Examine how design and compositional strategies are used by Saskatchewan artists, including First Nations and Métis artists, to convey ideas.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Assess the use and impact of design and composition in others’ work to inform own practice.
(b) Apply various historical and contemporary approaches for responding to an art work.
(c) Research and analyse how materials, techniques, location/site and technologies can be used to represent ideas visually.
(d) Examine and discuss art works that express personal and cultural identity, Métis and First Nations perspectives, and work from diverse Saskatchewan contexts (e.g., farming environments, urban pop culture, the far North, newcomer experiences).
Art in Canada
Published by the National Gallery of Canada to coincide with Canada's 150th anniversary, this resource profiles 150 Canadian artists, including those who were born in Canada or artists who became significant in Canadian art history. Works in the book are displayed on colour plates - some on fold-outs. The artists featured include: Paul-Émile Borduas, Edward Burtynsky, Emily Carr, Joe Fafard, Sarah Anne Johnson, Marie Lemaire des Anges, Norval Morrisseau (Copper Thunderbird) and Daphne Odjig.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $30.00
Record posted/updated: February 18, 2022
JJ Neepin, an Indigenous filmmaker, decides to recreate a portrait of her great-grandfather wearing his headdress to spark discussion on the weight and meaning of leadership, tradition and cultural appropriation.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 17, 2022
The Indigenous Art Collection. Selected Works 1967-2017: = La collection d'art autochtone. oeuvres choisies 1967-2017
This is a thoughtfully curated book that pays tribute to approximately 150 Indigenous artists whose works have been showcased in the Indigenous Art Centre. It is a collection of artworks displaying the mediums, techniques, and talents of artists from across Canada.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $25.00
Record posted/updated: July 19, 2021
A World of Artist Journal Pages
This book is a collection of submitted pages from journals and sketchbooks from artists around the world. It illustrates the diversity of approaches to idea development and artmaking.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022
The Visual Experience (4th ed.)
This textbook provides supports to teach and learn about Visual Art. The chapters include: What Is Art?; Engaging with Art; The Evolving Elements of Art and Principles of Design; The Power of Line, Shape, and Form; Sharing Ideas through Value, Color, Space, and Texture; Exploring Sound and Time; Principles of Design; Drawing, Painting, and Printmaking; Media Arts; Sculpture and Other Three-Dimensional Art; and Stretching Boundaries.
•  The Visual Experience. Teacher Edition
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022
Dawn Marie Marchand
In this DVD, Dawn Marie Marchand, a Cree and Métis artist, tells of her inspiration for making art. She also speaks of the mourning taking place in Canada regarding Truth and Reconciliation and she describes her pain while making objects.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : See distributor.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022
Art. The Definitive Visual Guide (2nd ed.)
This volume is a catalogue of art from around the world and throughout time. Each chapter discusses an art period with relevant examples from diverse regions. A table at the beginning of each chapter gives a brief historical context to the art period. The information is broken down into smaller commentaries regarding specific artists and artworks and their importance.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022