and understand multiple visual elements in a variety of media.
(f) Analyze the organizational structure of a variety of signed text forms, including Plains Indian Sign Language, Langue des Signes Québécoise (LSQ) and Black American Sign Language.