Leadership through Service Learning – Assess, through participation, how leadership in activity-based service learning benefits self and community.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Recognize the contributions that young adults have made to their community and province through activity-based service learning.
(b) Discuss what is known about leadership within physical activity (e.g., what leadership means; why it is important to give back to the community and province; what it means to be a mentor or an advocate in the community/province).
(c) Assess personal strengths and weaknesses in communication and building relationships with others.
(d) Examine how First Nations and Métis ways of knowing guide the development of relationships with others and the environment through activity-based service learning.
(e) Investigate leadership roles in a variety of activity-based service learning opportunities in the community.
(f) Explore the requirements (e.g., safe contact in football, concussion protocol and criminal record check) for individuals seeking certification in a specific leadership role (e.g., coaching, officiating and volunteering).
(g) Participate, in a leadership role, in activity-based service learning.
(h) Document personal leadership in activity-based service learning.
(i) Reflect on how participation in activity-based service learning has enhanced personal leadership skills.
(j) Reflect on perceived benefits for self and community from leadership in activity-based service learning.
Ref, You Suck!: Constant Pressure Officiating Crews Face
This video provides insight into the current atmosphere around officiating and the passion of those who wear the stripes. Examples of how athletes blatantly disrespect officials help underscore the importance of exhibiting respectful behaviours and modeling them for others to see. This W5 episode includes interviews with players and referees, and also has a segment on how technology has improved the referee's role.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $129.95
Record posted/updated: November 15, 2021
Team Building Through Physical Challenges (2nd ed.)
This book offers activities and challenges that support team building, leadership, responsibility and growth mindset and that are adaptable to various age levels. The book includes an access card to an online supports.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $49.95
Record posted/updated: November 15, 2021
Building Character, Community, and a Growth Mindset in Physical Education: Activities That Promote Learning and Emotional and Social Development
This resource illustrates how physical education can be used to build character and to enhance skills such as teamwork and collaboration. Included are ideas for over 50 activities, assessment and goal-setting strategies and access to additional web resources.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $40.95
Record posted/updated: October 17, 2020
Follow the Rock
This video shows how First Nations from across British Columbia have gathered over the past 50 years to take part in the All Native Basketball Tournament. The tournament opens with a four-hour ceremony, where each team proudly dances into the gym to the sound of traditional drumming and song. More than just a basketball tournament, crowds take part for the culture, the food and the community.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: June 1, 2022