Investigate the growth and development of plants, including the conditions necessary for germination. (CP, SI)
Analyze the interdependence among plants, individuals, society, and the environment. (CP, DM, SI)
Investigate properties of materials and methods of joinery used in structures. (CP, TPS)
Assess the function and characteristics of strong, stable, and balanced natural and human-built structures. (CP, TPS)
Investigate the characteristics of contact (e.g., push, pull, and friction) and non-contact (e.g., magnetic and static electric) forces. (SI)
Assess effects of practical applications of magnetic and static electric forces on individuals and society. (CP, TPS)
Investigate the characteristics, including soil composition and ability to absorb water, of different types of soils in their environment. (SI)
Analyze the interdependence between soil and living things, including the importance of soil for individuals, society, and all components of the environment. (CP, DM)