Analyze the health, economic, and social supports and challenges of addictions (e.g., tobacco, shopping, alcohol, gambling, Internet, drugs) on self, family, community, and the environment.
Indicators for this outcome

Evaluate personal knowledge in terms of what is known and what needs to be learned about addictions.


Determine situations where youth may feel pressured/tempted to smoke, chew tobacco, drink, gamble, or use drugs.


Evaluate and respond to sources of, and information about, addictions.


Determine and practise the communication skills necessary to clarify personal standards regarding addictions.


Examine possible consequences of addictions on the health of self, family, and community.


Investigate how addictions affect the well-being of the environment.


Distinguish between the responsible and irresponsible use of traditional, prescription, and over-the-counter drugs (including tobacco).


Assess family and community norms and expectations regarding addictions.


Assess community supports and services related to addictions.


Evaluate laws pertaining to tobacco use, alcohol use, drug use, and gambling.


Explore and describe the strengths within own family and cultural heritage, and of the struggles and challenges family and ancestors have faced related to addictions.

sâkîyıso. Understanding and Building Healthy Relationships: A First Nations Violence Prevention Teacher Guide
sākīyıso – Understanding and Building Healthy Relationships uses Cree/Nehiyaw cultural knowledge to support the development of healthy relationships amongst peers, dating partners, family and community. Indigenous languages, Tipi Teachings, videos featuring Indigenous youth and Elders, and the preparation and hosting of a traditional feast, support the development of protective factors that prevent violence against self and others. sākīyıso also provides a historical approach to explain the...
(More information)
•  A Way Out: sâkîyıso Unit 4 Video
•  I am the Bully 2: sâkîyıso Unit 3 Video
•  The Bystander: sâkîyıso Unit 2 Video
•  We Shall Remain: sâkîyıso Unit 2 Video
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 9, 2021
High School Confidential
This video focuses on alcohol and drug use in high school. Teens who abused drugs and alcohol discuss the negative effects on their lives and the lives of their peers including pregnancy, STDs, falling grades, stealing and even death. Other youth offer suggestions for healthier ways of coping with stress and peer pressure and for leading a happy, successful life (e.g., mountain biking, playing a musical instrument, hiking).
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $149.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Not a Game
Designed as a warning of the dangers related to drug use, this short program graphically portrays the harsh realities of using crystal meth. Addicts share their horrific experiences and a medical doctor bluntly discusses the extensive physical damage that the drug can cause. Not a Game also films an educator and her class as they discuss strategies for saying "no" to drugs and interviews with youth who were offered drugs and were able to refuse them.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $80.00 (single K-12 school)
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Rushing, Crashing, Dying: The Meth Epidemic
Using recovering addicts' stories, this DVD illustrates the potential risks of crystal meth use and addiction. A narrator explains various facts about methamphetamine and a researcher offers a graphic description of meth's addictive quality while comparing it to other drugs that are abused. The program also addresses several myths regarding meth. A teacher's guide accompanies the DVD.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $189.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Grade 9: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
Students research and study what constitutes a society. Students explore the historical societies of Macedonia, Rome, England, Spain, France, and Mongolia. Through the study of earlier societies, students analyze the impacts of empire building, territorial expansion and colonialism on various Indigenous populations. In their research, students compare the factors that shape worldviews including time, place, culture, language, religion, gender identity, socio-economic situations and education,...
(More information)
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Opportunities to Address Substance Misuse in Curriculum
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators are noted.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 18, 2019
Heroin, Opioid, and Painkiller Abuse
This book provides a brief introduction on the topic of opioid abuse. It explores signs of addiction, treatment, and recovery and discusses the opioid crisis and war on drugs. The resource includes a glossary, an index, and contains lists of American and Canadian organizations, websites and books for further research and inquiry on the topic.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $25.85 USD
Record posted/updated: December 17, 2021
Hallucinogen Abuse
This book provides a brief introduction on the topic of hallucinogen abuse and explores the historical use, treatment and recovery from abuse. It features sidebars and narratives from users in popular culture. The resource includes a glossary, an index, and contains lists of American and Canadian organizations, websites and books for further research and inquiry on the topic.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $25.85 USD
Record posted/updated: December 21, 2021
Methamphetamine and Stimulant Abuse
This book provides a brief introduction on the topic of methamphetamine and stimulant abuse and explores signs of addiction, treatment, and recovery. It features sidebars and narratives from users which provides context for the harm these substances cause. The resource includes a glossary, an index, and contains lists of American and Canadian organizations, websites and books for further research and inquiry on the topic.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $25.85 USD
Record posted/updated: December 17, 2021
How Changing Language Could Help in the Fight Against Opioids
This video clip from the CBC’s The National reports on an alternate way of looking at addiction as a disease, rather than a choice. It encourages the viewer to consider the language used when referring to substance abuse disorders and how language can either help or hinder users from getting the help they deserve. The interview includes two people with substance use disorder who provide insight into their shame and struggles.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 21, 2021
Drawing Hope
This graphic comic tells short stories of five individuals of different ages ranging from child to adult. Each story highlights struggles with learning or addiction.
•  Drawing Hope, DVD
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $6.00
Record posted/updated: July 12, 2021
REACH (Real Education About Cannabis and Health). Grade 9 Resources
The REACH (Real Education About Cannabis and Health) program is a resource designed to teach Saskatchewan students about cannabis and health. It has been created collaboratively by nurses, pharmacists, researchers, nursing students, pharmacy students, teachers, community partners and students to meet Saskatchewan students' learning needs in the changing context of cannabis legalization in Canada.
•  REACH Grade 9 PowerPoint Lesson 1: Understanding, Knowledge & Attitude
•  REACH Grade 9 PowerPoint Lesson 2: Physical Consequences of Cannabis Use
•  REACH Grade 9 PowerPoint Lesson 3: Social Consequences of Cannabis Use
•  REACH Grade 9 PowerPoint Lesson 4: Peer Pressure, Decision Making & Risk Reduction
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2020