Assess the importance of self-regulation and taking responsibility for one's actions.
Indicators for this outcome

Identify strategies for being calm and quiet/silent (e.g., deep breath, imagery, relax muscles, self-talk, smudging, reflection).


Practise, in a variety of authentic contexts, being calm, quiet/silent, content, and free from extraneous external distractions.


Recognize and describe varying levels of intensity of personal feelings.


Reflect on examples when one did and did not "own" personal thoughts, words, and actions (e.g., lied to avoid consequences).


Demonstrate the skills and confidences to admit "wrongdoing", apologize when wrong, and recognize ways to rectify mistakes or wrongdoing.


Determine the automatic regulation that is often beyond our awareness (e.g., hungry – we seek food, fear – we prepare to fight or flee).


Compare scenarios where individuals do/do not self-regulate and the impact on self and others.


Examine the influences on self-regulation, including that which comes from adults in the environment.


Determine that all choices/decisions have consequences.


Analyze the rights that go along with personal responsibilities.

The Moon Children
Billy, who has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and has been deserted by his father, becomes friends with Natasha, an adopted Romanian girl, who keeps a journal of the phases of the moon. Billy and Natasha grow to be the type of friends who encourage and strengthen each other and Billy requires much encouragement and strength when he decides to enter a talent contest. When things do not turn out the way Billy anticipated, he must make a decision about what is important in life.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $11.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Raven Power
Raven identifies, through several scenarios, that the men and boys in the community take the women and girls for granted and show lack of respect for them. The women go on a week-long retreat, and only Jacob seems able to make coffee, cook meals and keep things running. Raven and Chief Big Sky negotiate to bring the women back, make everyone happier and strengthen the community. This is a humorous and inspiring video in which a young girl takes responsibility to do something about a problem i...
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Grade 5: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
Students will continue their exploration of rules and societal order to the workings of the various governing systems in Canada, including First Nations and Métis governance and those patterned on the Westminster parliamentary systems. Students will extend their understanding of the impact of the differing levels of government and develop a greater understanding of the nature of the treaty relationships between the First Nations and Canada's federal government. Finally, students will examine ...
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Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
We're Growing Up!
We're Growing Up! is a co-educational program designed for both boys and girls. The narrators talk comfortably and matter-of-factly about human growth. They cover growth patterns (starting with a baby's rapid growth in the womb) and move quickly through childhood to adolescence. A review of male and female anatomy, sexual development and an emphasis on responsible choices will be points for classroom discussion. A teacher's guide is available.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $39.95 USD
Record posted/updated: December 14, 2021
Health & Wellness Grade 5. Student Edition (Canadian ed.)
This student resource focuses on 10 life skills that students need to become health literate, maintain and improve health, prevent disease and reduce health-related risk behaviours. Each of the seven chapters opens with questions developed to tap prior knowledge, clearly highlights the objectives, utilizes appealing visuals and graphics, offers activities and provides chapter reviews. The resource complements the Grade 4 curriculum in the areas of healthy eating, physical activity, conflict m...
(More information)
•  Health & Wellness Grade 5. Teacher's Edition
Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : $76.33
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018