Analyze the impact of violence and the cycle of abuse on the holistic well-being of self, family, and community.
Indicators for this outcome

Review qualities of healthy relationships (e.g., respect, honesty, reliability).


Determine that abuse is used to gain or maintain power and control over another person(s).


Investigate the different types of abuse (e.g., physical, sexual, emotional, mental, spiritual, economic).


Ask questions and seek answers for deeper understanding:

  • What do the experts believe about violence being inherited or learned?
  • How is the "cycle of abuse" stopped?
  • Why is abuse more common in some communities than in others?
  • How are family/community norms about violence/abuse established and challenged?

Recognize warning signals of unhealthy/abusive relationships (e.g., name calling, blaming, swearing, acting jealous/possessive, destroying possessions, lying, humiliating).


Determine that a victim of abuse is never responsible/to blame for violent and abusive behaviours of others.


Examine and begin to question school and community norms regarding violence and abuse.


Analyze threats to personal safety at school, home, or in the community, and know sources of support or help.


Explain how to access local violence and abuse prevention services and supports.


Discuss possible challenges and solutions to accessing local supports and services.


Examine the possible short and long-term consequences (i.e., physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) of violence and/or abuse on self and others.

Don't Stand By
Witnesses to bullying are just as guilty as the bullies themselves. Using the video-diary format, viewers follow four young students who witness bullying and do something about it. Students see four ways a bystander can stand up to a bully: stop a bully together, talk to the bully, be a friend and tell an adult. Because bystanders are clearly a part of the bullying problem, these peer intervention strategies can dramatically decrease the incidence of bullying.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Topic : Bullying
Price : $189.00
Record posted/updated: July 15, 2020
Time Out on Anger: Learning Self-Control
Through four age-appropriate vignettes, young students are shown the basics of anger management. Each vignette demonstrates non-violent ways to deal with anger such as taking deep breaths, counting to 10 and talking about feelings of anger. The video stresses that while it is acceptable to be angry, it is never acceptable to hit, yell or break things.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $189.00
Record posted/updated: July 1, 2020
Are You a Bully?
Kids can be bullies and not even realize it. Viewers learn that bullies are not always the kids who hit or intimidate. The program encourages students to recognize bullying behaviour in themselves. Viewers are introduced to five different bullies including Mark who thinks that tripping others on the bus and being the tough kid in school is "cool," Abby who teases and taunts Lauren in dance class, and Nicky who didn't make the basketball team and consequently spreads rumours that Jimmy made th...
(More information)
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Topic : Bullying
Price : $189.00
Record posted/updated: July 1, 2020
Prevention in Motion: Preventing Abuse, Bullying and Harassment of Children and Youth
Tailored for adults, this resource clearly defines various types of abuse, neglect and harassment. It outlines indications of problems and their effects on children and youth. Readers will learn of the barriers and benefits to preventing violence and methods for proactively building safer relationships within schools and communities. Included are a table of contents and a bibliography of related resources.
Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Bullying Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : $20.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Kids in the Know K-9 Program Kit (3rd ed.)
This resource provides materials to teach and reinforce safety skills for students from Kindergarten through Grade 9. Lesson materials deal equally with personal safety and sexual exploitation. The program contains an individual teacher's guide with lessons and activities for each grade plus 5 storybooks, 3 puppets and 2 plush dolls. Materials may also be purchased by individual grade.
Media and Formats : Kit
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : $260.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Grade 5: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
Students will continue their exploration of rules and societal order to the workings of the various governing systems in Canada, including First Nations and Métis governance and those patterned on the Westminster parliamentary systems. Students will extend their understanding of the impact of the differing levels of government and develop a greater understanding of the nature of the treaty relationships between the First Nations and Canada's federal government. Finally, students will examine ...
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Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Staying Safe on the Internet
Through scenarios, an off-the-wall teen named Computer Chip teaches viewers the following rules about cyber safety: 1. Do not give out personal information to anyone. 2. Do not open emails from people you do not know. 3. Tell someone (a trusted adult) if you get an email from someone you do not know. 4. Do not arrange personal meetings with strangers you meet on the web. This resource can be used to examine cyber safety etiquette and related safety risks and strategies.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : $99.95
Record posted/updated: July 2, 2020
This website for teachers and students explores the prevention of child exploitation and cybersafety. It includes signs of what to look for if there is a suspected problem. There are downloadable teacher and student resources.
Media and Formats : Website
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 15, 2022
Frenemies: Unhealthy Relationships and What To Do About Them
Through three mini-dramas, viewers are shown how to recognize and deal with frenemies (i.e., people who engage in a friendship for their own benefit and are disrespectful, manipulative, or untrustworthy). The program addresses how to spot a frenemy, how to repair a problematic friendship and how to end a relationship with a frenemy.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $189.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Health Zone Series
Health Zone Series offer useful information on various health-related topics. Each book includes a table of contents, a bibliography of resources for further information, a glossary and an index. Another book in the series, Stay Fit! How You Can Get in Shape, complements the Grade 4 curriculum.
