Select, use and reflect on basic strategies to interpret American Sign Language messages.

* For further information and suggestions for additional strategies, see Appendix A.

Indicators for this outcome
(a) Use and reflect on basic metacognitive strategies*, with guidance, to enhance language learning, such as:
  • construct a plan for new learning tasks with the guidance of the teacher;
  • reflect on the communication process by checking copied signing for accuracy; or,
  • keep a learning log to gain awareness of which language learning strategies are most effective.
(b) Demonstrate and reflect on basic interactive and affective strategies*, with guidance, to enhance language learning, such as:
  • seek the assistance of a friend to interpret text;
  • repeat what someone has signed to confirm mutual understanding; or,
  • recognize common facial expressions as part of ASL communication.
(c) Practise and reflect on basic interpretive strategies*, with guidance, to enhance language learning, such as:
  • replay familiar self-chosen recorded video texts to enhance understanding and enjoyment;
  • use gestures, illustrations and contextual clues to aid comprehension of unfamiliar signs; or,
  • endeavour to read finger-spelled words as whole units rather than letter by letter.