Select, use and reflect on a variety of strategies to interpret American Sign Language messages.

* For further information and suggestions for additional strategies, see Appendix A.

Indicators for this outcome
(a) Use and reflect on a variety of metacognitive strategies* to enhance language learning, such as:
  • make a plan in advance about how to approach a language learning task;
  • reflect on the communication process, including attending and signing, by checking copied signing for accuracy and monitoring own sign production to check for persistent errors; or,
  • keep a learning log to evaluate own performance and identify which language learning strategies are most effective.
(b) Demonstrate and reflect on a variety of interactive and affective strategies* to enhance language learning, such as:
  • work with a friend to identify patterns and relationships in signs;
  • summarize the point reached in a discussion to help focus the talk and ask follow-up questions to check for understanding; or,
  • recognize facial expressions as an essential component of ASL.
(c) Practise and reflect on a variety of interpretive strategies* to enhance language learning, such as:
  • view a variety of video recordings to ensure exposure to regional, cultural and gender signing variations;
  • use knowledge of the context to aid comprehension and ask for things to be repeated in order to understand complex ideas; or,
  • mentally prepare questions and make predictions about new information based on prior knowledge and personal experience.