Assess what healthy eating and physical activity mean for pre/adolescence.
Illustrate how both traditional healing (including First Nations and Métis practices) and current Western medical advances have influenced the prevention and/or management of past and present health challenges (including mental health/illness, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, diabetes).
Examine healthy interpersonal skills and determine strategies to effectively develop new relationships and/or negotiate disagreements in relationships.
Determine basic personal responsibility for safety and protection in various environments/situations.
Examine how identity (i.e., self-concept, self-esteem, self-determination) is influenced by relationships that are formed with others.
Assess healthy stress management strategies (e.g., relaxation skills, stress control skills, guided imagery, expressing feelings, exercising).
Investigate the importance of personal responsibility and communication in making informed decisions related to healthy eating and physical activity, prevention/management of health challenges, negotiating disagreements, safety and protection, personal identity, and stressors.
Design and apply, with guidance, two four-day action plans that require communication related to healthy eating and physical activity, prevention/ management of health challenges, negotiating disagreements, safety and protection, personal identity, and stressors.