Analyze personal eating practices.
Understand the responsibilities associated with the physical, social, spiritual, and emotional changes of puberty.
Analyze how infectious diseases (including HIV and Hepatitis C) and non-infectious illnesses/diseases challenge holistic well-being.
Analyze the connections between personal identity and personal well-being, and establish strategies to develop and support a positive self-image.
Analyze the impact of violence and the cycle of abuse on the holistic well-being of self, family, and community.
Assess peer influence and demonstrate a readiness to prevent and/or avoid potentially dangerous situations involving peer pressure (including lying, substance use, and bullying).
Assess the importance of self-regulation and taking responsibility for one's actions.
Analyze possible obstacles and envision solutions to addressing health challenges related to personal eating practices, changes of puberty, impact of illness/disease, identity and well-being, violence, peer pressure, and self-regulation.
Design and implement, with guidance, two five-day action plans that embrace health opportunities or address health challenges related to personal eating practices, changes of puberty, impact of illness/disease, identity and well-being, violence, peer pressure, and self-regulation.