Produce, with support, simple signed texts that demonstrate basic understanding of American Sign Language.

*For further information and suggestions for additional grammatical elements, see Appendix B.

Indicators for this outcome
(a) Demonstrate basic conversational conventions (e.g., greeting, nodding in acknowledgment).
(b) Produce complete manual alphabet, basic ASL hand shapes and the numbers 1 – 20.
(c) Combine high frequency words and phrases to communicate with basic signed sentences in predictable contexts such as greetings, sharing basic personal information or activities in the home.
(d) Indicate intent of communication clearly using basic ASL structures such as questions and statements.
(e) Express meaning, in guided situations, using a variety of visuals and other media and communication forms.
(f) Practise, with the assistance of a model of specific linguistic elements, grammatical elements* such as gender signs, yes/no questions or cardinal and ordinal numbers.