CC B30.2
Create a visual or multimedia presentation that suits the topic, purpose, and audience; teaches others about a global social issue; and persuades them to act on the issue in a responsible manner.
Indicators for this outcome

Prepare and present visual and multimedia presentations:

  • Exhibit logical structures appropriate to audience, purpose, and context
  • Have a central foci and strong messages
  • Organize ideas in logical and appropriate sequences
  • Include smooth transitions
  • Use a variety of forms and technologies such as sound, photographs, models and understand how ideas are communicated through elements of design (e.g., colour, shape, line, texture, placement) and principles of design (e.g., proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast)
  • Provide logical and convincing conclusions.

Select, use, and evaluate deliberately a wide variety of before, during, and after strategies to communicate meaning when representing.


Apply accurately and effectively the language cues and conventions to construct and communicate meaning when representing.


Create and present a visual or multimedia presentation persuading an audience to act on an issue using presentation techniques most appropriate to audience and purpose:

  • Identify and establish that a problem exists (e.g., crime in a community)
  • Analyze the problem (e.g., what are the causes?)
  • Provide possible solutions (What has been tried? What has not been tried?)
  • Select a solution (What's best? What are possible future obstacles?)
  • Persuade audience to implement solution
  • Use digital presentation tools or other media to highlight the problem and point to possible solutions.

Select a media form to suit the topic, purpose, and audience for a visual or multimedia text, and explain why it is an appropriate choice.


Identify a variety of conventions and/or techniques appropriate to a visual or multimedia form, and explain how these will help communicate specific aspects of intended meaning.


Use appropriately a variety of audio-visual aids to support and enhance oral presentations and to engage an audience.


Use a visual as a basis for creating an analysis of recurrent themes and variations in a piece of text.


Analyze how media messages are constructed, for what purposes, and using which tools, characteristics, and conventions.
