CR B30.4
Read and demonstrate comprehension of a range of contemporary and classical grade-appropriate informational (including position papers, magazine and newspaper articles, and electronic communications) and literary (including drama, novels, poetry, short stories, essays, biographies, and autobiographies) texts from various international, including indigenous, cultures and analyze the philosophical, ethical, and social influences that have shaped information, issues, characters, plots, and themes.
Indicators for this outcome

Read and interpret a range of literary and informational texts written by international authors including indigenous authors.


Select deliberately and use effectively a variety of before, during, and after strategies to construct and confirm meaning when reading texts.


Use language cues and conventions of a variety of informational and literary texts to construct and confirm meaning when reading.


Demonstrate critical reading behaviours to analyze meanings, ideas, language, and literary quality in a range of contemporary and historical texts:

  • Establish a purpose for reading such as to learn, interpret, and enjoy
  • Skim, scan, and read closely
  • Identify the main ideas and supporting details of informational texts
  • Identify and analyze explicit and implicit messages, viewpoints, and concepts
  • Analyze the ways in which a text's organizational structure and elements support or confound its purpose
  • Identify and analyze persuasive techniques
  • Evaluate the accuracy (e.g., differentiate fact from opinion) and usefulness of information presented
  • Differentiate between literal and figurative statements and recognize satire, parody, and irony
  • Interpret allusions and symbols and symbolic patterns in literary texts
  • Test ideas and values.

Use knowledge from texts as a basis to understanding self and society by using literary texts for understanding individual and social issues.


Read historical and contemporary literary and informational texts to understand, appreciate, and respond to international and global perspectives.


Contrast major text forms and characteristics of major literary periods in world history.


Interpret, evaluate, and discuss a range of texts, identifying their language and literary qualities and considering the personal, social, cultural, political, and historical contexts in which the texts were created.


Read silently with comprehension for a sustained period of time.


Use note making and outlining to better understand texts.

Opportunities to Address Substance Misuse in Curriculum
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators are noted.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 18, 2019