Develop informed conclusions about the importance of leadership skills and health promotion in healthy decision making.
Analyze how the well-being of self, family, community, and the environment is enhanced by a comprehensive, community approach to safety.
Interpret, critique, and question the stigma associated with individuals, families, and communities living with/affected by non-curable infections/diseases, including HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C and for those who advocate for them.
Analyze the norms and expectations (e.g., community, cultural) associated with romantic relationships as a means to effectively plan for related health promotion.
Evaluate a variety of healthy food policies and plan to participate in the development, revision, and/or implementation of a healthy food policy (e.g., fundraising, feasts, canteen sales, extra-curricular events) in the community (e.g., home, school, arena, youth center).
Analyze the health, economic, and social supports and challenges of addictions (e.g., tobacco, shopping, alcohol, gambling, Internet, drugs) on self, family, community, and the environment.
Analyze tragic death and suicide as distressing community issues and appraise what supports and health promotions exist in the community to address these issues.
Assess the ways self, family, and community facilitate healthy living for people with chronic illness.
Develop and demonstrate the personal insight, motivation, and skills necessary to enhance and promote sexual health and avoid health-compromising sexual attitudes and behaviours.
Assess the role of health promotion in making healthy decisions related to comprehensive approaches to safety, non-curable infection/diseases, romantic relationships, healthy food policies, addictions, tragic death and suicide, chronic illness, and sexual health.
Analyze the health opportunities and challenges and establish personal health promotion goal statements related to comprehensive approaches to safety, non-curable infections/diseases, romantic relationships, addictions, tragic death and suicide, chronic illness, and sexual health.
Design, implement, and evaluate three eight-day action plans that demonstrate responsible health promotion related to comprehensive approaches to safety, non-curable infections/diseases, romantic relationships, healthy food policies, addictions, tragic death and suicide, chronic illness, and sexual health.