Explore Deaf culture in Saskatchewan by examining historical and contemporary elements of Deaf culture and investigating the cultural and linguistic diversity of Deaf culture.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Make observations and generate questions, using students’ first language, in order to gain an understanding of the Deaf culture.
(b) Observe activities and experiences that reflect elements of Deaf culture.
(c) Explore society’s perceptions of people who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing.
(d) Investigate the history of the Deaf community in Saskatchewan.
(e) Research the rights held by people who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing.
(f) Identify ways to support those who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing.
(g) Compare characteristics between students’ other languages and ASL.
(h) Conduct an inquiry on Deaf culture using questions such as “How does language enhance our culture’s arts and activities?”.
(i) Examine elements that reflect diversity within Deaf culture.