•  Stay Clear!: What You Should Know About Skin Care
•  Take a Stand!: What You Can Do About Bullying
Media and Formats : Book
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Help! I'm a Bully
Bullying is a learned behaviour that can be changed. In this program, the kids themselves discover their bullying behaviour and successfully change it. Three scenarios are enacted: Help, I Spread Humours; Help, I Leave People; and Help, I Thought It Was Funny. Viewers develop a real sense of the damage bullying causes to others and understand that it is not harmless fun.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Topic : Bullying
Price : $189.00
Record posted/updated: July 15, 2020
Dear Jo. The Story of Losing Leah... and Searching for Hope
Through the journal (i.e., Jo) entries of 13-year-old Max, this riveting work of fiction reveals how Max's friend Leah went missing after she and Max had been chatting online with strangers. Max tells of her guilt, her anger, her sadness and her efforts to help the police find Leah and capture an Internet predator. The book offers a section with valuable Internet safety tips for children and their parents.
Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : $20.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Gum in My Hair: How to Cope with Bullying (Version 2.0)
Gum in My Hair: How to Cope with Bullying (Version 2.0) updates the 2003 version of the program with new research emphasizing the roles of empathy and bystanders. This entertaining and upbeat video provides students with strategies for avoiding or diffusing bullying situations. An appropriate mix of interviews with middle school students who have been bullied, as well as interviews with adult experts, are woven throughout. The importance of confiding in a trusted adult is stressed.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Topic : Bullying
Price : $75.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Words That Hurt
The video offers an introduction by two teen hosts and three true-to-life scenarios about young students who are hurt by words. One boy is called names because of his dyslexia; a girl is gossiped about because her mom lost her job; another girl is rejected by peers when she wants to join a basketball game. All three children improve their situations by speaking up, by being assertive and by asking a grown-up for help.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Topic : Bullying
Price : $189.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Helping Children to Tell About Sexual Abuse: Guidance for Helpers
This book for educators and specialists is intended to create a safe space for children and teens to disclose or talk about sexual abuse. It provides thoughtful and insightful ways to start conversations.
Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 15, 2022
Five Ways to Stop a Bully
Bullies are everywhere, but that does not mean they should be tolerated. This program shows victims and bystanders how to stop a bully. Viewers are guided through five strategies: stay away, stand up, put on a brave face, talk one-on-one, and tell an adult. In each scenario, viewers see what happens when bullies are not stopped versus what happens when someone stands up to the bully. These effective strategies empower children to stop bullying and stay safe.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Topic : Bullying
Price : $189.00
Record posted/updated: July 15, 2020
Sexual Abuse: It's Not Your Fault
This video offers three vignettes of children who are abused by people they know including a coach, a peer at school, and a step brother. Through their experiences, these children learn that it is important to tell an adult they trust about the abuse, even if they are threatened with harm for telling. They also come to understand that the abuse is not their fault and that they are in charge of their bodies. Written thought-provoking questions are interspersed throughout the video.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : $89.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Why Do Bullies Bully?
After watching these four programs, students will gain a better understanding of bullying and build a stronger foundation when dealing with bullies. What is A Bully? What Bullies Do - What does a bully look like? What does a bully sound like? This program provides insight that helps students identify bullies and understand why and what they do. What is A Bully? Why Kids Do It - Some may think that being angry, calling names, and pushing people around is a normal way to act. This program d...
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Topic : Bullying
Price : $89.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Bullying. A Handbook for Educators and Parents
Based on research conducted in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Scandinavia, this professional resource from the Handbooks for Parents and Educators Series explores bullying within public schools. It provides insight into the short- and long-term effects that bullying can have on students, their families and teachers. Focusing on sexual bullying, homophobic bullying and bullying of students with disabilities, it offers insights on the social dynamics of the classroom, the hal...
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Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Bullying
Price : $43.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Health & Wellness Grade 5. Student Edition (Canadian ed.)
This student resource focuses on 10 life skills that students need to become health literate, maintain and improve health, prevent disease and reduce health-related risk behaviours. Each of the seven chapters opens with questions developed to tap prior knowledge, clearly highlights the objectives, utilizes appealing visuals and graphics, offers activities and provides chapter reviews. The resource complements the Grade 4 curriculum in the areas of healthy eating, physical activity, conflict m...
(More information)
•  Health & Wellness Grade 5. Teacher's Edition
Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : $76.33
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
The Internet and You: Staying Safe
Designed to make surfing the Internet a positive, safe experience, this lively video focuses on instant messaging, blogs, email, chatrooms, and social networks. In an entertaining fashion, The Internet and You conveys a serious message regarding online dangers such as predators, phishing, identity theft and cyberbullying.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Topic : Bullying Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : $129.95
Record posted/updated: July 2, 2020