CC A30.3
Present and express a range of ideas and information in formal (including a panel presentation and a business or community meeting) and informal (including discussions and collaborative work) situations for differing audiences and purposes.
Indicators for this outcome

Function both as a group member and a group leader and demonstrate effective group interaction skills and strategies:

  • Demonstrate commitment and flexibility in a group and to the team's and project's goals
  • Monitor own and others' contributions
  • Build on others' strengths to achieve group goals by collaborating and consulting effectively with others in completing communications tasks
  • Assume responsibility for roles in teams
  • Represent and promote respect for contributions of other team members
  • Apply a variety of strategies including formal decision-making techniques and consensus-building skills to solve problems and achieve group goals.

Select, use, and evaluate deliberately a wide variety of before, during, and after strategies to communicate meaning when speaking.


Apply accurately and effectively the language cues and conventions to construct and communicate meaning when speaking.


Create and present oral presentations:

  • Employ and exhibit a logical structure appropriate to the context, audience, and purpose
  • Group related ideas and maintain a consistent focus
  • Include smooth transitions
  • Support judgements with sound evidence and well-chosen details
  • Make skillful use of rhetorical devices
  • Provide coherent conclusions
  • Employ appropriate eye contact, speaking rate, volume, enunciation, inflection, and gestures to communicate ideas.

Prepare and participate in a panel presentation (findings from an inquiry) (e.g., dialects in Canada):

  • Determine what a knowledgeable, skilled individual or expert might know
  • Organize group effectively
  • Give an effective introduction (chairperson or moderator introduce the topic, the members of the panel, the aspect of the topic each panel member will address, and the overall thesis of the panel presentation)
  • Present, as a panelist, own section in a clear and logical manner by defining or explaining necessary terms, presenting ideas in logical order, and using and explaining examples
  • Connect different sections
  • Show thorough knowledge of topic
  • Present an effective conclusion.

Attend a formal meeting, note aspects of formal procedure, organize, and participate in a business or community meeting:

  • Practise the rules and procedures that govern business or community meetings
  • Present purpose of meeting clearly, and as an individual member present one part of the background analysis of a problem (e.g., history of problem, effects of problem, causes of problem, importance of problem, evolution of problem)
  • Prepare an agenda that lists the order of business (e.g., call to order, minutes of previous meeting, discussion on unfinished business, reports, new business, adjournment)
  • Present one part of the background analysis and bring ideas and voices to the discussion as well as own solution to the group problem
  • Participate in bringing items forward for discussion and decision (carried, defeated, tabled)
  • Follow formal procedures (e.g., Robert's Rules of Order) and acknowledge role of chairperson (leads meeting, sees that everyone has an opportunity to speak , takes the votes, and ensures that minutes are recorded).

Demonstrate a willingness to explore diverse perspectives to develop and modify viewpoints.


Assess the value, limitations, and ethical issues associated with collaborative work.


Interact purposefully, confidently, and ethically in a variety of interpersonal and electronic school and community contexts.


Recognize and adjust oral presentation elements effectively (i.e., articulation, pronunciation, volume, tempo, pitch, stress, gestures, eye contact, facial expression, and poise) in keeping with purpose, audience needs, and individual cultural and linguistic background.

Opportunities to Address Substance Misuse in Curriculum
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators are noted.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 18, 2019